
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LR
Telephone (01709) 864978
Fax (01709) 864996
Head Teacher: Jo Barker-Carr
Date: September 2014
Review Date: September 2015
Written by: Laura Johnson
To develop in pupils, curiosity, enjoyment, skills and a growing understanding of
history and geography knowledge, through an approach in which pupils raise
questions and investigate the world in which they live.
Aims & Objectives:
By following the National Curriculum 2014 for History and Geography we aim to:
To develop pupils curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world
To encourage thinking about how the past influences the present
To develop children’s chronological awareness of significant events
To create a sense of identity and an increased understanding of pupils
position in their own community and the wider world
To give pupils a range of skills so they feel confident in asking questions
and investigating their own ideas
To stimulate pupils interest in and curiosity about their surroundings
To increase pupils knowledge and understanding of the changing world
To develop pupils competence in specific geographical skills
To give children a sense of responsibility for the world we live in
Through the cross curricular teaching of Humanities we also aim to improve
pupils’ skills in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT as well as developing their thinking
Long Term:
KS4 decide on an interesting topic to focus on which enables them to achieve
specific strands to complete Unit Awards.
KS3/2 currently follow Chris Quigley’s Schemes of Work. This cross curricular
approach has a humanities element which links with the National Curriculum
Long term
Staff plan together in Key Stages; Key Stages liaise with each other.
Long term planning sheets outlines the topics covered throughout the
Medium Term:
Staff plan together in Key Stages; Key Stages liaise with each other. The
Humanities Coordinator has the overview of all the topics. Medium Term
planning sheets are used to record six to eight lessons per half term, resources
needed and outline activities. Differentiation of activities is made in the medium
term plans as appropriate to the pupils being taught; this is based upon their
prior knowledge, understanding and skills.
Central Humanities area is currently located next to Room 6. Teacher resources
and text books are located in this area.
Teaching and learning
Teachers plan for different groups, whole class, small group, paired and
individual. The teacher works towards the child’s independent learning employing
a range of teaching strategies, including;
· Instructing/directing,
· Modelling/demonstrating/scribing
· Explaining
· Focussed quality questioning
· Discussing
· Role play and use of props
· Consolidating
· Evaluating
Assessment, recording and reporting
Assessment in Humanities is completed termly. We assess children’s work in
Humanities by making informal judgements as we observe them during the
lessons. These are used to plan future work, to provide the basis for assessing
the progress of the child, and to share with parents through their annual
report. Teachers endeavour to provide teaching and learning experiences that
encourage all pupils to think creatively, explore and develop ideas, and try
different approaches.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Humanities is monitored by the co-ordinator and is carried out regularly
Scrutiny of plans
Monitoring of pupils books
Informal discussions with staff
Learning walks
Lesson observations
This information is shared with Governors through an end of year Humanities
subject review report.