French Restaurant Project 2014 Criteria Sheet

French 6/7
Mr. Brovold
French Restaurant Role Playing Assignment Criteria
Purpose: You will work in a team or three to four students to assemble a five-to-ten minute
conversation among your team members in the roles of restaurant customers and staff, and then to
present the conversation to the rest of the class. All exchanges between the players shall be in
Be creative. This is a chance for you to converse meaningfully in the other official language of
Canada. The more honest work you put into it, the more fun you will have, and the more you will
learn. You can add greetings, make small talk, have disagreements, comment on the food or the
server, and so on.
Source of Materials: you are expected to use the materials in your notebooks, readers, and various
tests and assignments in order to construct your conversations. This is fairly basic conversational
French, so there should be no need to consult an online translator for your sentences. If you don’t
know the French word for something, look it up in your FE Dictionary, and then ask me for
clarification, if necessary. If you use an online translator and don’t know the meaning of words or
sentences in your script, or how you came up with them, then it will affect your mark.
Menu: You are not required to create a menu, but you may use a fake menu or notepad to help
you with the script. All food must be ordered à la Carte from the lists I gave you in class (order your
meal one item at a time). Do not use any other lists or menus.
Script: You are required to hand in a copy of your script in French and English by Tuesday, May 14.
It must be typewritten, but all accents and other punctuation marks may be added with pencil. All
scripts must be double-spaced. Please do not hand in a handwritten script.
Assessment: you will be marked on a written component and an oral component. The rubrics are
listed on the back of this sheet.
Suggestions for being creative:
Use lots of verbs, including avoir, être, voir, manger, aller, détester, vouloir, aimer, pouvoir
Use lots of compound verbs (J’aime manger des pommes)
Use prepositions to extend your sentences (Ma cuillère est sous la table)
Use negatives (Je n’aime pas manger des pommes)
Use auxiliary verbs, such as besoin de (Est-ce que tu as besoin d’une nouvelle fourchette?) or
puis-je (Puis-je avoir une nouvelle fourchette?)
Develop your characters (complainer, clown, cheapskate, cranky server)
Have a beginning, middle, and end to your role-play
Check your lists for examples and modify them to suit your play
FRENCH 6/7: Mr. Brovold
Oral Pronunciation and Written Component Scoring Form
Name ________________________________
Poor: 1
Fair: 2
Average: 3
Good: 4
Div. ____
Grade ______
Excellent: 5
General Pronunciation and Affect
Consistent use of English pronunciation of French words, flat affect of speech, no
Considerable use of English pronunciation of French words, little affect but
recognizable as French vocabulary; few gestures
Occasional use of English pronunciation of French words, but for the most part able
to pronounce the more common words correctly; moderate use of French
enunciation of phonetic structures; starting to sound like normal conversation; some
Most words are pronounced correctly with appropriate affect; little or no English
pronunciation, sounds more like natural conversation; frequent use of gestures
Consistently natural affect and correct pronunciation of French words with
appropriate affect; sounds like a natural conversation, frequent gestures are
appropriate and meaningful
Sentence Construction
Sentences are very basic with little variety, several errors in grammar and
vocabulary, doesn’t seem well-prepared, hard to understand
Sentences are fairly basic; contain some variety but little use of adverbs, some errors
in grammar and vocabulary
Sentences contain some variety and the beginnings of some complexity, tries to use
the full range of vocabulary and be creative; a few errors in grammar and vocabulary
Sentences are varied and fairly coherent, showing some creativity with the various
components of the sentences, makes use of adverbs to modify the sentences,
grammar and vocabulary generally correct
Sentences are well-constructed and coherent, few or no errors in grammar and
vocabulary, creative use of the adjectives and adverbs, creativity in compound
Handed in a hard copy of the questions: ___________