Assistive Technology Tool Kit Wow!! Online tutoring 24/7! This site has online math and science teaching videos (FREE) and homework help (for a fee). The I am Poem Algebra II can review the lessons and how-to’s. They have examples and Graphing Calculators. Geogebra is an ONLINE source much like Geometer’s Sketchpad but free and accessible to ALL students. EdHelper will create worksheets and answer keys. You can choose the specific lessons as well as how difficult the answers will be (fractions, complex numbers, etc.) I think my students would appreciate using this to create extra work on only what they are ready for. There are many Interactive, Online games that my students could use. There is one that compares fractions to pictures to create equivalent representations. There is an Estimation game that requires students to use mental math to quickly estimate answers. There is a number sense game that requires the student to know place value to create new numbers that are bigger than the given. This site has interactive tutorials to help students see step by step how to perform algorithms. Multiplication Facts Interactive Game This site had great explanations of topics in Geometry. I could use this for my students who are absent. They can see and read over the lessons. They can also use this as part of Tier 2 or Tier 3 instruction. Worksheets, Online Interactive Quizzes, Games Pixie is a program to create tessellations. Inkscape is a program that allows you to stamp to create tessellations. This site includes Tessi and GraphEQ To create math worksheets to PRINT… Examples of Proofs with drop downs for reasons!!! Like _____, it creates a collage of the words in the reading and makes words occurring more often appear in a larger font.