Cornell Notes Topic: Graphing Vocabulary Algebra 1 – Periods 3

Cornell Notes
Algebra 1 – Periods 3 and 5
Topic: Graphing Vocabulary
September 2, 2013
Essential Question: How can I visually show the graphing vocabulary?
Coordinate Plane: A plane that is divided into 4 regions by a horizontal line
called the x-axis and a vertical line called the y-axis.
Quadrants: One of the four regions into which the x- and y- axes divide the
coordinate plane.
x-axis: The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.
y-axis: The vertical axis in a coordinate plane.
x-coordinate: The first number in an ordered pair, which indicates the
horizontal distance of a point from the origin on the coordinate plane.
y-coordinate: The second number in an ordered pair, which indicates the
vertical distance of a point from the origin on the coordinate plane.
Ordered pair: A pair of numbers (x, y) that can be used to locate a point on a
coordinate plane. The first number x indicates the distance to the left or
right of the origin, and the second number y indicates the distance above or
below the origin.
Origin: The intersection of the x- and y- axes in a coordinate plane. The
coordinates of the origin are (0, 0).
Note: My visual examples of all of these terms are on my Coordinate Plane
Foldable I created in class today.