Algebra I Unit #2: Expressions, Equations, and Functions Essential Questions: 1) Writing and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions Journal Questions: 1) How do you perform operations with real numbers? Page 86: 6 2) How do you apply properties of real numbers? Page 119: 5, 6 3) How can you classify and reason with real numbers? Extra Credit: p86 #4, p119 #4 Vocabulary: whole numbers integers rational numbers opposites absolute value conditional statement additive identity additive inverse mulitiplicative identity equivalent expression multiplicative inverse distributive property term coefficient constant like terms square root radicand perfect square irrational number real number set element empty set universal set union intersection Khan Academy Sections: Number line 1, ordering negative numbers, comparing whole numbers, adding and subtracting negative numbers, adding decimals 1, multiplying Fractions 0.5, distributive property, matrix addition and subtraction, dividing positive and negative fractions, square roots of perfect squares Homework Check 5 points 4 points Algebra I Section/Lesson Assigned Problems 3 points Day 1 No Stamp Needed Day 2 Pre-Test/Word Walls/Pre-Requisite Skills 2.1 Use integers and rational numbers Khan: Number line 1, comparing whole numbers Word Wall P. 62 Pre-Requisite Skills All Pages 67-70 y: 1, 3, 10-13, 17-19, 53, 54, 57-59, 67-75 odd, 67-69, 73 (23 total) Day 3 Page 72 2.1 Extension: Apply Sets to Numbers and Functions y: 1-10 all Khan: Ordering Negative Numbers Day 4 2.2 Add Real Numbers Khan: Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers Day 5 2.3 Subtract Real Numbers Khan: Adding decimals 1 Day 6 Pages 77-79 y: 1, 2, 6-20 even, 38-40, 53, 56, 57, 60, 62, 65 (25 Problems) Pages 82-84 y: 1, 2, 6-14 even, 15, 20-24 even, 32-34, 39, 44, 45, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56 (22 Problems) Quiz Lessons 2.1-2.3 No Stamp Needed Day 7 2.4 Multiply Real Numbers Khan: Multiplying Fractions 0.5 Day 8 Pages 91-93 y: 1, 10-14 all, 28-31, 37-41, 43, 50, 54, 58-64 (22 Problems) Page 95 Extension 2.4: Perform Matrix Operation Everyone: 1-13 all Khan: matrix addition and subtraction Day 9 2.5 Apply the Distributive Property Khan: Distributive Property Pages 99-101 y: 1-3, 9-19 odds, 28-34, 40, 41, 50, 52, 56, 59 (24 problems) Day 10 No Stamp Needed Day 11 Day 12 Quiz Lessons 2.4-2.5 2.6 Dividing Real Numbers Pages 106-108 Khan: dividing positive and negative fractions y: 1, 7-9, 15-21 odd, 26, 27, 35-37, 44, 48, 53, 60-64 even (20 Problems) 2.7 Find Square Roots and Compare Real Numbers Khan: square roots of perfect squares Day 13 Pages 113-116 y: 1, 2, 7-12, 16-20, 48, 56-66 evens (20 problems) Pages 113-116 2.7 Find Square Roots Continued y: 24-32 even, 34-39, 51, 6769 Quiz: 1-6 all (24 Problems) Day 14 No Stamp Needed Quiz 2.6-2.7 No Stamp Needed Chapter 2 Review Day 15 Day 16 No Stamp Needed Journal Question Workday Day 17 Chapter 2 Test No Stamp Needed Relax! Journal Questions Book problems (2 points each): 1) Page 86: #6 2) Page 119: #5 3) Page 119: #6 Extra Credit: p86 #4, p119 #4 ACT problems (1 point each): 4) Which description does not apply to −√9? a) Real Number b) Whole Number c) Integer d) Rational Number 5) Which list of numbers is in order from least to greatest? a) −10 3 , - √16 , - √20, -4.5 c) −4.5, − √20 − √16 , −10 3 b) −4.5 , −10 3 , - √16, - √20 d) − √20 , −4.5, − √16 , −10 3 ESSENTIAL QUESTION (2 POINTS): 6) How do you perform operations with real numbers? (Explain what a real number is and the operations that can, or cannot, be performed with real numbers.)