The School of Traditional Western Herbalism Community Clinic 2714 NE Alberta Street, Portland OR 97211 Holistic Health History: Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gender: Female ☐ Male ☐ Other ☐__________________________________ Ethnic/Cultural Background: Mother’s side ____________________________Father’s side ____________________________ Date of birth:________________________________________ Age: __________ Address Suite/Street:________________________________________ City: ___________________ Postal Code: _______________ Phone number (home): ______________________ (work): _______________________(cell/pager):____________________ Email address: _________________________________ Website: ___________________________ Employment Status: ☐Full time ☐Part Time ☐Retired ☐Unemployed ☐Other ______________________ Occupation/Student status: ☐Full time ☐Part Time Where:__________________________________ Relationship Status: ___________________________________________ Children (#/ages): __________________________________________________ How did you find out about the School of Traditional Western Herbalism clinic? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In order to best support your wellness, it is very important to have a detailed understanding of your history. Please take your time in completing these questions as accurately as possible. What health concerns bring you here today? Primary:____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where is it located? What is it like? How severe is it? (on a scale of 1-10 with ‘10’ being the most severe being unbearable, what level is it now?) ___ Past month ___ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ When did you first notice it? How long does it last? When do you notice it? What makes it better or worse? Is there anything else that seems to relate to it? Secondary:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional comments: Are you currently receiving care from any other health professional(s)? Medical doctor/ND/Nurse Practitioner/Psychiatrist/Chiropractor/Massage Therapist/Other healing practitioner: (if so, please list) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you received a medical diagnosis? Yes ___ No___ For what condition(s)?___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Are you currently using any supplements, vitamins, herbs, and/or pharmaceutical medication or drug? Please continue on a separate page if necessary. Please bring all your supplements, herbs, and/or medications to your first appointment if possible. Pharmaceutical /latin Name Brand name Strength Dose Frequency Duration Do you have any infectious diseases that you know of? ☐Yes ☐No If yes please list ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there any chance that you are pregnant? ☐Yes ☐ No Do you have any known allergies or sensitivities (drugs, pollens, foods, etc)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there any reason you cannot ingest herbal remedies prepared in food-grade alcohol?_______________________________ Have you ever had surgery or been hospitalized? (Please provide the date and reason) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any accidents or injuries in the last five years: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ More than five years ago: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Family Medical History Please complete this section only for any family members with particular health problems. Relationship Age (if deceased, age at death) Health issue Mother Father Siblings Children Grandmother Grandfather Other: Personal Health Information and Habits Height: __________ Current Weight: _________Weight 1 year ago: __________ Ideal weight:_______ Are you a smoker? _____ Years? ____ Amount? ____ Have you smoked in the past? ____ When did you quit?___________ Do you use recreational drugs? _____yes ____no. What types? ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ How often? _____________times/week. Regular Exercise: Yes/No Frequency: _____times/week Type: _______________Duration? ___________________ 2 Typical Diet – as accurately as possible please describe what you typically eat on a daily basis *Emotional issues related to food you want to address ☐yes ☐no - prefer not to fill out diet diary at this time ☐ Breakfast: Good day:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rushed/Stressed Day:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch: Nutritious day:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Less Nutritious Day:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Dinner: Nutritious day:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Less Nutritious Day:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Snacks: Nutritious day:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Less Nutritious Day:________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you eat sweets and desserts? ☐Yes ☐No How often? _______times/week. How much? _______ servings/day. Do you now or have you ever followed a restricted diet? Please describe and indicate when & for what reasons: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you drink alcohol? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, what types? __________________________________How often? ___times/week. Do you drink coffee? ☐Yes ☐No How often? ____________times/week. How much? ____cups/day. Do you drink tea? Black/green/herbal ☐Yes ☐No How often? ____________times/week. How much? ____cups/day. Do you drink soda/pop? ☐Yes ☐No How often? ____________times/week. How much? ____cups/day. Do you make a point to drink water daily? ☐Yes ☐No How often? ________times/week. How much? ____glasses/day. PART TWO: HEALTH HISTORY Please number any symptom you have experienced according to the following scale, and if you have experienced it in the past write a P next to the number your write in the box. If you never have the symptom, leave it blank. 1. 2. 3. Rarely have the symptom Occasionally have the symptom (not severe) Occasionally have the symptoms (moderate-severe) 4. 5. Frequently have the symptom (not severe) Frequently have the symptom (moderate-severe) Skin ☐Pimples ☐Dry ☐Moist ☐Oily ☐Red/Irritated ☐Pale ☐Acne ☐Feels cool/cold ☐Feels warm/hot ☐Recent moles of unusual shape or color ☐nightime sweating ☐daytime sweating ☐Recent changes in skin texture ☐Rashes ☐Excessive hair growth. Where______________ ☐Poor healing sores Hair ☐Hives ☐Dandruff ☐Itching ☐Irritated or itchy scalp ☐Eczema ☐Hair loss/Thinning. Where____________________ ☐Psoriasis Any other noted problems with your skin, nails or hair? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat ☐Glaucoma ☐Headache ☐migraines ☐Blurred vision ☐Poor vision ☐loss of vision ☐Eye pain ☐Earaches ☐Redness in eyes ☐Poor hearing ☐Floaters ☐Ringing in ears ☐swishing, roaring, or pulsing in ears ☐Cataracts ☐Fullness in ears ☐discharge from ears 3 ☐Sore throat ☐Bleeding gums ☐Canker sores ☐Cold sores, if yes how often? _________times/year ☐Grinding teeth ☐Facial pain ☐Clicking jaw ☐Jaw pain ☐Mucous in throat ☐Nosebleeds ☐Dizziness ☐Frequent colds ☐Swollen glands ☐Nose Bleeds ☐Allergy symptoms Any other problems with your head, eyes, ears, nose or throat? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Respiratory ☐Cough ☐chronic ☐acute ☐clear/white mucus ☐yellow/green/orange mucus ☐Asthma ☐Hay fever/Allergic rhinitis ☐Seasonal allergy symptoms ☐Runny/stuffy nose ☐Bronchitis ☐Coughing blood ☐Pneumonia ☐clear/white mucus ☐yellow, green, orange mucus ☐Pain on breathing ☐Asthma ☐Shortness of breath without exertion ☐Bronchitis ☐Difficulty breathing when lying down ☐Emphysema ☐Production of phlegm, if yes what color?___________ ☐Sinus infection(s) ☐allergies such as mold, dust, chemicals, cleaning products, scents, perfumes, paint etc_________________________ ☐Any other respiratory issues?___________________________________________________________________________ Cardiovascular ☐High blood pressure - specify if known_____________ ☐Low blood pressure - specify if known______________ ☐Chest/heart pain ☐Fainting ☐Irregular heart beat ☐Cold hands or feet ☐Numbness or tingling in fingers or toes ☐Ankle swelling ☐Palpitations - ☐with anxiety ☐without anxiety ☐Easy bruising ☐Varicose veins ☐Blood clots ☐Breathing difficulties ☐Hemorrhoids Any other concerns with your heart or circulation? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gastro-Intestinal ☐Nausea ☐Vomiting ☐Diarrhea – for how long_______________ ☐color__________________ ☐Constipation ☐Alternating diarrhea & constipation ☐Bad breath ☐Indigestion ☐Abdominal pain ☐Heartburn ☐Gas ☐Bloating ☐Blood in stools – what color_____________________ ☐Mucous in stools ☐Rectal pain ☐Hemorrhoids ☐Food cravings - specify__________________________ ☐Poor appetite ☐Gallstones ☐Ulcers ☐Difficulty swallowing ☐Colitis/IBS ☐Liver problems ☐Hepatitis ☐Dysentery ☐Parasites 4 How many bowel movements do you have a day? ☐<1 ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4+ (if less the 1/day – how often________________) How would you describe your bowel movements? ☐Loose ☐Normal ☐Hard ☐Tarry ☐Varied_____________________ Do your stools: float? ☐sink? ☐have a bad odor? ☐have no odor? ☐ Do you rely on: ☐Enemas ☐Laxatives ☐Coffee ☐ Cigarettes ☐Purgatives for bowel elimination? If yes, how often? ____times/week ☐Stool color: pale___light brown____dark brown___ Black____ Bloody______(dark blood____ bright red blood____) Any other digestive problems? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any known food allergies or sensitivities – or have you noticed digestive issues after eating:______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Do you avoid any particular food:_____________________________________________________________ Urinary/Kidneys Urine: ☐dark color ☐light yellow/ pale ☐Painful urination ☐Frequent urination (day ____or night_____) ☐Blood in urine ☐Urgency of urination ☐Kidney/bladder stones ☐Irregular flow ☐Difficulty holding urine ☐Decrease in flow ☐Water retention ☐Burning urine ☐Difficulty stopping or starting ☐Interstitial cystitis Any other problems with urination or kidney function? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Musculoskeletal/Nervous System ☐Muscle weakness ☐Muscle Tension ☐Reduced range of movement ☐Neck pain ☐Muscle pain ☐Stiffness ☐Back pain ☐Jaw pain ☐TMD or TMJ ☐Arthritis - ☐Osteo ☐Rheumatoid ☐Shooting pains ☐Paralysis Endocrine/Metabolic ☐Sensitive to heat/cold ☐Excessive sweating ☐Night sweats ☐Hypoglycemia ☐Insulin resistance ☐Dry Skin ☐Hypothyroid ☐Hyperthyroid ☐Hashimoto’s ☐Dizziness ☐Fibromyalgia ☐Stiff joints ☐swollen joints/fluid in joints ☐Joint pain ☐Acute injury ☐Chronic pain/old injury ☐broken bone ☐Sprain ☐Strain ☐Numbness ☐Tingling - where__________________ ☐Seizures ☐Issues with taste or smell________________________ ☐Memory loss ☐Stress level - ☐high ☐medium ☐low ☐Chronic fatigue ☐Fevers ☐Chills ☐Excessive thirst ☐Slow metabolism ☐Sudden energy drops ☐Recent weight gain ☐Recent weight loss 5 Any other health concerns? _____________________________________________________________________ Reproductive Information: Are you taking synthetic hormones Yes/No Which one(s)______________________________________________________ Are you taking natural hormones Yes/No Which one(s)______________________________________________________ Are you taking any other medication for the reproductive system?_______________________________________________ Have you had any surgeries of the reproductive organs inc. breasts?__________________________________When________ Are you currently or have you transitioned between genders?_______________ M>F_____ or F>M_______When_________ If so, what physical or emotional changes have you noticed if any?______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any related information or concerns_______________________________________________________________________ Male Body Reproductive & Hormonal ☐ Acne ☐incontinence ☐Benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia (BPH) ☐Low libido ☐Bleeding w ejaculation ☐Low sperm count ☐Candida albicans ☐penis cancer ☐Epididymitis ☐Premature ejaculation ☐Fatigue ☐Prostate cancer ☐Frequent urination ☐Stress ☐Hair Loss ☐Testicular cancer ☐Impotence ☐Trauma ☐Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s)________________________________________________________________ ☐Any other concerns__________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Female Body Reproductive & Hormonal ☐ Mastectomy ☐Acne ☐ Anemia ☐Ovulation issues ☐ Pain with intercourse ☐Candida albicans ☐Cervical dysplasia ☐PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) ☐ Discharge other than menstruation, if yes what is the ☐Pelvic inflammatory disease color? ______________ Duration_______ ☐Pregnant now ☐ Endometriosis ☐Progesterone – low___high___ ☐Estrogen – low___high____ ☐Prolactin – high____ ☐ Fibroids ☐ Testosterone – low____high___ ☐Hashimoto ☐Tubal ligation ☐Hyperthyroid ☐ Uterine cysts ☐Hypothyroid ☐Vaginal infection ☐ Hysterectomy ☐ Vaginal itching ☐ Infertility or difficulty conceiving ☐ Cancer _____________________________________ ☐ Lumpectomy ☐Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) ___________________________________________________________________ Do you menstruate? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, what is the length of your cycle (period to period):________days, and the duration of bleeding ________days? Would you characterize your flow as: ☐Heavy ☐Normal ☐Light? Is the blood: ☐Dark red ☐brown ☐red ☐Light red/watery? Menstrual Cycle: ☐Regular ☐Irregular ___________ ☐Absent (how long)_________________________________________________ Do you have premenstrual symptoms (PMS)? ☐Yes ☐No How many days before your cycle do symptoms begin to manifest? ______ days before period Is there any chance you could be pregnant at this time?__________________________ 6 Female reproductive (continued)… ☐Headaches If you have PMS, which symptoms apply to you? ☐Increased appetite ☐Abdominal pain ☐Insomnia ☐Anxiety ☐Joint pain ☐Back or neck pain or tension ☐Migraines (when in cycle_______________________) ☐Bloating ☐Mood Swings ☐Breast tenderness/swelling ☐Nervous tension ☐Foggy Thinking ☐Nervousness ☐Craving for sweets ☐Palpitations ☐Depression ☐Poor memory ☐Sadness ☐Water retention ☐Dizziness ☐Weight gain ☐Fatigue (worse morning__,afternoon__,evening__after eating____(after eating what______________________) Do you have breast implants? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, are they: ☐Silicon ☐Saline ☐Other If yes, have you noted any problem with them? ☐Yes ☐No Date and result of last PAP smear: ________________________________________________________________________ How many: pregnancies have you had? _____; births? _____ ; miscarriages?_____; premature births?____; abortions? _____ Do you or have you recently used contraceptives? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, which ones? ☐IUD ☐Condoms ☐Diaphragm ☐Rhythm ☐Mucous method ☐Spermicidal jelly ☐Other (please describe): _______________________________________________________________________________ Are you post-menopausal? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, when was the approximate date of your last period? If you have menopausal symptoms, please describe your major symptoms: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you pregnant at this time? (circle one) YES NO MAYBE Is there any chance that you are pregnant? Do you have any other gynecological issues or concerns? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Psychological/Emotional – check any symptoms you are currently/recently experiencing. If in the past write (p) next to the check box and when if you remember. □ Severe headaches □ Panic attacks □ Fatigue/Exhaustion □ Fear of something unknown □ Dizziness/faintness □ Shortness of breath □ Numbness/tingling □ Fear of dying □ Periods of anxiety □ Irritability □ Excessive sweating □ Agitation □ Heart racing/pounding □ Loss of appetite □ Trembling/shaking □ Memory problems □ Excessive fears □ Exhaustion/tiredness □ Poor concentration □ Nightmares □ Severe worry □ Sleeping excessively □ Nervousness □ Insomnia □ Periods of feeling too good/high □ Difficulty falling asleep □ Body tension □ Low self-esteem □ Unresolved grief □ Crying spells □ Guilt feelings □ Temper outbursts □ Poor judgment □ Aggressive behaviors □ Suicidal thinking □ Depressed mood □ Recurring intrusive thoughts □ Urges to perform repeated acts □ Sexual concerns 7 Sleep How many hours do you sleep per night on average:____ What is your regular bedtime: ____ Do you wake up: rested___somewhat tired__ very tired___ Is your sleep: continuous___ interrupted____ (by what:_____________________) On average how many times do you wake up per night___ If you wake up, do you easily fall back asleep____ How long does it usually take you to fall asleep ___ Do you have nightmares: often___ rarely___ never____ Do you have night sweats:___ What medications or herbs do you take to help you sleep________________________________________________________ Additional ☐Memory problems ☐Numbness, if yes,where? _______________________ ☐Irritability ☐Seizures ☐Migraine ☐Headaches ☐High stress levels ☐Fatigue ☐Lack of motivation ☐Loss of balance ☐Lack of coordination ☐Difficulty concentrating ☐Foggy or spacey feeling ☐Muscle spasm/twitching How many hours do you sleep each night? ______ Do you have any other neurological problems? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ To the best of your knowledge, have you ever been exposed to pesticides, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, or other toxins encountered beyond what might be expected in one’s day to day life? _____________________________________________________________________________ Outlook on Life How do you feel about the following areas of your life? Please check appropriate boxes and make any comments you would like to. Excellent - Good - Fair - Poor Self Spouse/Partner Sex Family Life purpose Finances Are you able to express your feelings and emotions easily? ☐Yes ☐No Is there an excess of stress in your life? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, what is causing you stress? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have tools or techniques to relieve stress? ☐Yes ☐No Are you satisfied with your current living/working environment? ☐Yes ☐No If there is one thing in your life that you would like to change right now, what is it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you sleep well? ☐Yes ☐No What feelings do you most often experience in your life? ☐joy ☐happiness ☐ acceptance ☐ anger ☐sadness ☐fear ☐anxiety ☐sympathy ☐worry ☐ depression ☐guilt ☐confusion ☐ self-doubt Vision Statement What is your desired goal for your visit today? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Waiver of Liability I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that I am consulting with________________________________of my own free will. I understand that_______________________________________is not licensed as a physician to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or medical condition, nor to prescribe medications. I understand that there will be no diagnosis made, nor prescriptions given, but rather that ______________________________will offer an assessment of my general wellbeing, as well as dietary, herbal, and nutritional recommendations to support my health and emotional balance. I understand that the information received in this and any consultation with ______________________________is not in any way to be considered medical advice, nor is it to be considered a substitute for medical advice. I understand that it is important that I continue to seek medical care with my medical doctor, Naturopath, or nurse practitioner as usual, and to confirm any addition of herbs and supplements to my diet with this healthcare provider. If I am already taking prescription medications of any kind, I hereby confirm that I will not discontinue use of such medications without consulting with my prescribing healthcare provider. I also understand the importance of frequent monitoring of any new health supporting protocol to revise the recommended protocol as appropriate, and confirm that I will immediately report any new or unusual symptoms to _________________________and to my physician (if I am currently seeing a physician for a medical condition or illness). Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Print name: _________________________________________________________ All case history notes and medical information recorded during the consultation are kept strictly confidential. Your personal and health related information will not be released to any person or agency except with your authorization or where required by law. 9