LGBTQ Multiple Identities Terminology

LGBTQ Multiple Identities Terminology
Berdache - A generic term used to refer to a third gender person (woman-living- man).
The term ‘berdache’ is generally rejected as inappropriate and offensive by Native
Peoples because it is a term that was assigned by European settlers to differently
gendered Native Peoples. Appropriate terms vary by tribe and include: ‘one-spirit’, ‘twospirit’, and ‘wintke.’
Down Low - Commonly associated with hyper-masculinized Black and Latino men that
do not connect with a White and stereotypical feminized Gay identity. Popular media
has unfortunately made down low individuals the scapegoat for HIV transmission.
Same Gender Loving – A term sometimes used by members of the African- American /
Black community to express an alternative sexual orientation without relying on terms
and symbols of European descent. The term emerged in the early 1990's with the
intention of offering Black women who love women and
Page 7Black men who love men a voice, a way of identifying and being that resonated
with the uniqueness of Black culture in life. (Sometimes abbreviated as ‘SGL’.)
Stud — An African-American and/or Latina masculine lesbian. Also known as ‘butch’ or
Two-Spirited – Native persons who have attributes of both genders, have distinct
gender and social roles in their tribes, and are often involved with mystical rituals
(shamans). Their dress is usually mixture of male and female articles and they are seen
as a separate or third gender. The term ‘two-spirit’ is usually considered to specific to
the Zuni tribe. Similar identity labels vary by tribe and include ‘one-spirit’ and ‘wintke’.
Additional Cultural Labels and Terms from the Prezi:
A Global Tour of Gender & Sexual Diversity
Liminal Genders in Polynesia: "Mahu" in Hawaii & Tahiti
Transgender Males in Thailand: “Kathoey”
Transgender Males in the Philippines: “Bayot/Bantut/Bakla”
United States: Ballroom Culture
Brazil: Travesti
Link to Prezi: