Greetings, my Sisters and Brothers:
I am writing this letter while being
“under-the-weather” to quote a phrase we
have all heard. I am fighting a viral
infection and it has taken quite a toll.
However I know that I am not alone in
what I have because many are sick with a
similar condition as well as many different
strains of the flu. So my prayers are with
all who are sick and laid up that you will
recover and be back to your old self again.
We as a congregation of two are
very fortunate that among us are those who
are able to share with us their witness and
to bring forward the Word of God when
they are called upon to fill the pulpit
Sunday mornings when I/we need help. So
it is with a grateful heart that I thank Peter
Poehler, Christopher Jones, and Jeff Rice
for saying “yes” when asked to be in my
stead of these past Sunday mornings. And
Cassi Danzl has offered to be there for us
anytime she is not on call during the
I have always believed that an
important part of who I am as a pastor is to
discern those whom God wants to be an
important part of our ministry and to help
to bring out the “more” in them that God
has created them to be. In my 25 years of
ministry, I have always been able to fill the
pulpit with persons from within the
congregations. Never have I gone outside
unless to do official acts such as funerals or
be with families in crisis. Through prayer
and discernment I have always been
amazed at the persons who say “yes.”
They are sometimes shocked and
sometimes so filled with joy because they
have a story tell and a witness to give to
show how through the grace of God their
lives have changed and how they have
been renewed in their faith. I have always
made sure that they have background
information from several resources to help
them in their preparation and study, but it
is usually their story mixed in with THE
STORY through the scriptures that they are
able to bring that message home to you. I
do my part, they do their part and God does
his part as he works in and through us all.
We are blessed!
I have included in our newsletter two
pieces of mail from D.S. Rene Perez who
requested that they go into all church
newsletters in our district. Please take the
time to read them. And speaking of Rev.
Rene Perez, he has offered to come to the
Pepperell church on Saturday, February
15th at 10am to be with us in
conversation and to support us in our
ministry. I hope that many of this
congregation will come and be part of
this opportunity we have to be with our
faith leader.
After our joint worship service he
asked both churches to pray for our
churches and to seek guidance and
direction in the way in which we minister
in the here and now and in the future. I
hope that Chris Jones’s letter has helped
you with your times of prayer and
Rene gave us very good advice that we all
knew, but needed to hear it again. “It all
begins with prayer.”
Because I have not been able to get
the usual letter out to the Townsend
congregation with regards to our annual
Stewardship Sunday, I want to inform
you that we will be having that special
Sunday on February 9th followed by a
pot luck luncheon. This is that time when
we make a financial commitment to our
church in order for us to be able to
continue our ministry, work and mission
and to our financial obligations. We hope
that you come and participate in this
special time in our church.
Lastly, I pray that you all will be
well and make sure that you do fist or
elbow pumps as a way of greeting one
another during this very contagious time.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayer.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Joan-Anne
The Mission of the District Superintendent
From the office of the CMA District
According to ¶401 of The Book of Discipline
2012, “The purpose of superintending is to equip
the Church in its disciple-making ministry. Those
who superintend carry primary responsibility for
ordering the life of the Church. It is their task to
enable the gathered Church to worship and to
evangelize faithfully.”
The same paragraph goes on to say, “It is also
their task to facilitate the initiation of structures
and strategies for the equipping of Christian
people for service in the Church and in the world
in the name of Jesus Christ and to help extend the
service in mission . . .” The 2012 Book of
Discipline has also added a new expectation to the
office of District Superintendent: to be “Chief
Missional strategist.”
In an era of change and transitions, I think it is
befitting to change the roles of church leaders. In
fact, all of us need to change the way we do
ministry. Things aren’t the way they used to be;
nor will we return to who we were. At least that’s
my hope. Yes! Although God is the same
yesterday and today, we are called to change, and
even to become the catalyst for change. As
pastors, we can no longer sit behind a desk all day
all week and expect that our churches will grow.
No! We need to lead our congregations into the
mission field. The saying is true, sheep beget
sheep not shepherds. But this also means that the
shepherds need to be out in the field with the
sheep and not in the sheep pen. Well, you catch
my drift.
So, what does it mean to become a “Chief
Missional Strategist.?” The truth is that I am not
so sure yet, but I am working on it. However, if I
break down the new name in its three words it all
begins to make a little more sense.
First, Chief isn’t necessarily a designation for a
person who is in authority and of influence (nor
the leader of a Native-American tribe) but it could
be. The name chief identifies a person as the
leader and guide of a group. And for me, leaders
lead, not from behind but from upfront. Leaders
take the lead and are called to be an example to
those whom they lead, in all possible ways; and
this goes for all leaders.
Missional, of course, speaks of the mission that
we are commonly committed to, which is to make
disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of
the world. But we should not look at Missional as
an adjective or a goal to meet. Missional is a way
of living our lives. Being Missional is the primary
focus of those who seek to follow Jesus faithfully,
no matter where Jesus calls. That means that
whether you are in a small or large church, or
serve in extension ministry as a DS, being a
Missional disciple means, as Paul Nixon mentions
in his book I refuse to lead a dying church, that we
have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a
clear sense of the mission which we’ve been
called, the belief that God sent us to the here and
now, and that we offer something that will renew
and revive people in this world.
Thirdly, being a strategist means that we are not
sitting around for things to happen, but we allow
God to use us so that with God’s help we can
provoke change to happen… intentionally. In
short, a Chief Missional Strategist is a spiritual
leader of the district who is wholeheartedly
committed to the mission of making disciples of
Jesus Christ and who is an intentional catalyst for
transformational change and new life in this
world…and that friends, won’t be easy to do, but I
hope we are ready for that journey.
Because of Jesus,
17 signs your church may be dying
By Paul Wilkinson
You may have already read these, but according to
Barna, 3500-4000 churches close their doors every
year… AND recently the Christian Chronicle just
published a report saying that in the past nine
years that church attendance has dropped by more
than 100,000.
Just a few days ago I visited with a man that was
very concerned about the church where he was
attending. His exact words were, “We’re dying
and the sad things is … some don’t care, and the
others don’t know what to do about it!” He and I
got to talking about some of the signs they were
seeing that pointed to their church dying out. We
made quite a list, and of course a few were
tongue-in-cheek. I thought I might share a few
with you today. Of course I’m no church growth
expert, but I’d bet that most are generally
true. So, here are “17 Signs your Church may be
If your church believes doing church is
something that takes place inside the walls
of the building on Sundays and
Wednesdays … instead of outside the
walls in the community during the week.
If your church’s sermons are issue oriented
or not relevant, instead of being
relationship centered and Jesus focused.
If your church is afraid of change, making
changes and taking risks.
If the only thing your community knows
about your church is where it’s located.
If the only thing that seems alive in your
worship service is the greenery at the front
of the auditorium.
If the song you sing most on Sundays is,
“Tis so sweet to Rust in Jesus,” or
something close to it.
If your worship is quiet because there are
no children.
If the only new members that are ever
added to your church are people who have
moved into the area … instead of people
from your community.
If your church is content with just keeping
its heads above the water.
If your church is out of touch with the
current generation.
If your church’s leadership’s motto is,
“But we’ve never done it that way
If your church has money in the bank that
could be used to reach the lost and serve
the poor, but it’s being saved for a rainy
day or an emergency.
If your church’s biggest fear is criticism.
If your church’s leadership doesn’t set the
tone, and is more concerned with
supporting the system than shepherding the
If your church promotes outreach as an
option and not a necessity.
If your church lives in the past not in the
Honestly … It makes me sad that the topic of
churches dying is even a topic that is trending…
If your church does nothing to reach the
community where it is located.
Sunday, February 2
4th Sunday after the Epiphany
Micah 6:1-8
Psalm 15
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Matthew 5:1-12
Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4
Psalm 24
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
Sunday, February 9
5th Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12) Psalm 112:1-10
1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16)
Matthew 5:13-20
Sunday, February 16
6th Sunday after the Epiphany
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 119:1-8
1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Matthew 5:21-37
can sign up for a month by themselves for
$30.00 or two sponsors at $15.00 each.
If you would like to sponsor the Hilltops
in memory or in honor of loved ones,
please put that information in a note along
with your check made out to the Townsend
UMC. In the memo space on your check
please write "sponsor" and the "month"
you signed up for. You can place this in
with your offering or mail to Townsend
UMC, Attention: Secretary, P.O. Box 497,
Townsend, MA 01469
February Liturgists
Feb. 2
Jean Whitman
Feb. 9
Margie Wilson
Feb. 16
Paula Edwards
Feb. 23
Peter Poehler
Sunday, February 23
2nd Sunday after the Epiphany
Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18 Psalm 119:33-40
1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23
Matthew 5:38-48
Kyli Schwartz, Feb. 11
Brian Goyette, Jr. Feb. 22
David Chapman, Feb. 27
f you would like to be a sponsor for The
Hilltops newsletter please sign up for a
month available on the sign-up sheet
located on the bulletin board in Townsend
and in the Fellowship Hall in
Pepperell. Because we share the year
between both churches, with each church
sponsoring every other month, sponsors
he Rev. Rene Perez has offered to
come to the Pepperell church on
Saturday, February 15th at 10am to
be with us in conversation and to support
us in our ministry. I hope that many of this
congregation will come and be part of this
opportunity we have to be with our faith
Marguerite Ferschke (MS); Richard Simmons;
Margie Wilson’s brother Edward (cancer);
Terry Quinn; Lance Osborne, Jean Stringer;
Chrissy Green (friend of Lynn Grymes,
immune deficiency); Shaunna Marie Durno
(Gale’s granddaughter); Heather Lorden;
Steven (Ann Goebel’s brother, cancer); Patrick
and Collette Burns; Keith Edmonds (cancer
and heart problems); Heidi Bouchard; Jack
Adams (alzheimer’s); Lauren Poehler; Scott
Williams; Matt Olssen; Robert Newton; Bob
Grogg; Kathy Harris; Edna Roensch; Rev.
Joan-Anne; Stacey Poehler; Fay McChristian’s
son who is recovering from heart surgery and
her grandson who needs multiple heart
surgeries; Lucky and Penny Howie; Charlotte
Bennett; Sharon Durno; Joe Recco (leukemia);
Donna Rae Bertrum; Fay McChristian; Dick &
Judie Moore; Bonnie Wozniak; Louis
Ezzio; Tiffany Smith (breast cancer); Jimmy
Harnish (cancer); Frank Martin (long term
illness); George Tillberg; Ray Levesque;
Sheila Wick; the Drouart family; Robert
Withee; Emma Ermel; the Shepherd family;
Christine & Roy Walker; Sue McCarthy;
Neveah Wilder (13 months old, cancer);
(pancreatitis/coma); Dana Parker (triple
shoulder/fracture); Velma Klatka; Kim &
Ethan (Rev. Joan-Anne’s daughter &
grandson); the victims of natural disasters all
over the world.
February Greeters
Feb. 2
Lynne Connors
Feb. 16
The Schuster’s
Feb. 23
The Brown’s
February Liturgists
Feb. 2
Elaine Aho
Feb. 9
Shirley Hult
Feb. 16
Carol Roberts
Feb. 23
Rick Oakley
February Sunday School
Feb. 2
Susan Fallon
Feb. 9
Krissy Miner
Feb. 16
Shirley Hult
Feb. 23
Chris Jones
February Kinder Room
Feb. 2
Shirley Hult
Feb. 9
Kelli Brown
Feb. 16
Paula Giardinella
Feb. 23
Carol Roberts
Elaine Aho, Feb. 15
Gloria Upham, Feb. 16
Steve Ashe, Feb. 20
George Freeman, Feb. 25
Thomas and Diane Jones (friends of Shirley
Coit, cancer); Jimmy Tompkinson; Barbara
(Nancy Gregg’s sister-in-law, cancer); Eric
Walker (kidney transplant, heart problems);
Dondi LaRue; Richard Beachard (painful
legs); Patty Thorpe (MS and graves disease);
Jean Krikorian; Joe Signoretti (Krissy Miner’s
father, alzheimers); Debby Maciorowski;
Tommy Maciorowski; Judy Wilson (Lynne
Connor’s friend); Emma Whitman; Wallace
Powers (cancer); Shawn Beachard; Sandy
Freeman; Kathy Gammel; Noelle Skidmore;
Ray Duval (cancer); LaNelle Shackley; Rev.
Joan-Anne; Don Waye (cancer); Catherine
Looker (Lynn White’s mother); Shawn Thorpe
(brain tumor); Marie Oakley (Rick’s mother,
dementia); John Barry; Connor Nichols (brain
injury); Anne White; Cassidy Fallon (lyme
disease); Joe Recco (leukemia); Chris Gatchell
(assisted living); Rick Oakley (myasthenia
gravis); Richie Rice (Betty Conley’s nephew,
cancer); Al St. Croix (Pepperell Music Center,
cancer); Bob Eckard (friend of Judy Bureau,
cancer); Frank Martin (long term illness);
Kelly Parker; Walter Schuster; Bill Stevenson;
Dick Johnson; Gail Bessette; Michele Kelley;
Judy Concemi; Andy Gustafson; Betty
Conley; Kim & Ethan (Rev. Joan-Anne’s
daughter & grandson); Michael Signoretti
(Krissy’s brother, cancer); Sally Greig
(Krissy’s friend, lung disease); Madison (10
years old, cancer); Ed Chastian (cancer); the
victims of natural disasters all over the world;
all those unemployed. Homebound: Bill and
Gail Felton.
ouper Bowl Sunday is a national
event held every year on the
same Sunday as the NFL's Super
On February
our Sunday School children will collect $1
and/or one can of soup or other food after
church from all who would like to
donate. The money and food collected
supports our local TEO. The amount we
collect is reported that day to the national
Souper Bowl office by phone or online,
and the national total is posted on line as it
grows. Check www.souperbowl.org
up-to-the-minute donations total!
ur annual Stewardship Sunday is
being held on Sunday, February 9th
followed by a pot luck luncheon.
This is that time when we make a financial
commitment to our church in order for us
to be able to continue our ministry, work
and mission and to our financial
obligations. We hope that you come and
participate in this special time in our