AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY School of Education Course Syllabus Fall 2014 LEAD 6500 – The Role of the Instructional Leader in Technology (3 Hours Credit, Prerequisite-Department) Instructor: Dr. Goldy Brown III Class Meeting: Mondays 5:00 -10:00 pm (Hybrid) Office: 304D Education Office Phone Number: 334 244-3843 Office Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 12:00 – 5:00 pm Required Text: Picciano, A. (2011). Educational leadership and planning for technology (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Course Description: This course addresses effective leadership for technology in schools. The assumption that instructional leaders should recognize the potential of technology and be competent users of information and technology tools is examined. Course Goals: To enhance an awareness of requisite skills and further develop prospective instructional leaders’ understanding that – 1. Effective instructional leaders should be hands-on users of technology. 2. Successful instructional leaders plan, implement, and evaluate the effective integration of current technologies and electronic tools in teaching, management, research, and communication. 3. As information-age professionals instructional leaders have a responsibility to ensure technological equity. 4. Instructional leaders must realize that technology can unlock tremendous potential in learners and staff with special and diverse needs. 5. While technology empowers instructional leaders by the information it can readily produce and communicates, it exponentially empowers the leader who masters the tools and processes that facilitate creative and dynamic management of available information. Instructional leaders must monitor and evaluate operational systems to ensure that they enhance student achievement and demonstrate appropriate accountability. Course Objectives: The course objectives are designed to fulfill Alabama Department of Education curriculum standards for Instructional Leadership programs – LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 1 KNOWLEDGE – Within this course prospective instructional leaders shall demonstrate the knowledge to effectively – Discover practical approaches for developing and implementing successful technology planning. [NCATE Indicator 9.11] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(i)] Increase access to educational technologies for the school. [NCATE Indicator 9.12] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(ii)] ABILITY – Prior to program completion prospective instructional leaders shall demonstrate the ability to successfully – 1. Develop a plan for technology integration for the school community. [NCATE Indicator 9.14] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(ii)] 2. Model the use of technology for personal and professional productivity. [NCATE Indicator 9.15] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iii)] 3. Develop an effective teacher professional development plan to increase technology usage to support curriculum-based integration practices. [NCATE Indicator 9.16] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iv)] Assessment of Course Objectives: KNOWLEDGE – Discover practical approaches for developing and implementing successful technology planning. [NCATE Indicator 9.11] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(i)] Research Articles KNOWLEDGE -Increase access to educational technologies for the school. [NCATE Indicator 9.12] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(ii)] Internet Research Project ABILITY – Develop a plan for technology integration for the school community. [NCATE Indicator 9.14] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(ii)] Practical Analysis Project/Action Plan ABILITY -Model the use of technology for personal and professional productivity. [NCATE Indicator 9.15] LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 2 [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iii)] P-12 Embedded Field Based Experience ABILITY -Develop an effective teacher professional development plan to increase technology usage to support curriculum-based integration practices. [NCATE Indicator 9.16] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iv)] Multimedia Presentation AUM School of Education Professional Model: Professional study in the School of Education is based on a model that recognizes and prepares teachers as Professional Educators. The school is committed to providing challenging opportunities for a diverse learning community in a nurturing environment. It is a vision of the School of Education to prepare competent, reflective, and committed professional educators. Competent is the ability to function at a high level of performance within the educational setting of expertise. Reflective is the ability to call upon the foundation of knowledge so as to make informed decisions within the educational setting. Committed is the ability to dedicate one’s self to providing students with the most effective educational experiences possible and is demonstrated in one’s professionalism and willingness to pursue life-long learning. These three dispositions form the foundation for the professional teacher, administrator, or counselor working in the school setting. The AUM School of Education recognizes that the development of a competent, reflective, and committed educator means the development of a Professional Educator. Effective Communication Skills: Professional study in the School of Education is based on a framework that recognizes and prepares Professional Educators. The school is committed to providing challenging opportunities for a diverse learning community in a nurturing environment. Because effective communication is a fundamental aspect of educator competence, the AUM School of Education stresses appropriate and effective written and oral communication skills. Academic Dishonesty: Violations of academic integrity in association with this course will be addressed in accordance with Section VI, Procedures Regarding Academic Dishonesty, of the STUDENT DISCIPLINE CODE. (Reference – “Policies and Procedures” published annually in the AUM Student Handbook). Student Disability Accommodations: Faculty in the School of Education make every effort to accommodate unique and special needs of students with respect to speech, hearing, vision, seating, or other possible disabling conditions. LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 3 It is the policy of Auburn University Montgomery (AUM) to accommodate individuals with disabilities pursuant to federal law and the University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any necessary accommodations at the beginning of the course. Any student requiring accommodations should contact – Center for Disability Services (CDS) located in Taylor Center, Room 147 Phone: 334-244-3631, TDD: 334-244-3754, E-mail: Cell Phones / Pagers: To demonstrate consideration for other students and the instructor, please insure that cell phones or pagers do not audibly ring during this class. IMPORTANT REMINDER – Attendance, Preparation, & Participation: A portion of the student’s grade is based on class preparation, participation, and attendance. Absences, Lateness, and Lack of Preparation WILL adversely affect the Final Grade. Students are expected to demonstrate preparation and scholarship through – 1. Prompt, Regular Class Attendance 2. Knowledgeable Discussion of Assigned Topics 3. Active Participation in Class Learning Experiences The following class policy will be adhered to – • For each UNEXPLAINED/UNEXCUSED incident of being late for class or leaving before class has ended, ONE POINT will be deducted from the final grade. • For each UNEXPLAINED/UNEXCUSED incident of being absent from class, FIVE POINTS will be deducted from the final grade. [It is the responsibility of the student to provide an explanation or excuse to the instructor in a timely manner.] Course Content: An effective instructional leader incorporates effective, regular use of technology as a tool for teaching and learning. The Instructional Leader must fulfill his/her role in – • Leading planning for improved learning in the school through the use of technology. • Becoming and remaining proficient in the use of technology to improve learning. • Modeling and demonstrating effective use of technology. • Accurately assessing technology needs for the school. • Providing every student with technology resources to access and process information. LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 4 • • Increasing access to educational technologies for the school. Allocating financial, technical, and human resources to successfully implement and maintain the school’s technology plan. The Instructional Leader must fully understand – • Practical applications for developing and implementing successful technology planning. • Tools of technology to support teaching and learning. • Effective teacher professional development plans to increase and improve technology usage in the school. • Technology’s role in the analysis and use of student assessment data. • Technology standards related to Alabama Department of Education, Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, and National Educational Technology Standards. • Use of technology platforms for instructional and administrative documentation, record keeping, reporting, assessment, and decision-making. The Instructional Leader’s major responsibilities in using technology for the school are – • That technology tools are effectively used in the school. • That relevant and authentic learning is encouraged through the use of technology. • That use of technology is aligned with local, state, and national content standards and curricula to enhance learning and enrich teaching. • That support is provided for teachers to ensure the use of existing technology in the school. • That appropriate privacy, safety, and security measures are in place for technology use. • That emerging and innovative technology including equipment and materials are identified for the school. • That adequate funds are available for technical support, maintenance, and emerging technologies to improve learning. • That technology platforms are utilized appropriately and effectively throughout the school. Course Requirements: 1. Read required text. 2. Appropriate preparation for and active participation in class learning experiences and assigned activities, including On-line Collaborative Learning (OCL) and bibliography page (on Blackboard). 3. Conduct an Internet research project examining financial resources needed to provide support and increase access to educational technologies for a school. [NCATE Indicator 9.12] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(ii)] 4. Successfully complete a practical analysis project (existing school) developing an action plan for strategies and techniques to evaluate the outcomes of technology integration in teaching and learning. [NCATE Indicator 9.14] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(ii)] 5. Produce an appropriate “multimedia” presentation addressing the development of a LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 5 school’s technology plan or a school’s professional development plan for technology implementation. [NCATE Indicator 9.16] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iv)] 6. Successfully complete P-12 Embedded Field-Based Experience activity. NCATE Indicator 9.15] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iii)] 7. Successfully complete two (2) research article reviews pertaining to the integration of technology in the teaching and learning environment. [NCATE Indicator 9.11] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(i)] Candidate Evaluation & Grading: Grades assigned in this course will be based on 100 total points earned from the following sources: Activity Active participation in class learning experiences Internet Research Project Practical Analysis Project/Action Plan Multimedia Presentation P-12 Embedded Field-Based Experience Research Article Reviews 2@5 TOTAL LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology Points 30 10 15 15 20 10 ________ 100 Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = Below 60 I = Incomplete 6 LEAD 6500 P-12 School-Based Field Experience Objective: Integrate the use of technology within the curriculum by modeling technology for students and teachers. Standard Addressed: ABILITY -Model the use of technology for personal and professional productivity. NCATE Indicator 9.15] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iii)] Each embedded field-based experience activity will enable the candidate to: O-Observe P-Participate L-Lead Requirements: 1. Identify a technology need that you have in your school or district. It could be a technological item that is needed, an app that can be useful for increasing reading and math scores, a teaching strategy etc. 2. Make a presentation to the school faculty on a plan you have to address the need. Model and demonstrate the instructional technology’s potential for improved instruction for faculty and students. LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 7 LEAD 6500 P-12 School-Based Field Experience Assessment Rubric The candidate’s performance is evaluated as-Unsatisfactory (1): Indicates the performance is not acceptable. Improvement activities must be undertaken immediately. Basic (2): Indicates the performance is acceptable but needs additional work and attention. Additional activities are required. Competent (3): Indicates the performance meets and sometimes exceeds expectations. Current practices are clearly acceptable. Exceptional (4): Indicates the performance is outstanding. No improvement is readily identifiable. Unsatisfactory (1) No evidence of essential organization Presentation Organized Oral Presentation skills Model Use of technology Presentation Content Facilitation of the Presentation Basic (2) Competent (3) Exceptional (4) Limited organization Appropriate evidence of essential organization Clear evidence of higher order thinking 5 or more errors 3-4 errors 1-2 errors 0 errors No evidence of use of technology Fewer than 70% of content presented clearly Minimal use of technology Appropriate evidence of use of technology More than 80% of content presented clearly Multi use of emerging technologies Entire content of presentation presented clearly Less than 50% active participation Between 7080% of content presented clearly Between 50-75 % active participation Between 75-90% Between 90active participation 100% active participation, positive feedback Point Total = __________ Grade: A= 18-20 points B= 16-17 points C =14-15 points D =12-13 points F =11 or lower Tentative Course Outline / Class Schedule: LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 8 Class 1- August 25 Course Introduction/Overview Class 2– September 8 Technology, Learning, and Equity Issues-Chapter 3 Research Article Review #1and 2 DUE [NCATE Indicator 9.11] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(i)] Class 3– September 15 Wisdom and Data-Driven Decision Making-Chapter 5 Technology in Instruction-Chapter 6 Technology for School Leadership-Chapter 4 Practical Analysis Project DUE [NCATE Indicator 9.14] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(ii)] Class 4 – September 22 Multimedia Presentation DUE [NCATE Indicator 9.16] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iv)] Multimedia in Education-Chapter 7 Class 5 – September 29 Data Communications, the Internet, and Educational Applications-Chapter 8 Internet Research Project DUE [NCATE Indicator 9.12] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)1.(ii)] Distance Learning-Chapter 9 Hardware and Software Evaluation-Chapter 10 Class 6 – October 6 People, Technology, and Professional Development-Chapter 11 Facilities, Policies, and Procedures-Chapter 12 Class 7 – October 13 Financial Planning for Technology-Chapter 13 Final Reflection Course Summary P-12 Embedded Field Experience DUE [NCATE Indicator 9.15] [290-3-3-.48(2)(f)2.(iii)] LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 9 LEAD 6500 The Role of the IL in Technology 10