a New Role in the World

Chapter 12, a World Leader
Lesson 1, a New Role in the World
 Explain how the United States gained Alaska and Hawaii
 Identify the causes and effects of the Spanish-American War
 Describe Theodore Roosevelt’s role in the building of the Panama Canal, conservation,
and the work of progressives.
Q: How did the United States expand its borders?
1898 – The Spanish-American War begins
1914 – The Panama Canal opens
1959 – Alaska and Hawaii become states
Vocabulary :
Armistice –
Progressive –
Conservation –
Queen Liliuokalani
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
W.E.B. DuBois
Puerto Rico
1. The United States Gains New Lands
a. The western frontier was settled in the late 1800’s after the Civil War, but the US
added new lands that were far from the contiguous states.
b. Alaska – 1867 – the US bought Alaska from Russia for $7 million.
i. Many people thought this was foolish and knew little about these lands.
ii. In 1896 – gold was discovered.
1. Now the land was considered valuable.
2. Over 100,000 people moved to Alaska in search of gold.
c. Hawaii – Queen Liliuokalani ruled the Hawaiian islands in the Pacific.
i. There were American sugarcane farmers there that were upset by her
decisions on the islands.
1. In 1893 – the farmers revolted and imprisoned the queen.
2. Americans took over the government.
3. They asked the US to annex, or add Hawaii on as part of the
4. In 1898 – the US annexed Hawaii.
5. In 1959 – Alaska and Hawaii become the 49th and 50th states.
Q: How did Hawaii become a part of the United States?
Americans took over the government and asked the United States to annex the country.
2. The Spanish-American War
a. In the 1890’s – Spain faced problems with two of its colonies.
i. Cuba – in the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean)
ii. Philippines – in the Pacific Ocean
b. Both colonies (like our founding fathers) were fighting for independence.
c. Reasons For War
i. There was a lot of propaganda going on in Cuba about the mistreatment
of the people.
ii. Americans became sympathetic to their stuggle.
iii. President McKinley in 1898 sent the battleship Maine to Havana, Cuba.
1. He meant to protect the Americans living there.
2. In February, the Maine exploded.
3. 260+ American sailors died.
4. The cause of the explosion was unclear. But many Americans
5. On April 21, President McKinley ordered a blockade of Cuba.
6. On April 28, 1898 – Congress declared war on Spain.
d. The Fighting Begins
i. The US navy was stronger than Spain’s navy. However, our Army was
weak and we decided to attack with the Navy.
ii. The first battle was in the Philippines – An American fleet destroyed the
Spanish fleet in the battle Cuba.
iii. Thousands of Americans volunteered!
1. Theodore Roosevelt – A former assistant secretary of the Navy,
left his job!!! To join the Army.
2. His unit was known as the Rough Riders
iv. In June 1898 – American forces captured Guantanamo Bay.
v. More troops were sent to Cuba
vi. July 1 1898 – the Rough Riders and two African American units helped
defeat the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Hill.
vii. The city of Santiago surrendered, but fighting continued in Puerto Rico
and the Philippines.
viii. August 12 1898 – Spain surrendered and signed an armistice.
ix. The war was only four months long, but more than 5,000 US soldiers
1. Most of them died from malaria and other diseases.
3. The Effects of the War
a. *** As a result of the Spanish-American War, the US became a world power.
b. Spain agreed to give the United States control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and
the Philippines !!!!
i. Cuba and the Philippines were eventually given independence.
ii. BUT Guam and Puerto Rico remain territories of the United States.
c. Some Americans thought it was good to have places across the world for military
bases and trade.
d. Others believed the US should not become involved in other parts of the world.
Q: How did the Spanish-American War end?
After many defeats, Spain signed an armistice.
4. Changes at Home and Abroad
a. In 1900 William McKinley was elected president, and Theodore Roosevelt was
elected as Vice President.
b. In 1901 – McKinley was assassinated and Teddy Roosevelt became president.
5. The Panama Canal
a. TR (Teddy Roosevelt) was motivated to build a canal across the Isthmus of
Panama, in Central America.
b. This canal would link American ports on the Atlantic coast with ports on the
Pacific coast.
c. In 1904 – work began on the canal
d. It was extremely difficult to build, a major project.
e. In 1910 – the Panama Canal opened.
6. Government Action
a. TR – set up the Square Deal
i. It set new laws for businesses to follow.
ii. TR’s supporters were called progressives. They believed that the
government and citizens could make life better.
b. TR & Congress – in 1906 – passed a law called the Pure Food and Drug Act.
i. It set safe standards for food and medicines.
c. TR – was huge into conservation.
i. Conservation is a wise use and protection of natural resources.
ii. Under TR, five new national parks were formed.
7. Expanding Rights
a. African American leaders used progressive ideas to fight prejudice.
b. In 1909 – W.E.B. Du Bois and other leaders formed the NAACP (the National
Association for Advancement of Colored People).
c. The group tried to end segregation.
d. As well as try and change state laws that denied full civil rights.
Q: What was the Square Deal?
A government program that set new laws for businesses to follow.
In the late 1800’s the United States purchased Alaska and annexed Hawaii. The US gained Cuba,
Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam as a result of the Spanish-American War. In addition,
progressives worked to improve life in the US.
Review Questions:
1. How did the United States expand its borders?
by purchasing Alaska, annexing Hawaii, and gaining lands in the Spanish
American War.
2. Where are the territories that the United States won in the Spanish-American War?
In the western Atlantic Ocean near the United States and the western Pacific
Ocean near China.
3. Why do you think Americans supported Cuba in its fight for independence from Spain
Maybe because Americans also had to fight for their independence.