RET/V-P: A Research Experience for Teachers in Volcano

2012 RET/V-P Application
RET/V-P: A Research Experience for Teachers in Volcano-Petrology
Professional Development for high school teachers in Hawaii
Application Instructions
1. Complete this form using a word processing program and then submit it electronically as
an attachment (MS Word or pdf documents preferred) to an email, or print it out and fax
or mail (addresses follow).
2. Request a letter of recommendation from your school principal, and ask that it be sent to
the same address. The recommendation letter should include (a) the positive impacts of
your participation for your school and the RET/V-P program, and (b) a statement of
administrative support for your participation.
Information about the program may be found at:
Dr. Julia Hammer
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Hawaii- Manoa
1680 East-West Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96822
ph: 808-956-5996
fax: 808-956-5512
1. Name and Contact Information
Your name:
Email address
Position at school
Name of school
School’s Street Address
ZIP code
School phone
School fax
Name of Principal
Email address of Principal
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2012 RET/V-P Application
2. Education and Professional Experience
What is the highest degree you have earned (check only one)
__ Bachelors
__ Masters
__ Education specialist
__ Other post-bachelor professional (name):
__ Doctorate
List all colleges and universities you have attended, including continuing education. Provide the
names of institutions, dates attended, and major/topic of study. (example: UC Santa Barbara,
1992-1996, B.S. Physics).
List your teaching experiences in chronological order. Include name of each school, years spent
in position, grade level(s), and subject(s) taught.
List extracurricular activities with students that are related to mathematics, science or
technology education. Include dates and participation function.
List professional development activities and projects. Include dates.
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2012 RET/V-P Application
3. Essay Questions
1. Describe briefly (400 words or less) why you would like to participate in this program.
Include specific subject matter for which you wish to improve understanding and a description of
how you expect participation to further your goals in improving science teaching and learning.
2. Describe how your participation will contribute to the research and educational goals of the
RET/V-P program.
3. What evidence do you have that the school administration is supportive of teacher
participation in professional development activities that aim to improve the content knowledge
and inquiry skills of teachers (and ultimately students) in Hawaii’s schools?
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