
Shelter and WASH Assessment Report of Yamuna Danda VDC,
Shindupalchowk district, Nepal
1. Summary of Findings and Strategic Humanitarian Priorities
According to Key Informants (KIs), Yamuna Danda has a total of 518 HH and 3225 individuals of which 11 died during
the first earthquake on April 25th. 13 persons were also apparently injured following the first quake.
100% of the houses are flattened or partially damaged (uninhabitable).
The first quake left 50% of the houses damaged and flattened the other half. Following the second earthquake, 10% of
the total houses were damaged and rendered uninhabitable while 90 were flattened.
The population’s main shelter concerns are : 1. skills to build or repair shelter, 2. lack of income, 3. Lack of basic
household items.
There is no major problem with accessing water since it flows from a natural source located at the top of the ridge.
Local ressources available: bamboo, floormats, blankets, timber for frame, buckets, hygiene items.
There is road access for 7 out of 9 wards. The 2 remaining are located at 15-20 minutes walking distance from the road.
VDC Secretary Deputy confirmed that they were inaccessible by car before the earthquake.
Residents are living in makeshift tents of bamboo and plastic sheeting as well as temporary constructions built from the
leftovers of the rubbles. Some of them have built wooden houses with CGI roof.
Government and humanitarian aid have already distributed tarps, food blankets, kitchen wares and basic hygiene kits.
Top 3 priorities: temporary shelter, food and sanitation support.
Top 3 NFI needs : CGI sheets, nails and kitchen sets.
Urgent action needed with regards to temporary shelter, NFIs, WASH (latrines), and debris removal
2. Situation Overview
On April 25th 2015, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 Richter scale struck Nepal, causing a level of devastation that had not been
experienced in the country for at least 80 years. Millions of people have been affected by the disaster, with 8,219 people
confirmed dead and over 20,000 more injured (as of 14th May). The epicentre of the earthquake was located 77km northwest of
Kathmandu, in the Ghorka district. A second earthquake, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, struck Nepal on May 12th 2015.
The epicentre was in Dolakha District, 18km southeast of Kodari (Sindhupalchok District), an area already affected by the 25
April earthquake. The second earthquake was followed by several aftershocks, including a 5.6 magnitude tremor and a 6.3
magnitude tremor in Dolakha District. Strong aftershocks continue to be felt at the time of writing of this concept note. Many
areas around the epicentre are particularly susceptible to landslides.
3. Assessment Methodology
ACTED team spent 4 hours assessing the VDC. The team met with 5 KIs and several residents from 5 different wards (3, 4, 6, 7,
4. Assessment Findings
Populations Affected_____________________________________________________________________
100% of the residents (518 HH, 3225 ind.) and all wards were affected by both earthquakes.
100% of the houses are partially damaged or flattened which renders them unsuitable for living.
The first eathquake left 11 people dead and 13 injured. No deads or injuries were reported to the VDC secretariat for
the second earthquake.
The ground underneath is wet, the weather is cold after sun-set, evenings are windy while rains have been predicted
for the coming two weeks.
Needs, Coverage and Gaps
Yamuna Danda VDC is in need of most forms of humanitarian assistance, as outlined below.
According to VDC office and KIs, 100% of the houses are partially damaged or flattened which renders them unsuitable
for living. This information was confirmed through observation by ACTED team visit to the different wards.
As short-term solution, residents are living in makeshift tents or salvaging items from their homes, generally made from
bamboo sticks and plastic sheets. A minority have constructed shelters with wood and CGI sheets.
Most residents are sharing their makeshift tents with neighbors.
The main shelter concerns are: 1. Homes are uninhabitable, 2. Material to build or repair is scarce.
Each HH has already received at least three tarps distributed by VDC office, DDC, holy mission and other local
organizations. Some dalits have complained that the tarps were not distributed evently.
An American organization called "The world is my country“ is building low-cost houses for 200 HH in ward 6 and 7.
Needs, Coverage and Gaps
Short-term: CGI sheets and construction kits.
Mid-term: Winterization of shelter following the monsoon.
Long-term: Removal of debris and demolition of uninhabitable houses.
Livelihoods, Food Security and Nutrition______________________________________________________
Most residents of Yamuna Danda VDC are farmers which mean they rely on the production of wheat, rice, millet, maize
and potatoes. It is currently wheat and maize harvesting season.
Many residents are waiting for the harvest of paddy (next month) and maize (in 2 months). After the collapse of their
house, they lost their grain storage and seeds for the next harvest.
Most of the residents are unsure to sow their land for the next crop as it is cracked while they still fear another
earthquake. Also, they are currently too busy copping with the aftermath of the 2 earthquakes.
Some households have lost the shelter for their livestock.
Residents are currently living on the in-kind food distributed by the government and humanitarian organizations, food
that they salvage from their storage and trucks that are selling food from the road.
Needs, Coverage and Gaps
Possible Cash-for-Work to clear rubble and demolish buildings;
Construction of storage for crops harvested and food received from different organizations.
Provision of seeds, or cash assistance to replenish stock.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene_______________________________________________________
Several days after the first EQ, the main water source was contaminated by pollution but the situation has improved
since. Villagers are using open public water source. However, water sources could be contaminated or have the
potential to become contaminated if another EQ hit.
Less than 25% of the total population has no access to clean drinking water.
Government has advised residents to boil water, but concerns remain over cleanliness.
Lack of water flagged as major concern by KI, as well as expense of buying bottled water.
80% of the latrines are completely destroyed, the remaining latrines are being used many families which make sanitary
conditions a concern. Residents also mentioned that they defecate in the open due to the lack of latrines.
Hygiene kits were already distributed by humanitarian organizations (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel)
Needs, Coverage and Gaps
Repair and construction of latrines;
Sanitary facilities;
Hygiene promotion;
Testing of water quality
The VDC level sub health post is intact and is staffed by a HA and a nurse. However, the health post lacks medicines,
especially for chronic illnesses.
The VDC is visited by 4 mobile health teams from different humanitarian organizations.
There is currently no signs of contagious diseases but there is a high potential for spread if WASH issues are not quickly
Needs, Coverage and Gaps
Re-supplying the health post with much needed medicines
Yamuna Danda is a predominantly Hindu village, with Buddhist and Christian minorities. One KI informed about some
Dalit settlements – to be particularly vulnerable due to their ostracized societal status.
Needs, Coverage and Gaps
Dalit groups and poor people must be taken into consideration in programmatic decisions as there were complaints
that they have been overlooked during distributions.
According to KIs, most of the schools are severely damaged.
There are 4 schools with approx. 500 students in the VDC (1 higher secondary school, 1 secondary school and 2
Classes were stopped following the EQ they are meant to reopen as of May 31st. The government will make the
Nepali army has supported the repair of a school with bamboo frames but they still lack plastic sheets for roofing and
Civil society organizations from the VDC are also supporting the repair of schools.
KIs informed ACTED team that there is a strong need for psychological counseling for students before reopening the
Relief Efforts/Assistance___________________________________________________________________
Government assistance was received and other organizations such as WFP, Holy Mission, B&B Hospital and private
agencies have also reached the different wards.
Residents have received tarps, blankets, kitchen ware, basic hygiene kits and food items.
Residents have received around 60 kg of rice per HH, at least 2-3 tarps per HH.
4. Humanitarian Access
VDC office and all wards out of 9 are fully accessible. 2 wards are only accessible by walk.
No security concerns.
5. Local contact details
Shovraj Adhikari
Gorakh Bahadur Khadka
Supa Nepal Khadka
Rameshor Khadka
Hiralal Shrestha
Bhimkumar Khadka
Vijay Shrestha
VDC secretary
VDC assistant Secretary
Member of Citizen Forum
Member of political party , CPN(UML)
Major, Command of temporary army camp
Principal, school from ward 3
English Teacher, school from ward 3
Phone number