3-3 Notes


3-3 The Coordinate Plane

Standard (P5) I will be able to plot points in the coordinate plane

Fold and cut ordered pair and coordinate plane foldable, and staple to

3-3 in your foldable.

x: The first coordinate in the ordered pair.

Gives the location of the point in the horizontal

(left to right) direction y: The second coordinate in the ordered pair.

Gives the location of the point in the vertical

(up and down) direction.

Remember: x comes before y in the alphabet and in the ordered pair

On Front: II








Inside Foldable

•The point where the axis cross is called the

__________and its coordinates are ( , )

Origin (0,0)

•Find the point on the x axis, label it A. Its coordinates are ( , )


•y axis- Label it B. It’s at ( , )


•Quadrant I- Label it C. It’s at ( , )


•Quadrant II- Label it D. It’s at ( , )


•Quadrant III- Label it E. It’s at ( , )

( -9, -2)

•Quadrant IV-Label it F. It’s at ( ,)

(2, -5)



Plot G ( 2, 3)

Plot H (-5, -3)

How is A( 2, -5) different than B(-5 , 2)?

Name a point that would be on the x-axis

Name a point that would be on the y-axis


Page 114-115 #10-30 EOE, #37-42, #44-

48, #51-52

**37-42, 52 write in sentence

Be sure to staple the 2 foldables into your

Chapter 3 foldable, Section 3-3 page.
