
Committee: General Assembly 1
Topic: Coordinating efforts to promote new and renewable sources of energy through
legal measures
Main submitter: Germany
Co-submitters: Australia, Austria, Qatar, ROK, USA, Sweden, Thailand, Kuwait, UAE,
Liberia, Sudan
Defining renewable resources as natural resources that have the ability to be reused
replenished and controlled naturally, such as wind, solar, geothermal and biomass energy,
Applauds the establishment and put in force of Kyoto Protocol since 2005 in more than
100 ratified member states to reduce and regulate countries’ emission of carbon dioxide,
Acknowledging that based on data released by the Machwürth Team International of
Germany (MTI) in 2007, the total global primary energy supply relies 81.4% of its
resources on non-reusable, highly pollutant fossil fuel energy such as natural oil, coal,
and gas yet only 12.7% of supplies originates from renewable resources such as solar,
wind or geothermal energy,
Recognizing that the insufficient use of renewable resources primarily resulting from the
substantial limitations of technology, efficiency and economic advantage of their
consumption, especially in comparison with fossil fuel,
Deeply disturbed by the fatal results of burning fossil fuel, creating green house gas
emissions and high air pollutions, particularly in many cities of China, exceeding the air
quality index value of 300, sometimes even reaching 600 (AQI exceeding 200 is
Emphasizing that in order to sufficiently reduce the harmful effects brought by fossil fuel
emissions (smog, pollution, resource depletion etc.) and to effectively ameliorate the
health and well being of the world’s population, it is critical for cheap renewable energy
resources to be globally implemented as soon as possible,
Reaffirming that each country must take primary responsibility for its own
Development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be
overemphasized in the achievement of sustainable development,
Expresses hope to reduce carbon emission by encouraging personal business investments
in solar and wind power developments,
1. Strongly encourages the formation and development of local and global cooperated
research groups of scientists and geographers such as the WBA (), to develop and
refine new forms of promising and efficient natural resources, as well as preexisting
ones such as biogas by dividing into stations of research and distributing the
workload to create the best results, and researching topics such as but not limited to:
a. examining the energy landscape of countries and take advantage of each region’s
geographical conditions:
i) Sunlight abundant countries help develop solar power technologies,
ii) Windy regions will be set up with wind mills,
b. impacts of unconventional gas on the global energy market,
c. improving current renewable energy resources to increase efficiency,
d. requiring the commitment on part of all stakeholders, governments and private
sector, to deploy financial and human resources for accelerating research efforts,
e. supporting Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC) with sufficient
materials and technologies;
2. Emphasizes the need to further expand the current broadcast of consequential
environmental and health damages of conventional fossil fuel emissions in addition to
law enforcements, as well as highlighting the benefits of renewable energy sources
existing renewable energies through the forms of:
a. Facebook and other social media with commercial imagery and dispersed facts,
b. national television broadcast spotlighting news on environmental consequences
such as greenhouse gas production, high air pollution level, global warming etc.
with specified number of deaths as well as emphasis on the comparison between
fossil fuel and natural renewable resources,
c. newspaper and magazine article headlines relating to the subject,
d. movies with themes that implicates the significance of sustaining the earth’s
e. establishing partnership with successful advertisement and social awareness
companies on advising and advocating use of renewable energy through mediums
such as but not limited to:
i. flyers,
ii. educational videos,
iii. posters in public;
3. Reinforces the increasing production of effective natural energy such as direct
geothermal energy, geothermal heat pumps, power plants, and solar panels, focusing
on improving the energy infrastructures:
a. providing legal guarantees for access to electricity grid,
b. investigation to increase affordability of energy storage systems such as but not
limited to:
i. smart grid system,
ii. energy transmission lanes,
iii. lithium-ion battery packs,
iv. Durathon Energy Storage Systems,
v. super-batteries,
vi. fuel cells,
c. implementing renewable energy resource usage during current constructions of
state building to effectively initialize the replacement of fuel emissions in the state
i. suggesting incorporation of renewable energy products and features to
construction companies,
ii. provide tax incentives to buildings under usage;
4. Encourages the establishments of national reward policies towards the usage of
reusable energy resources such as but not limited to:
a. yearly grants to districts depending on the ratio of alternative energy spent to the
total fossil fuel emissions,
b. implementation of sufficient amount of governmental taxes and tariffs towards
the utilizations and marketing of fossil fuel,
c. feed-in laws that offer producers a guaranteed feed-in tariff & provide a price
guarantee that can reduce regulatory and market risks,
renewable energy quotas / standards that impose a minimum use of renewable
d. imposes legal restraints on electricity supply companies, committed to buy the
renewable electricity from independent power producers at the tariffs fixed by
5. Authorizes the need to maximize the strength and efficiency level of alternative
resources through:
a. varying qualities such as:
i. material,
ii. shape,
iii. form,
b. revising the development of more energy sufficient transmission lanes that is
going to allow successful yet convenient the spread of resources,
promote the development, adoption, and equitable transfer of environmentally
safe technologies through increasing country’s diplomatic relations by signing
6. Requests economic support (after taking in consideration of availability and capacity
factors, sizes of the renewable resources, geographic location and financial factors),
such as:
a. international financial institutions (WB, GEF, regional development banks),
b. UN organizations that promotes renewable energy (UNDESA, UNIDO, UNEP,
c. international partnerships that contribute to promotion of renewable energy
sources such as: African European Union Energy Partnership, Regional Centre
of Reusable Energy in Middle East and North America, etc.,
d. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Royal Society of Science;
7. Endorses the need for the full implementation of the Johannesburg Plan as the intergovernmental framework of energy for sustainable development;
8. Strongly Urges Member States to invite personal business investments to local new
and renewable energy projects by presenting appealing and equitable investment
a. automatic termination to investment contract if project does not experience
annual growth of 3% at minimum,
b. 5-year-contracts maximum,
c. freedom for both parties to terminate or reduce investment after contract expires.