Course Descriptions

Required Concentrations
*Student choose 2 of 4 tracks
MAS 264 Yoga & Psychology of Chakras Segarra, 3.0 credits
Myofascial Yoga is a blending vinyasa/ashtanga/iyengar yoga influenced by Anatomy Trains Meridians tm
taught in a way to assist the muscles and fascial body in stretching safely. This course will emphasize the
blending of breath with movement in a conscious way of using the mind-body connection. Emphasis will
be on using the core muscles throughout the postures. Students will learn postures that include stretching,
breathing, body mechanics alignment and form along with inner attention to ones’ self. The application of
the seven chakras blended with Jungian Psychology will support the mind-body connection in this course.
MAS 262 Myofascial Yoga & Anatomy Trains Segarra, 3.0 credits
Myofascial Yoga is a blending of disciplines slowed down to facilitate the opening of connective tissue in
order to assist the muscles and fascial body in stretching safely. The course emphasizes the combining of
breath and movement to consciously connect mind and body. Students learn postures, breathing, body
mechanics, alignment, and form, along with inner attention to one’s self. Tom Myers’Anatomy Trains is
explored throughout the course, deepen our understanding of how the body compensates for injury patterns,
traumas, and other connective tissue issues.
HHHA 143 Yoga Therapy Grier, 3.0 credits
Yoga Therapy is a practical approach to yoga that allows individuals to relieve the mind of daily stress,
build the body’s strength, flexibility, and stamina, and achieve a sense of reintegration. Emphasis will be on
properly executed asanas, vinyasa karma (sequencing) and adaptation, the use of sound and pranayama, the
process of meditation, and specific guidelines for adapting postures for individuals. In addition, this course
encourages students to better articulate, analyze, and prescribe practices for various structural and
functional issues.
Required One Credit Courses
HHHA 141 Yoga Teaching Methodologies & Ethics Grier, 1.0 credit
Yoga Teaching Methodologies & Ethics introduces students to the different approaches, techniques,
philosophies, and methods of teaching yoga, as well as the professional ethics involved in becoming a yoga
teacher. Emphasis will be on study of the 8 limbs of Yoga, particularly the Yamas & Niyamas, the
principles of professional standards, obtaining licensure and insurance, and identifying, developing, and
integrating teaching skills in hands-on practice and question and answer segments.
HHHA 142 Yoga Therapy I Grier, 1.0 credit
Yoga therapy I: Yoga Therapy for Personal Wellness is the adaptation and application of yoga techniques
to help individuals facing health challenges manage their condition, stabilize structural imbalances, and
improve their state of mind. Students learn how six factors—diet, environment, lifestyle, exercise,
breathing techniques, and meditation techniques—can be used to restore balance to both body and mind.
The course provides an integrated model that addresses all aspects of health and well being—both for
maintaining health and resolving conditions of ill health. Students learn how to utilize and adapt practices
such as breathing, chanting, and mantra for the treatment of psychological and physiological imbalances.
MAS 264 Yoga & the Myofascial Body Segarra, 1.0 credit
Yoga and the Myofascial Body is a two-day experience of asana practice that explores how to open the
myofascial body through different yoga postures. We will utilize Tom Myers’ Anatomy Trains in
combination with asana. Students will be challenged to observe and identify how they carry themselves in
their daily lives and how to create therapeutic change through the proper development of an asana practice.
HHHA 293 Ayurveda Shaw, 1.0 credit
This course introduces students to various theories and modalities of Ayurveda lifestyle, cooking, and
herbs. An overview of Eastern philosophies will be taught and demonstrated to students. The course is
didactic and experiential in nature. Students will learn how Ayurveda is a complete philosophy of life, and
that the non-material components of our lives-our consciousness, mind, thoughts and emotions—animate
and direct or physical beings. tools for self-observation and self-healing. Emphasis will be on constitutional
types, imbalances, and lifestyle techniques to support the return to balance.
HHHA 293 Ayurveda Cooking Shaw, 1.0 credit
HHHA 144
This course is an introduction in the basic principles of Ayurveda and how it is directly applied to cooking.
Students will be taken to Hanuman Temple for part of the training to learn how to cook an a Ayurvedic
HHHA 293 Bhakti Yoga (Chant), TBA 1.0 credit
Students will learn to chant Sanskrit mantras and chants that are offered under the devotional teachings of
Bhakti yoga. Students will learn how to listen more deeply, as well as how to utilize chanting as a
foundation for pranayama and meditation practices. Students will come to understand how these sacred
utterances promote healing, focus the mind, and enhance a sense of well being.
HHHA 103 Kundalini Yoga Ellis-Sankari, 3.0 credits
Kundali Yoga explores the fundamentals of Kundalini Yoga including exercise sets (Kriyas), breathing
techniques (pranayam),and mental concentration and relaxation techniques; i.e. meditation. The focus is on
strengthening the nervous system and balancing the endocrine glandular system.
MAS 293 Prenatal Massage and Yoga, Segarra, 1.0 credits
This course will help to demystify the process of working with the three trimesters in pregnancy. An
overview of embryological development, associated risk factors, contraindications, as well as how to safely
administer palpation in each trimester through massage, and appropriate asana through yoga therapy.
HHHA 104 Hatha Yoga, Stewart, 3.0 credits.
Hatha yoga is an introductory course for beginning yoga students who wish to explore yoga asana and the
yoga sutras in a safe context. Modifications of asasna is offered to accommodate all body types and
injuries. Nicolai Bachman’s, The Yoga Suturas, is used to explore a deeper understanding of Pantanjali’s
8 limbs of yoga.
HHHA 102 Meditation, Consciousness and Self Healing, Murphy, 3.0 credits.
Open to anyone interested in stress reduction, general well-being or simply developing a calmer, clearer
approach to life. An introduction to meditation and related practices such as mindfulness and moving
contemplative forms such as walking meditation and qi gong. Open to all levels, from beginners to
experienced meditators. Each class meeting will include experiential exercises designed to illustrate stress
reduction, meditation and awareness-building tools.