Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template Unit Title/Subject: Inspired By The Sea – Unit 2 English/Language Arts Learning Targets: Dates: October 15-19 Grade: 3rd Reading: I can locate words and details to answer questions in a text. (S) I can ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading a text. (S) I can define main idea (who or what a text is mostly about). (K) I can determine the main idea of a text. (R) I can identify key details in a text and explain how they support the main idea. (R) I can recount/retell (put into my words) the key details of a text. (K) I can identify the most important points and key details found in two texts on the same topic. (K) I can compare (find similarities) the most important points and key details in two texts on the same topic. (R) I can contrast (find differences) the most important points and key details in two texts on the same topic.(R) English: I can define verb (an action or state of being) and explain how it functions in a sentence. (R) I can define subject and verb and explain that a singular subject needs a singular verb and a plural subject and needs a plural verb (R) I can explain the difference between simple verb tenses (past, present, future) and form /use them correctly. (S) Day 1 Instructional Activities: Spelling: Compound Words Reading: Continue “Inspired by the Sea” unit - Introduce new story Penguin Chick Review nonfiction characteristics (informational) Begin a KWL chart on Emperor penguins – students write what they know already about penguins and then about what they want to know (finish learned section later in week) Watch video on Emperor Penguins 01815-934C-4C10B8FB93534EF5161&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US Introduce vocabulary words using powerpoint – students define words using graphic organizer and dictionary skills Listen to the story Writing – Explain how the emperor penguins protect their chicks from the extreme temperatures in Antarctica. English: Flashback on nouns Watch video to introduce verbs: Assessments (formative and/or summative): Formative: Writing on emperor penguins Flashback on nouns Brainpop quiz on verbs Versatiles on verbs Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template w.weml and take quiz Define verbs (action words) and discuss Play to practice picking out verbs n_game/ Versatiles – Action Words Unit 5 – Lesson 1 What Are Verbs? Day 2 Instructional Activities: Reading: Read Penguin Chick aloud practicing fluency & discuss Review vocabulary words with powerpoint Reading/Writing Centers: ( 3 groups – rotate jobs on Tues, Wed, Thurs) Fact Book – Create a fact book with illustrations listing interesting facts about emperor penguins. Chain of Events – List the stages in order of the penguin chick’s growth from egg to junior penguin. Problem & Solution puzzles – Students describe the problems the penguins face on the puzzle pieces labeled “problem”, and then explain how the penguins solved the problems on the “solution” pieces. Homework- Read story Watch Antarctic Antics video about emperor penguins E69DB-1A75-456C-B0C8-788439C691DF English: Flashback on verbs Introduce Verbs in the Present (subject and verb agreement) Watch Brainpop video on subject and verb agreement ndverbagreement/preview.weml Explain that a singular subject needs a singular verb and a plural subject and needs a plural verb Play to practice verbs in the present Unit 5 Verbs – Lesson 2 Day 3 Instructional Activities: Reading: Small group reading with discussion Review vocabulary – play Reading/Writing centers: (see above) Watch video Assessments (formative and/or summative): Formative: Reading/Writing center activities Flashback on verbs Brainpop quiz on subject verb agreement Online game observationsverbs Assessments (formative and/or summative) Formative: Reading/Writing center activities Vocabulary game observations Exit slip on subject Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template English: Watch Present Verb Tense: Subject-Verb Agreement 2001A-BA5C-4722-ABC1-B257BC4E8259 Play to review subject and verb agreement present Unit 5 Verbs – Lesson 3 Exit slip on subject and verb agreement Day 4 Instructional Activities: Reading: Read story focusing on comprehension – asking questions throughout the story Reading/Writing Centers (see above) Students complete their KWL charts – What did you learn about penguins? Play Save the Egg game Begin watching Happy Feet (in afternoon during snack) The video shows mother and father Emperor penguin’s trumpet call, the father keeping the egg on his brood patch, mother returning with food, etc. English: Flashback on verbs and verbs in the present Introduce Verbs in the Past View website and watch you tube video Practice verbs in the past tense by playing: Unit 5 Verbs-Lesson 4 Day 5 Instructional Activities: RTI Spelling Test Reading: Take comprehension and vocabulary test over Penguin Chick with three constructed response questions. Finish watching Happy Feet (in afternoon during snack) English: Review verbs, verbs in the present, and verbs in the past Versatiles activity : A Day at the Zoo (present time) and It Happened Last week (past tense) verb agreement Assessments (formative and/or summative): Formative: Reading/Writing center activities Completed KWL charts Flashback on verbs in the present Online game observations on past tense verbs Assessments (formative and/or summative) Summative: Test over comprehension, vocabulary and 3 constructed response questions. Formative: Versatiles-present & past tense verbs Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template