Meadow Green Primary - Creative Curriculum Coverage Year 1/2 – 2014/15 Cycle 1 TOPIC & VISITS Special Activities Toys *Think-tank – Toys from the past workshop *Teddy Bears’ picnic (linked to Famous Bears) Science *Everyday materials – naming and sorting. HOMEWORK PROJECT: Sensory collage Transport *Coventry Transport Museum *Severn Valley Railway *Wythall Transport museum HOMEWORK PROJECT: I-spy book Animals *West Midlands Safari park HOMEWORK PROJECT: Design a zoo in a shoebox *Everyday materials – suitability of materials. *John Boyd Dunlop (tyres) *John Loudon McAdam (tarmac) *Charles Macintosh (waterproof coat) *Animals including Humans *Steve Backshall (Animal detectives) *Hygiene *Exercise *Healthy food *Balanced diet History Geography Art *How are our toys different from those in the past? *Create a timeline of our toys. *Playground toys *Evacuation *Child labour – Victorian times *Toys from around the world. (continents, countries) *Use paints to make observations of toys—old and new. *Sketching of toys *Why do we remember George Stephenson (trains) /Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon)? * How have vehicles changed over the years? *First flight – the Wright brothers. *Transport from around the world. (continents, countries) *How do we get to school? *Local traffic survey around school. *Road safety. *Observational drawing of Vehicles — real and toy. *Photography of vehicles. *Animals around the world. (continents, countries, climates) *Human effects on physical geography – Landmarks. (Images from space) *Animal skin patterns printing *Self portraits *Animal collage DT * Make puppets Computing Unit 1.1 – We are treasure hunters (using programmable toys) Unit 1.4 – We are collectors (finding images using the web) *Make a vehicle for a particular purpose, using wheels and axles. Unit 2.3 – We are photographers (taking better photos) RE *Who was/is Jesus? *Easter/ Stories Jesus told *Family life – Jewish *Family life - Christian Unit 2.4 – We are researchers (researching a topic) Unit 1.6 – We are celebrating (creating a card digitally) *Fruit salad *Levers and sliders Unit 1.4 – We are collectors (finding images using the web) Unit 2.6 – We are zoologists (Collecting data about bugs) *Christian places of Worship Music PE (Outdoor) PE (Indoor) *Pulse and rhythm *Following notation *Sing songs about toys *Perform Christmas songs Games Gym *Ball skills *Throwing and catching *Netball *Rolls, jumps, balances, sequences, wall apparatus *Singing for Singing Day *Perform at Singing day *Listen to a range of music *Name, sort and play untuned instruments *How are instruments played? *Following notation Games Gym *Ball skills *Football *Hockey *Rolls, jumps, balances, sequences, wall apparatus *Exploring pitch using our voices. *Listen to a range of music * Name and play tuned instruments. *Following notation. Games Gym *Athletic Activities * Rolls, jumps, balances, sequences, wall apparatus Dance *Toys *Country dancing PSHEC *New beginnings *School Rules *People who help us *Getting on and falling out *Say no to bullying *Good to be me *Charity Week *Going for goals *Money *Medicines *Keeping safe *Road safety Dance *Robot/ machine movements *Batting *Fielding *Rounders /cricket Dance *Animals – Circus *Feelings and Relationships *Communities *Changes *Voting *Safe in the sun *Healthy Eating Meadow Green Primary - Creative Curriculum Coverage Year 1/2 – 2014/15 Cycle 2 TOPIC & VISITS Special Activities Houses and Homes *Lego man *Black Country Museum/ Avoncroft Science *Electrical safety in the home. *Living things and their habitats History Geography Art DT *What were homes like long ago? *How do we know about the Great Fire of London? *Homes around the world (continents and countries) *Climate *Observational drawings of houses *Investigating materials for weaving *Make a lighthouse (winding mechanism and electrical light!) HOMEWORK PROJECT: Home of the future Plants and Dinosaurs *Botanical gardens/ Nature Centre HOMEWORK PROJECT: Plant a seed and keep a diary of its growth. Weather *BBC weather centre HOMEWORK PROJECT: Travel brochure for the island made in DT. *Plants and their habitats. *Where does our food come from? *Growing plants *Food chains *David Bellamy (Plant detectives) *Magic flowers *Joseph Banks?? *Dinosaurs and fossils *Seasonal changes *Weather *Wind power *Christopher Columbus (discovered America) *Sir Francis Drake (British explorer) *Pirates *Food around the world – why does it come from there? (continents and countries) *Weather – seasonal and in the UK *A Scottish island *Sculpture— paper plants *Observational drawings of plants *Leaf/flower/ potato printing *Patterns and designs in nature. *Dinosaur fossils—clay tiles *World food day *Create a fabric collage *Weather - Hot and cold areas of the world, including St Lucia *Flags *Compass directions *Where could we go to the seaside? *Name seaside resorts in the UK and the world. *Travel agents *Creating pictures in the style of different artists - Mondrian, Monet, Kandinsky, Seurat *Make a 3D model of an Island. *Make a weather station: vane, rain gauge, air pressure. ICT Unit 1.3 – We are painters (illustrating an e-book) Unit 2.2 – We are games testers (exploring how computer games work) Unit 1.5 – We are storytellers (producing a talking book) Unit 1.2 – We are TV chefs (filming the steps of a recipe) Unit 2.5 – We are detectives (collecting clues) PE (Indoor) Music *What it means to belong *Following guidance – Torah and Bible *Sounds – voices, body sounds and instruments *Duration – long and short sounds *Following notation *Perform Christmas songs Games Gym *Ball skills *Throwing and catching *Netball *Rolls, jumps, balances, sequences, wall apparatus *Singing for Singing Day *Perform at Singing day *Listen to a range of music *Name, sort and play untuned instruments *How are instruments played? *Following notation *Timbre, tempo [fast/slow] and dynamics [loud/quiet] *Weather music— different sounds to represent different kinds of weather. *Listen to and compose weather music using tuned and untuned instruments. Games Gym *Ball skills *Football *Hockey *Rolls, jumps, balances, sequences, wall apparatus *Following the example of Jesus *Christian rites of passage Unit 1.6 – We are celebrating (creating a card digitally) Unit 2.1 – We are astronauts (programming on screen) PE (Outdoor) RE *God as creator *Old Testament people Dance *Fire dance PSHEC *New beginnings *Keeping safe *School Rules *People who help us *Getting on and falling out *Say no to bullying *Road safety *Good to be me *Charity Week *Healthy Eating *Going for goals *Money *Medicines Dance *Different styles of dance Games Gym *Athletic Activities *Rolls, jumps, balances, sequences, wall apparatus *Batting *Fielding *Rounders /cricket Dance *Surfers module *Feelings and Relationships *Communities *Changes *Voting *Safe in the sun