Theodore Roosevelt
Elementary School
News from Mr. Chilson
January 14, 2014
Dear Roosevelt Families and students,
Our school year is moving along at an incredible pace! We will be finishing the second marking
period soon which means our school year is nearly at the half-way mark.
We will be very busy during the months of January, February and March and hope to take full
advantage of every instructional minute between now and Spring Recess to prepare for the New York
State Assessments for students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in April. Please help your child prepare for these
assessments and make the most of their educational experience by encouraging children to read
every night, complete homework assignments, look for ways to expand on learning done during the
school day, and keeping children well rested, healthy and in school on time each and every day they
are well. Punctual student attendance is very important to a successful school experience. Our staff is
working very hard to help each and every child to learn, grow, and improve but we can only help
students who are in school every day. Simply put, missed school time is missed learning that
cannot be made up.
We are looking forward to social events such as PARTners, our annual Father-Daughter dance, our
Mother–Son dance, the Odyssey of the Mind competition, 5th grade basketball play day and various
spring sports that are just around the corner!
One last reminder; Please make sure your children leave toys, loom bracelet kits, game systems,
IPODS, music systems, and POKEMON cards at home. They are valuable and may easily be broken,
lost, or stolen.
Please take a few minutes to review the reminders and information in this newsletter. As always, if
you have questions, concerns, or suggestions that would make Roosevelt Elementary School an even
better place for children to learn and grow, please contact me at 762-8280 or at
Mr. David Chilson, Principal
Upcoming Roosevelt Events
January 15th
January 20st
PARTners Begins at 6:00 PM
No School – Martin Luther King Jr.
Recess at Roosevelt
Our students go outside for recess whenever possible. We typically use 30 degrees as our
determining factor when deciding whether to go outside or stay inside at recess time. We also take
into consideration the wind chill, precipitation, and the condition of the play area. On some days we
may go outside for part of the recess period and stay inside for part of the period.
Please make sure your child comes to school ready for recess by wearing hats, gloves, boots, and a
warm coat.
Our Roosevelt PARTners will begin this Wednesday, January 15th and will be held every
Wednesday evening from 6-7:30 pm at Roosevelt. We have over 80 families participating in our
parent involvement activity this year! Families are asked to use the parking lot entrance and arrive on
time for PARTners each week as the entrance doors will be locked at 6:15 PM.
Our PARTners program is designed for current Roosevelt students and a parent. As much as we love
our “alumni” and middle and high school students, we ask that older siblings DO NOT attend
PARTners weekly activities. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
100 Book Challenge!
Most of our Roosevelt students have successfully reached or surpassed the 200 step line mark for our
100 Book Challenge program! Students should be at the following:
216 lines by January 17th
Please help your children to read for at least 15 minutes each evening and be sure to sign your child’s
log book. Students are rewarded with certificates for reaching 100, 200, 300, 400, or more lines!
Students are recognized on the morning announcements for their accomplishments!
Olweus Bully Prevention Program at Roosevelt
Our Olweus Bully Prevention Program kicked off one year ago and is still going strong! Classrooms
are asked to have a class meeting once a week to review scenarios and discuss strategies to help
handle difficult situations. We continue to remind students what a great school we will have when
bullying incidents are reduced to even lower levels.
Definition of Bullying:
“Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another
person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.”
Some examples of Bullying:
Hitting, verbal harassment, spreading rumors, not letting someone be part of a group, or sending nasty
messages using technology.
Bullying is NOT necessarily:
Single incidents of teasing, arguing, fighting, rough or tumble play.
Our School Rules about bullying
• We will not bully others.
• We will try to help students who are bullied.
• We will try to include students who are left out.
• If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an
adult at school and an adult at home.
Daily Student Attendance
Regular attendance by all students is probably the most important ingredient for student success in
school! Missed school time means missed learning that honestly, cannot be made up.
Students miss important discussion and explanations from their teacher, experiences and
opportunities with technology, and teaching and re-teaching that is critical to student learning. Our
new Common Core Curriculum is very challenging and every minute is needed for our students to
have the best opportunity possible to succeed!
All students should arrive at 7:50 AM and stay in school until dismissal every day they are well.
Breakfast is available for all students beginning at 7:20 AM each day.
We are very excited about our many, many students who have not been late or absent yet this school
year! Please visit our perfect attendance bulletin board for each month located in the main hallway.
We hope to see your child’s picture on the bulletin board for the month of January!
Daniel Armand, Veena Avdel, Naomii Connally, Gavin Decker, Khyra Green, Anastasia Grover, Azhane
Hanks, Braelyn MacLaury, Logan Ostrander, Briana Relyea, Quinton Root, Airiana Sessions, Kayleise
Spivey, Damien Survilla, Nicholas Yacko
First Grade
Jaelyn Agron, Malik Al-Salman, Zynobiah Brown, Avah Cosme, Makalai Davis, Farasama Elie, Achilles
Figueroa, Scarlet Galeano, Chane Hanks, Zahara Kone, Amanda Miller, Alexea Oliveri, Cheryska PierreLouis, Kiya Schmidt, Keavyn Viraphong, Logan Watkins
Second Grade
Bilind Amin, Samuel Armand, Emelia Brady, Marcel Collins, Julissa Davis, Emanuella Elie, Nathan
Fowler, Abigail Golden-Thomas, Zephrym Grover, Brookelynn McAlister, Jasmine Nieves, Afifa
Ouedraogo, Lucien Smith, Whisper Survilla, Lana Veletanlic
Third Grade
Aamir Abdallah, Kaitlyn Burke, Axell Camacho Cintron, Sasha Cook, Destiny Dupuy, Emanuel Elie,
Oscar Galeano, Myracle Griffith, Lashe Hanks, Dylan Heier, Samerah Jenkins, Tanayla Kadlecik, Arielle
Mahugu, Andrew Miller, Morgan Miller, Joshua Mitchell, Rejee Mohammed Saleh, JaQuece Moon,
Jordan Nieves, James O’Dell, Kendya Pierre-Louis, Nathan Rayburn, Mekhi Seide, Sanela Sero, Shanea
Skervin, Keyaan Smith, Rebecca Todd, Kayanna Viraphong, Braidynn Weiss, Brianna Wheeler
Fourth grade
Kyle Barwell-Meade, Khamren Chanthavong, Robin Conrad, Jesse Easterling, Nicholas Golden, Quincy
Grant, Kassandra Grover, Louise Hetzlein, Brendan Laurie, Olivia MacDonald, Joseph Myers Jr.,
Madison Oliveri, Demier Shuford, Mequenzie Wood
Fifth Grade
Grace Adams, Sierra Burlingame, Kycieim Cooper-Viraphong, Aviana Cruz-Maxwell, Aliah Galeano,
Rebecca Gilbert, A. J. Gordon, Janay Gregory, Madison Gross, Jalil Harris, Grace John, Jivon Keller,
Anthony Minard Jr., Jenna Mooney, Syrus O’Connor, Victor Rivera-Ramos, Dante Santiago Garcia,
Tahjir Triplin, Egypt Vannoy, Chiara Verhoeven, Adam Wayman
Roosevelt Visitation Policy
Parent involvement is appreciated and is a major goal of our school and school district. However,
interruptions during the school day are discouraged and should be avoided whenever possible.
All visitors should make arrangements and schedule appointments with teachers ahead of time and
avoid interrupting teaching and learning between the hours of 8:00 AM and 2:40 PM.
To ensure we have a safe, productive learning environment for all children, all guests must enter
through the main lobby doors, sign in at the Greeter’s Desk, and then report to the Main Office. As
an added measure of security, all doors to our school are typically locked between the hours of 8:00
AM and 2:40 PM.
Student dismissal is at 2:40 PM each day. Please do not ask the office to call children for early
dismissal unless absolutely necessary.
At 2:40 PM, all students are dismissed onto the Brownson Street side of the building. Please be sure
to pick students up promptly at 2:40 PM. In the event you run a minute late, make a plan with your
child to meet at a predetermined location, such as a pole near the dismissal exit.
Roosevelt Student are Stars
Our Roosevelt students are working hard to earn STARS for being CARING school citizens.
Throughout the months of January and February classrooms will be learning about what it means to
be CARING. “Caring is showing concern for others”. Some ways we can show we care for others
include being kind, sharing, helping, and giving. We can also care for objects, animals, and the
environment by respecting these things and doing our best to take care of them.
All students are encouraged to practice being caring today and see how many “Stars” they can earn!!
The classroom that earns the most stars will be awarded the “Classroom of Character” banner at the
end of February!
Also, be sure to check out our Roosevelt “Walk of Fame” in the hallway!
Many of our students have been recognized for being outstanding school citizens and for earning
multiple stars!
Remember our Roosevelt PTA continues to collect BOXTOPS for Education!
The Teddy Bear Health Clinic has a Flu Vaccines available!! Please call the Clinic if interested!!