SPS9 Properties of Waves (SPS9propertiesofwaves)

SPS9 Properties of Waves (SPS9propertiesofwaves)
1.Which type of wave has the shortest wavelength?
A. radio
B. gamma
C. ultraviolet
D. microwave
2.What type of wave has the greatest wavelength?
A. radio
B. x-ray
C. infrared
D. gamma-ray
The discovery that stars emit energy across the entire electromagnetic spectrum led to which of the following
A. radio telescope
B. microwave oven
C. cellular telephone
D. satellite communication
4. The antenna of a radio telescope collects radio waves. The radio waves are amplified and studied by
astronomers. Radio waves can pass through clouds and turbulent air. Light telescopes use light to form images
that can be studied by astronomers. When could a radio telescope and a light telescope be used together?
A. on a rainy day
B. on a clear night
C. on a cloudy night
D. on a clear day
5. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has a shorter wavelength than visible light waves?
A. radar
B. infrared
C. ultraviolet
D. microwave
6. Through which of the following does sound travel at the greatest speed?
A. air
B. steel
C. water
D. a vacuum
7. The speed of sound is 344 m/sec when the air is 20°C. How far away is the source of the sound if it takes 8
seconds for the sound to reach you?
43 m
344 m
C. 2,580 m
D. 2,752 m
8. What are two factors necessary for sound to be produced? A. reflection and amplitude
B. refraction and diffraction
C. vibration and amplitude
D. vibration and a vacuum
9. Which of these do ALL waves transfer?
A. particles
B. mass
C. energy
D. volume
10. A diffraction grating is used to split composite light sources into their fundamental colors. When these
colors combine, white light is observed. Here is a listing of the four primary wavelengths (in nanometers) of
light found in a fluorescent light:
436.6 nm
542.4 nm
546.5 nm
611.6 nm
Which of these light waves has the LOWEST energy? A. 436.6 nm
B. 542.4 nm
C. 546.5 nm
D. 611.6 nm
11. When you speak, air is compressed and expanded in your voice box to create a sound wave. These sound
A. travel at the speed of light.
B. could travel in the vacuum of outer space.
C. have a volume directly proportional to their wavelength.
D. need air, or another medium, to be transmitted to another person.
12. Which of these is an example of the diffraction of a sound wave?
A. hearing an echo after yelling into an empty house
B. seeing someone speak through binoculars before you hear them
C. hearing a teacher talking in the hall while the door is closed through the gap in the bottom
D. noise canceling headphones that combine sound waves to reduce the amplitude of incoming sound waves
13. The lenses in glasses, cameras, and telescopes all take the light from an object and change its speed to create
a new image. This change in speed causes the light to ____________, and is called ________________.
A. bend, refraction
B. change frequency, interference C. change color, diffraction
D. dim, reflection
14. In a recent study, scientists had a need to create wires to transmit sound
across long distances. To improve results, the sound must be transmitted as
quickly as possible. Based on the information about the different elements in
the table, what would be the BEST material to construct the wire?
A. Tin
B. Nickel
C. Aluminum
D. Zinc
15. Voices, musical instruments and other sounds do not travel quickly across wide open spaces like football
and soccer fields. This is primarily due to
A. the inability of sound to be transmitted through a vacuum.
C. the low density of air.
D. the humidity of outside air.
B. the high speed of the molecules of air.
16. Sound waves from the engine of the plane are transmitted to the stationary observer on the ground. If the
plane accelerates constantly from point A to point D and the engine produces a constant sound during this trip,
at which point will the observer hear the highest frequency sound wave?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
17. The Doppler Effect
A. can only be heard when a listener is in motion.
B. can only be heard by people with sensitive hearing.
C. can only be heard if a sound source or an observer is in motion.
D. can only be heard if a person is in physical contact with a moving body.
1. B) gamma
2. A) radio
3. A) radio telescope
4. B) on a clear night
5. C) ultraviolet
6. B) steel
7. D) 2,752 m
8. C) vibration and amplitude
9. C) energy
10. D) 611.6 nm
Answer Key
11. D) need air, or another medium, to be
transmitted to another person.
12. C) hearing a teacher talking in the hall while the
door is closed through the gap in the bottom
13. A) bend, refraction
14. B) Nickel
15. C) the low density of air.
16. B) B
17. C) can only be heard if a sound source or an
observer is in motion