Watch Episodes of a Program for Learning French

Extra Euros
French Club Activity
Pick up Euros from a French Club council member at the end of any activity
Duolinguo Badges
€50 per badge
1. Log onto and earn badges working on learning French
2. Find a time outside of class time to show Mme Gold the badges you have earned
Watch a French Film
What to do
1. Watch a film in French
2. Complete the requirements listed below on one piece of paper
3. Turn in to the basket
You may watch any film that is ORIGINALLY in French (not dubbed)
Please choose something other than a film shown in class
See a short list of films at under “Films”
Please note that many European films available in the US are made for an adult audience,
and there are often cultural differences in standards for what is or is not appropriate. You
and your parents/guardians are responsible to make a choice that is appropriate for you.
French I, II:
a. Write the title of the film
b. Write a short paragraph in English summarizing the film
c. Write down 10 French words you learned from the film and what they mean
d. Write 4-5 cultural differences or similarities you saw between the culture depicted in the
film and your own culture in English
French III
a. Write the title of the film
b. Write a paragraph in French summarizing the film
c. Write down 15 French words you learned from the film or while writing the summary
and what they mean
d. Write a paragraph describing 4-5 cultural differences or similarities you saw between the
culture depicted in the film and your own culture in English
French IV/V
a. Write the title of the film
b. Write a paragraph in French summarizing the film
c. Write down 15 French words you learned from the film or while writing the summary.
Describe in French what they mean.
d. Write a paragraph describing 4-5 cultural differences or similarities you saw between the
culture depicted in the film and your own culture in French
Watch Episodes of a Program for Learning French
€40 per episode
What to do
1. Watch an episode of any of the programs listed below
2. Complete the requirements listed below on one piece of paper
3. Turn in to the basket
French I, II:
a. Write the title and episode of the program
b. Write a short paragraph in English summarizing the episode
c. Write down 5 French words you learned from the episode and what they mean
d. Use each of these words in a complete sentence in French
French III
a. Write the title and episode of the program
b. Write a paragraph in French summarizing the episode
c. Write down 7 French words you learned from the episode or while writing the summary
and what they mean
d. Use each of these words in a complete sentence in French
French IV/V
Note: Muzzy is too easy for you.
a. Write the title and episode of the program
b. Write a paragraph in French summarizing the episode
c. Write down 10 French words you learned from the episode or while writing the
summary. Describe in French what they mean.
d. Use each of these words in a complete sentence in French.
Choose from the following:
 Muzzy
o Available from many libraries in the Salt Lake County System
o Available to watch online from the Salt Lake City Library (must have a City
Library card)
o You can buy the course, but it’s expensive
 French in Action
o You can buy the course, but it’s expensive
o You can borrow from Mme Gold
 Other (with PRIOR approval only)
Use French-Learning Software, CD’s, Podcasts, Games, or Apps
€50 Per 30 Minutes
What to do
1. Use your choice of software, language-learning program, podcast, online grammar or
vocab game for at least 30 minutes
2. Write down and turn in the following:
a. The name of the program you used
b. Where you found the program
c. 5 words you learned during the 30 minutes
d. A sentence for each of the 5 words
Programs—some suggestions
Rosetta Stone (available from a public library or for purchase)
Mango Languages (available on Salt Lake County Library’s website; must have a library
Pimsleur (public library)
Military’s language-learning software for soldiers:
o Headstart2 (for beginners):
o GLOSS (intermediate to advanced):
o WTE (advanced):
Podcasts for learning French
Games and programs available online
See “Practice French” at
Improve Grade/Maintain Good Grade
 Available at the end of 2nd and 3rd quarter
 Available if your grade improved 8% or more OR if you maintain a grade of B+ or above
French-language MOOC (advanced learners)
A MOOC is a free, open online course, usually with elements where you interact with
other students and/or the course instructor.
If you choose to pursue one of these courses, you will be improving your French by using
it at a real-world level to listen, learn, and write about another subject that interests you.
Participating in a MOOC (and having products to show what you have learned) would
likely replace some of your coursework in this class. If you are interested in pursuing this option,
please come talk to Mme Gold, and we will make some arrangements that best fit your learning
Please see the “Practice French” tab on for some