Nombre: _________________ Rubric for Weather project: You and your partner will be given a Spanish country. You will need to research the weather for the next three days. You will need to present a weather forecast for your country including the weather in the capital as well as other cities. It is necessary to include useful information as well. (clothing needed ) You will present your forecast using the Smartboard so you should include slides or pictures to go along with your oral presentation. Think of the weather on tv and how it is presented. Introduce yourselves! Make your presentation creative and fun to watch! Grammar usage No grammatical errors 7 One or two spelling errors One or two grammatical errors Pronunciation No pronunciation errors One or two pronunciation errors Three or four pronunciation errors Five or more pronunciation errors Presentation Excellent (very prepared, organized and unique) Student knew the lines and was fully prepared. Fair Student needed much help with the lines and really should have prepared more! Needs much work Student was clearly not prepared for the presentation. Slides: NO SPANISH WORDS ON ANY SLIDES FROM YOUR SCRIPT!(You can label the places!) Group has 4 or more different slides including a map of their country and weather pictures. 20 sentences Good (prepared and organized) Student needed some help with the lines, but overall the presentation was good. Group has 3 or less different slides including a map of their country and weather pictures. 18-19 sentences Group has 2 or less different slides including a map of their country and weather pictures. 16-17 sentences Group has 1 different slide including a map of their country and weather pictures. Spelling Length 10 No spelling errors 4 Three to four spelling errors Three or four grammatical errors 0 Five or more spelling errors Five or more grammatical errors Less than 15 sentences Vocabulary: weather words describing weather, include a season, include the temperature using numbers, (la temperature es _______ grados, directionals(4different ones (ej: En el este,in the East, en el oeste, in the West, en el sur, in the South, en el norte, in the north) and the capital and two additional cities included Clothing vocabulary El/ella lleva ______. Script Class time Advanced Includes all components to the left Average – Missing l component to the left Poor – Missing 2 components to the left Yikes! Missing 3 or more components to the left Script contains 4 or more clothing words Must contain all of these components: Typed in 14 pt. font, double spaced, contains each group member’s name Excellent: Members worked together when class time was given. Script contains 3 clothing words Script contains 2 clothing words Script contains 1 or less clothing words Does not contain one component in the first space. Does not contain two components in the first space. Hand written. Sloppy work! Good: Members needed a reminder to work together when class time was given. Fair :Members needed more than one reminder to stay on task when class time was given Very poor: Members did not work well together and teacher had to intervene Total points ____________/100