Senate Minutes 09/11/2014

ASUPS Formal Senate
Murray Boardroom
Thursday September 11th, 2014
Call to order at 7:00
o Present: Senators Chong, Grueneich, Laesch, Leitzmann, Reeser,
Schowalter, Spalding, Stoddard, Vallance, Young, Vice-President
Fagaragan, President Maney, Dean of Students Representative Palmquist
Cady, Faculty Representative Morris.
o Excused:
o Unexcused:
o Tardy:
Approval of Minutes:
o Approval:
 Yay: 12
 Nay: 0
 Abstentions: 1
Open Forum
Senator Vallance requests a point of personal privilege
o Action Group known as Gender Neutral Bathrooms Action Group is here
to discuss the issue of gender-neutral bathrooms at Puget Sound. Want to
promote gender-neutral bathrooms in academic buildings and residence
halls. They’ve been cataloging bathrooms that are available to be gender
neutral and those that are already gender-neutral. Came here to ask for
ideas on how to discuss this and solve this problem. Want gender-neutral
bathrooms not just unisex, ADA, family restrooms, etc. Trying to reach
out. The senate gave several tips such as talking to Residence life, looking
into Connecticut College and their gender-neutral bathrooms, and talking
to Sarah Comstock. It’s in the works with faculty but a lot of genderneutral bathrooms are disappearing (in Commencement and Wheelock)
baffling a lot of the administration. Want to make sure this is addressed
and not lost in the bureaucracy.
Senator Vallance returns
o Sean Rice works with Teach for America. 2012 Puget Sound Alum.
Wanted to come back and spread the word/promote this program. Came to
Senate because of the quality of leaders.
Senator Chong requests a point of personal priviledge
o Several people have expressed positive reviews for the senator liaison
o 48-hour rule. What it is, how we will use it, and when we will use it.
Vote to suspend normal order:
o Yay: 12
o Nay: 0
o Abstentions: 1
Normal order has been suspended
Senator Chong returns
Unfinished Business
New Business
14-153: Approval of Youth Ending Slavery
o ASUPS Senate hereby recognizes Youth Ending Slavery as an official
ASUPS club.
o The representative founded the original club at her high school. It is now a
501-K non-profit. After a year, the rep is now ready to bring it to the
o Will go through a trial period. There will be a few interest meetings and
then a cut off period. Then the club will become more of a team to end
o Discussion about non-for-profit status of this club and it also being an
ASUPS club. Tax implications are discussed.
o Don’t foresee many costs and if there are, it would be taken out of pocket
and reimbursed from the profits of those events.
o their website.
o There is a march in Portland every year; the first year had 300 participants.
o Vote:
 Yay: 12
 Nay: 0
 Abstentions: 1
14-154: Capital Allocation to Director of Technology Services.
o The ASUPS Senate hereby allocates $5,614.28, to the purchasing of
Adobe Design Software by the Director of Technology Services.
o Found a better quote: $5,127.50, this is for 21 licenses.
o This doesn’t include sales tax; sales tax doesn’t need to be paid (will
automatically be paid by the office).
o Discussions about upgrades and subscriptions based services with
o The Tamanawas editor explains that if they have these new licenses they
can expand their capabilities.
o Move to amend item to $5,127:
o Vote to amend:
 Yay: 0
 Nay: 13
 Abstentions: 0
o Move to amend item to $5,614.28:
o Vote to amend:
 Yay: 13
 Nay: 0
 Abstentions: 0
o Vote:
 Yay: 12
 Nay: 0
 Abstentions: 1
14-155: Capital Allocation to Photo Services
o The ASUPS Senate hereby allocates $0 to Photo Services for the
purchasing of new equipment and software.
o The rep agrees with the amount. Figured out that they can do what they
need to do for free.
o Vote:
 Yay: 0
 Nay: 0
 Abstentions: 1
Senator Vallance requests a point of personal privilege
14-1556: Finance Allocation to Philosophy Conference
o The ASUPS Senate hereby allocates $769.50 to the Philosophy
Conference for speaker fees, posters, and dinner.
o Moving the conference to the fall. Bringing a well-known speaker.
o This is just for posters and dinners, not for speaker fees.
o This conference is free and open to all campus.
o The conference is on September 18th and 19th (next week).
o President Maney encourages the representatives to factor this into the
budget next year during the finance process since this is a yearly
o Vote:
 Yay: 10
 Nay: 1
 Abstentions: 2
Move to return to normal order:
o Vote:
 Yay: 12
 Nay: 0
 Abstentions: 1
Normal Order has resumed
Senator Chong requests a point of personal privilege
Open Forum:
o 48-hour rule. What it is, how we will use it, and when we will use it. Want
to put it in language. Questions about where the 48-hour rule is in the
bylaws/constitution. This rule is for agendas set further in advance. A lot
of discussion about how this is used and why it’s used. They will use 48
hour as they define it. When define it they need to go to governance and
put it in the bylaws. Will charge governance with taking care of this.
Senator Leitzmann requests a point of personal privilege
Senator Leitzmann returns
Dean of Students Representative Palmquist Cady requests a point of personal
Senator Chong returns
Executive Reports
o President Report
Debriefed LogJam. Dean of Student Representative Palmquist
Cady wanted to announce that there is a summit on the 21st of
September to prevent sexual assault. Green dot training will be in
the Murray Board room on Saturday at 4.
o Vice-President Report
 Capital: $164,818.50. Finance: $19,865.
 Club orientation happened. Those who didn’t come were notified
that their budgets will be frozen until they meet with Senator
Young or Vice-President Fagaragan.
o Faculty Representative Report
 Nothing to report.
o Dean of Representative Report
Senate Reports
o Chair Report
 Exec met this week. Most of the contracts are in and signed.
o Club Liaison Director Report
 Club orientation went smoothly. Only a few clubs were unexcused.
There is some confusion about club assignment. Senator Young
will be resending things out.
o Club Sports Liaison Director Report
 Everything went swimmingly. Lower Baker field was triple
booked somehow but it all worked out.
o Committee Reports
 Food and safety had their first meeting. Chef Bryan brought
chicken kabobs and chocolate chip cookies. Chef Bryan has been
working closely with the garden. All kale that was used for
LogJam was from the garden. Really thrilled with new space but
figuring out logistics. TV monitors in front of Wheelock. DCS
bought new networking system. 1 weed and 2 alcohol violations
this week. People are locking bikes more but odd things that aren’t
locked in are being stolen such as seats and wheels. License plates
being taken and replaced by expired ones. An incidence of dorm
storming. Kept key and vandalized with sticky tape. Spray painting
on commencement walk.
 Media board met. LogJam was great for everyone. Yearbook was
able to sell some of last year’s copies and presell some of this
year’s copies. Still getting in applications. Elements first meeting
was kind of shaky. They have two articles finished. Looking for
more. Trail has 20 applications and expecting more. KUPS had
over 100 DJs interested. Will be broadcastings at best capacity.
Click Cable will be coming to KUPS.
 Elections committee was unable to meet. Applications will be
available September 15th. Signatures will need to be turned in by
the 30th. Polls closed October 13th.
o Peer allies have started office hours.
o Friday September 19th is a really wonderful concert. Collage concert.
Features everything school of music has to offer. Moves fast and furious.
Always packed.
o Zombie tag at the park on Saturday. Can either dress as a runner or a
zombie. September 13th at 8am.
o There is a conference at UW about sexual assault. Registration ends this
evening. Sliding scale $15 to whatever.
o UT auditions this weekend.
 Adjournment
Meeting Adjourned at 9:22