Annex A Report on Outcomes of LDG 2013-14 funding for Emotional Health and Wellbeing. As at 22 1 14 Summary This summary is based on the monitoring returns received by mid January 2014. 27 LDGs received funding in 2013-14 (2 choosing not to apply for it). Most LDGs had been operating services for 4 months since September; some had run them for longer. An outcome matrix was developed to capture improved outcomes with a focus on improving emotional health of children and young people and the impact of this on relationships and educational outcomes. Providers were asked to measure outcomes by using an established standardised measuring tool (from a shortlist of recommended measures) before and after completion of the intervention. 20 LDGs made some type of return, this are broken down as follows: 13 LDGs made the return on the template requested 1 provided data in a different format which nonetheless demonstrates improved outcomes 6 LDGs made a return, but with no outcome data included. Types of Activities: A range of activities have been delivered with this funding which has included 1:1 counselling for pupils, group work for pupils, 1:1 mentoring, 1:1 support for parents, group support for parents and training and workshops for front line staff. 21 of the LDGs have directly commissioned providers to deliver services, the remainder have used the funding as a combination of direct delivery and commissioned support. Across the 20 LDGs who made a return this funding and activity has supported: Children and Young People – 1037 individual young people received direct interventions including 1:1 counselling, group work or whole family work. A further 1914 in one LDG participated in an AntiBullying programme. This breaks down as 0.4% 0 – 4yr old, 97% 5 – 11yr olds, 2% 12 – 15yr olds and 0.1% 16 – 19yr olds. Males account for 51% and females 49%. Parents - 493 parents received direct support as either 1:1support, parenting groups or as part of whole family support. This has directly impacted on 573 children and young people (included in 1037 figure above). Professionals - 352 professionals received additional training to support the emotional health and wellbeing of pupils within schools. A proportion of this training has developed skills of school staff to work with pupils 1:1 and other training has supported school staff to take a whole school approach to improving emotional health. This impacted on an additional 3066 pupils in 4 LDGs (2282 of these from 1 LDG benefitting from emotional first aid training for staff). Outcomes The funding has impacted on the emotional health of children and young people as follows. This is based on data reported on the returns from 14 LDGs when numbers have been confirmed and before and after outcome measurement was completed. More children and young people than reported below as showing positive change will be benefitting – outcomes are only reported when intervention finishes. Outcome 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Improved social relationships and wellbeing Reduction of behavioural issues and bullying behaviour within school among CYP supported, including avoidance of risks such as exclusion as reported by school staff Reduction or cessation or self-harming behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, cutting etc among CYP supported where applicable Increased interaction with peers & adults among CYP supported as reported by schools staff (eg remains in lessons, participation in extra-curricular activities) Expected/actual attainment level for CYP supported raised Total pupils in 14 LDGs with this need helped to date 591 2386 32 2306 251 No.and % pupils to date reported to be showing positive change 356 (60%) 2174 (91%) 20 (62%) 2070 (90%) 75 (30%) Of the total 493 parents in 20 LDGs who received interventions, 353 in the 14 LDGs had interventions addressing increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children’s emotional wellbeing needs and of these 208 showed positive change. Of the total 352 professionals and volunteers who received training in the 20 LDGs, 281 in the 14 LDGs addressed the issue of increased confidence and skills in understanding & responding to children’s emotional wellbeing needs and 156 showed positive change. Characteristics of the Children and young people supported: Specifically, 558 children in poverty were supported, 35 on a child in need plan, 17 on a child protection plan and 219 children in care. Complexity of Cases and presenting issues: The case studies confirm the complexity of the cases the schools are supporting. Examples have been provided of children’s emotional health being impacted by parental separation, family breakdown and loss and bereavement. Specifically, 274 children had a disability or statement of SEN, 111 cases were from families with historic Domestic Abuse, 158 cases where there was an identified adult mental health problem, 109 cases where the parent/carer had a disability and 26 cases where there was a parent with substance misuse issue. The two highest presenting issues were poor self-esteem at (825) and poor behaviour (800) followed by poor social interaction with peers and adults (486). Where we requested additional information about presenting needs, in particular, family separation and bereavement were identified as specific issues impacting on pupil’s emotional health. Analysis and Conclusion The activity is varied, returns are incomplete and at this 6 months point not all outcome measurement has been completed or reported. This reflects the lack of equity and consistency across the County – strong LDGs with active leadership, involvement and coordination have capacity and do report and deliver effectively; less strong LDGs do not. The level, intensity and focus of activities delivered across the County varies greatly and this is reflected in the large variation between numbers supported for the same sum of money. That 60% pupils show some improvement in outcomes 1 and 3 seems a reasonable level of improvement at this stage for the 13 LDGs concerned. 90% showing some improvement in outcomes 2 and 4 largely from the antibullying programme in 1 LDG raises some questions about the measurement and level of improvement. 30% improvement in outcome 5 reflects that this is a 6 months report and attainment may be measured annually and is impacted by a large number of factors not just emotional wellbeing. Hence at this stage it is not possible or appropriate to come to an overall conclusion about the impact or cost effectiveness of the usage Annex A of the £400,000 resource in 2013-14. For the 13 LDGs (not including the one with the antibullying programme) reporting outcomes, the schools involved believe there does seem to have been reasonable impact to date. Activities and Outcomes for individual quadrants WEST ESSEX OUTCOMES LDG Summary of proposal Uttlesford North Relate have been commissioned to deliver 1:1 Work with children experiencing emotional difficulties, exploring emotions through play therapy, stories and counselling skills. Target number CYP to Benefit and age 21 Children 21 Adults Outputs at 6 months 9 children supported 6males 3 females 14 parents Outcomes At 6 months 8 parents report increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs Amount £9,200 8 children had improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 8 children had increased interaction with peers & adults 8 children had improved social relationships and wellbeing Uttlesford South Kids Inspire have been commissioned to deliver 1:1 Counselling and group work for for primary age children, 1:1 support for parents and parent group work and staff training. 26+ Children 52+ Adults 20-100 Staff No report to date Harlow HEC has commissioned Young Concern Trust to deliver 1:1 counselling and has used the remainder of the funds for the existing HEC team to deliver a range of parenting programmes and workshops (eg Triple P and Messy workshops) for parents, 1:1 for parents and group work for children. 270 Children 109 Adults 170 pupils supported 93 males 67 females 90 parents £9,200 40 Parents report increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs. £32,800 42 Professionals and volunteers report increased confidence and skills in understanding & responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs 55 pupils showed Improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 2 pupils reported reduction or cessation of self harming behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, cutting etc 61 pupils had Increased interaction with peers & adults Epping Forest Rural The LDG has commissioned Relate to provide 1:1 counselling for children and 1:1 counselling for parents as part of whole family work 20 (4-11) + 40 Adults (parents) 29 children supported 12 males 17 females 40 parents 95 pupils had Improved social relationships and wellbeing 27 Parents report increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs £9,200 27 Improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 27 pupils had increased interaction with peers & adults Epping Forest South The Hopscotch Project will deliver 1:1 counselling and therapy groups for children and 1:1 counselling sessions for the parents of the children receiving support. 48 Children 7 Adults 23 children supported 3 males 20 females 15 parents 27 Improved social relationships and wellbeing 14 pupils had Improved social relationships and wellbeing £18,400 Annex A SOUTH EAST ESSEX OUTCOMES LDG Summary of proposal Castle Point Canvey Island The LDG have commissioned Play Planet to deliver The Anti-Bullying Programme (The Friendship Programme) to the remainder of the schools in the LDG. Play Planet will also deliver Anger management/self-esteem programme for a targeted group of pupils. Target number CYP to Benefit and age 1500 Outputs at 6 months 1914 children supported 918 males 996 females 79 staff Outcomes At 6 months 72 Professionals and volunteers report increased confidence and skills in understanding & responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs Amount £15,200 1858 children had improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 1829 children had increased interaction with peers & adults Castle Point Benfleet The BATIC counsellors will increase counselling provision and deliver additional 1:1 counselling for children and 1:1 counselling for parents of the children receiving support. 36 Children 18 Adults 3 Staff No return to date Rochford & Rayleigh The Rochford and Rayleigh LDG counsellors will deliver 1:1 Counselling and parenting groups for the parents of children receiving support. 75 Children Adults 42 children supported 75 33 males 9 females 75 adults £15,200 35 Parents report increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs 11 Professionals and volunteers report increased confidence and skills in understanding & responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs 31 children has improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 8children had a reduction or cessation of self harming behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, cutting etc 15 children had Increased interaction with peers & adults 40 children had Improved social relationships and wellbeing £15,200 Annex A SOUTH WEST ESSEX OUTCOMES LDG Basildon BEST BEST will deliver : 2 Families Managing Anger courses for targeted families, and themed parenting workshops Target number CYP to Benefit and age 220 Children 120 Adults 40 Staff Outputs at 6 months 43 children supported 30 males 13 females Outcomes At 6 months Amount 7 children had an improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion £32,480 (This is two LDGs that have merged into one hence the larger amount) 8 Increased interaction with peers & adults A pilot of Home/School Liaison Programmes for Schools 50 parents Staff training: CPD – using small group interventions to manage behaviour, supporting pupils with attachment issues, supporting grief and loss, listening skills and mental health issues for children. 77 staff impacting on 250 children 31 children reported they felt heard/valued /treated with respect 9 parents report increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children’s emotional wellbeing needs Supporting midday staff to improve the lunchtime experience for vulnerable children. Pastoral Support Network Meetings Holiday activities/bursaries – supporting children with poor emotional health to continue activities during the holiday periods. Basildon Billericay Professional Counselling for School Staff Supporting Vulnerable Pupils 1:1 Counselling Provided by Working 4 Children in school or in the home 130 CYP 25 Staff and professional 20 Adults 170 children supported Parents Groups Provided by Working 4 Children in school or in the home, linked to children’s needs identified in section above 98 males 72 females 72 parents Staff Training Strategies given to individual staff to support pupils’ needs 26 staff Counselling and mentoring service using Working4Children and Extended Services Team. £16,240 95 Improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 69 children had Increased interaction with peers & adults Other Contact with other professionals which included social workers, mental health staff. Research findings for information. Brentwood 26 Professionals and volunteers report increased confidence and skills in understanding & responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs 95 children had improved social relationships and wellbeing 100 CYP Adults Increasing access to services for children experiencing emotional difficulties and their parents through: 50 65 children supported 8 pupils had reduction or cessation of self harming behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, cutting etc 33males 32 females 21 children had Improved social relationships and wellbeing £16,251 11 parents 1:1 Counselling for pupils aged 5-11 1:1 mentoring for pupils with behavioural and emotional difficulties Wickford 1:1 parenting support 1:1 Counselling 1.5 x CAMHS workers to support staff, parents and pupils within Wickford schools who are experiencing relationship breakdowns, trauma, bereavement. Also, to assist in transition between key stages and schools, especially when families move from school to school within Wickford (turbulence). 1:1 Mentoring 1 x CAMHS worker to mentor and supervise 2 nurture group workers in Paddington House – 1 afternoon per fortnight. Parenting Groups 1.5 x Support for families experiencing relationship breakdown to receive 1:1 sessions. Staff Training 120 Children 150 Adults 120 Staff 130 children supported 71 males 58 females 68 parents 130 staff impacting on 500 children Outcomes not reported £16,240 Annex A Training with CAMHS workers (1.5) at CLC and within Wickford schools for Class Teachers, Learning Mentors, Office Staff for Emotional Resilience/Well-Being training/support. Annex A MID ESSEX OUTCOMES LDG Braintree North East Braintree South West Summary of proposal To commission Sycamore Counselling to deliver 1:1 counselling To extend the counselling/mentoring capacity for schools in the LDG who already have counsellors/mentors working within their schools. Target number CYP to Benefit and age 30 young people aged 11 – 16yrs 24 children and young people aged 5 – 16yr olds Outputs at 6 months 20 children supported 5 males 15 females 96 children supported Outcomes At 6 months Amount No outcomes reported £14,533 No outcomes reported £14,533 No outcomes reported £10,400 No outcomes reported £10,400 5 Professionals and volunteers report increased confidence and skills in understanding & responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs £10,400 52 males 44 females 28 parents 13 staff Braintree Witham Chelmsford North Chelmsford West Chelmsford South Woodham Ferrers No application To commission Sycamore Counselling to deliver 1:1 counselling. To commission Sycamore Counselling to deliver play therapy To commission Lesley Kempster WBM trainer to train 4 more LSAs and to provide ongoing support and supervision for the group 25 children aged 4 – 11yrs 14 children supported 15 children aged 5 – 11yrs 10 males 4 females 12 children supported 16 pupils aged 5 – 11yrs To provide release time for the experienced WBMentors to work with children 1:1 8 males 4 females 8 staff impacting on 34 children 16 males 18 females 5 children had Improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 15 children had increased interaction with peers & adults 20 children had improved social relationships and wellbeing Chelmsford South Gt Baddow To commission Sam Harris to deliver 1:1 counselling and group work Chelmsford South Moulsham Maldon Blackwater To commission Sam Harris to deliver 1:1 counselling and group work 34 children and young people aged 3 – 18yrs £5,200 No return to date £5,200 To commission ECC Ed Psych to deliver staff training to wellbeing mentors on considering the impact of Domestic Abuse. To commission Emotional First Aid to deliver emotional first aid training for front line staff and to run parent support groups for parents who show signs of emotional distress 8 members of staff 84 children and young people aged 4 – 18yrs (60 pupils in group work) 12 members of staff 12 parents attend workshops Maldon Dengie No return to date No application 6 parents 13 staff impacting on 2282 children No outcomes reported £5,200 Annex A NORTH EAST ESSEX OUTCOMES LDG Colchester EN Summary of proposal To commission Colchester Mind to deliver 1:1 counselling and whole family support as appropriate. Target number CYP to Benefit and age 33 children/young people aged 5 – 16yrs Approx 10 families Outputs at 6 months 97 children supported 56 males 41 females 2 parents Outcomes At 6 months 43 children had improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion Amount £15,067 6 children had reduction or cessation of self harming behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, cutting etc 9 children had increased interaction with peers & adults 38 children had improved social relationships and wellbeing Colchester ES To commission Amanda Mason and Pam Harris to deliver 1:1 therapeutic support for children and families 35 children/young people aged 5 – 16yrs Colchester West To commission Colchester MIND to deliver1:1 counselling, group work and whole family support as appropriate Tendring N Manningtree To commission Solutions 4 change to collaborate with pastoral support managers to deliver 1:1 mentoring, Group Mentoring Sessions, Bereavement group, training for pastoral support managers and LSAs to build capacity. Tendring N Harwich To commission Relate to deliver 1:1 counselling and extend to family support where required. Tendring Mid Tendring South To commission Relate and YES to deliver 1:1 counselling and extend to family support where required. Relate to deliver to primary age support to children and families, and YES to deliver to secondary age pupils. Along with 1:1 work, YES will offer a drop in session for staff and young people at each of the 2 secondary schools To commission Colchester Mind to deliver 1:1 counselling, music and play therapy, small group work and 1:1 sessions for parents No return to date £15,067 35+ parents/carers 55 children/young people aged 5 – 16yrs No return to date £15,067 45 parents 50+ children and young people aged 4 – 16yrs. No return to date £6,560 9 members of staff. 20 – 25 children and young people aged 5 – 18yrs 9 children supported 4 males 5 females 20 – 40 parents/carers where appropriate 39 children aged 5 – 11yrs 15 parents 48 secondary aged 1116yrs 25 males 25 females 78 adults at primary age assuming 2 parents per child. . 35 children and young people aged 7 – 13yrs 30 parents 5 parents/carers 33 males 25 females 50 children supported 58 children supported No outcomes reported £9,840 13 children had improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion £16,400 11 parents report increased confidence and skills in understanding and responding to children's emotional wellbeing needs 32 children had improvement in behaviour and reduction in bullying behaviour within school including avoidance of risks such as exclusion 3 children had reduction or cessation of self harming behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, cutting etc 5 children had increased interaction with peers & adults 12 children had improved social relationships and wellbeing £16,400