
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Which courses should utilize an ultradwarf bermudagrass such as
A: There are two situations where CHAMPION is the most logical choice for
warm-season golf greens.
The first is a course which desires the finest putting surface attainable
using a bermudagrass. Other ultradwarf bermudagrasses such as
Floradwarf ™ and Tifeagle™ are not capable of producing the same putting
surface as CHAMPION. They are certainly improvements over Tifdwarf, but
they cannot produce the ultimate bermudagrass putting surface™.
The second situation for which CHAMPION is the best choice is when
switching a course in the South from bentgrass to bermudagrass. The
transition from bent to bermuda is often a disappointment to members who
are accustomed to the putting quality of bentgrass. CHAMPION is the
ultradwarf bermudagrass which gives you the surface most comparable to
In fact, CHAMPION greens have very often been mistaken for bentgrass greens
by golfers.
Q: How long has CHAMPION been utilized on real greens in play?
A: CHAMPION has been used on complete sets of greens in play since 1995. No
other ultradwarf has been in the real world longer.
Q: Why would I want to use CHAMPION over TifeagleTM or Floradwarf TM?
A: There are several reasons, as superintendents who have done side-by-side
comparisons have found:
The putting surface. The most compelling reason is that the putting surface
which can be produced with CHAMPION cannot be matched by either TifeagleTM
or Floradwarf TM . Other grasses do not have the density or small, verticallydwarfed leaves of CHAMPION. After all, the reason for using an ultradwarf
bermudagrass is to have a superior putting surface, so what is the point of
having the second best greens in town?
Other reasons superintendents have chosen CHAMPION over other ultradwarfs
Your outcome is assured. Even though other ultradwarfs have been on the
market for only a short while, there have been numerous instances of courses
having to replant and incurring costly delays because of poor planting jobs. Even
though hundreds of courses have been planted with CHAMPION, this does not
happen because each course with CHAMPION is actually planted by the breeder
utilizing the same planting crews and exclusive techniques used on every course
with CHAMPION greens. Even after the greens are planted, the breeders of
CHAMPION remain committed to the success of every course that has
CHAMPION greens and will continue to support the superintendent and work to
insure that every course with CHAMPION greens succeeds.
CHAMPION is supported like no other grass:
Guaranteed establishment of CHAMPION greens
No cost for planting a nursery green
Discounted rate for repair sod if needed
Agronomic advice and consultation always available from the breeders
Publications detailing cultural management provided to every turf manager
Specialized management tools provided with newly established greens
Breeders have developed a large knowledgebase of best management
practices, handling difficult problems, information on experience with
chemicals, soil report parameters, etc.
Network of hundreds of CHAMPION superintendents available to new
Track Record. No other cultivar for greens has had the amazing success
CHAMPION has had. Since CHAMPION ushered in the ultradwarf
bermudagrasses in 1995, there have been several other varieties released. Some
cultivars which were widely adopted at first have already been taken out of
production. Still other cultivars which jumped-out in the market early-on have
subsequently been taken out at many courses after having serious difficulties
and even loss of turf. In contrast, CHAMPION has been more widely adopted
each year and the very oldest installations planted in the mid 1990s continue to
perform well.
Superintendent recommended. Superintendents who have CHAMPION greens
were surveyed about their management practices and satisfaction with their
CHAMPION greens. All of the superintendents who responded said that they
would recommend CHAMPION to a fellow superintendent. Nearly one-third of
CHAMPION installations are repeat customers – companies or individuals who
are planting CHAMPION for the second (or third or fourth…) time after having
managed CHAMPION previously.
Q: I have heard that CHAMPION makes an amazing surface, but isn’t it ‘harder’ to
care for?
A: Superintendents managing CHAMPION greens were asked this same question
in a survey.
None of the respondents characterized the management practices as being
difficult, although superintendents with previous bermudagrass experience
agreed it was decidedly different while those with previous bentgrass
experience characterized it as being much the same.
Some even responded that their job actually became easier because their
members were so happy with their CHAMPION greens.
At some courses with lower budgets and lower expectations,
superintendents have for years been able to make very minimal inputs to
Tifgreen or Tifdwarf. This 'hands-off' approach will not work with any highdensity grass be it bermudagrass or bentgrass.
However, compared to other high-density or 'ultradwarf' bermudagrasses
such as Floradwarf™or Tifeagle™, CHAMPION does not require greater
management inputs. In fact, courses with CHAMPION greens which are
spoon-fed small amounts of nitrogen have reduced the amount of inputs to
a rather minimal level while at the same time maintaining excellent ball roll
and turf quality. This approach would not be possible with the other
ultradwarfs which require higher nitrogen to maintain turf quality.
Claims have been made in the marketing materials of other varieties of
ultradwarfs that theirs are 'easier' to manage. Unfortunately many
superintendents have learned first-hand that this is not true. It is valid to
utilize Tifdwarf instead of an ultradwarf because of the management level at
a given course, but it is a mistake to believe that you can have the putting
surface of an ultradwarf without incurring the potential problems that can
come if an ultradwarf is managed incorrectly.
Q: I've heard that CHAMPION makes a lot of thatch. Is this true?
A: Compared to Tifdwarf, every ultradwarf bermudagrass makes more thatch
since they all produce greater density.
One university study reported high thatch accumulations at nitrogen levels of 2x
and 3x the recommended rate. Similar studies
at another university using the appropriate nitrogen rates showed CHAMPION
producing less thatch than other ultradwarfs.
Q: What about rooting?
A: Being a smaller grass than Tifdwarf or Tifgreen, CHAMPION does not produce
the same root mass or depth of these grasses.
However, among ultradwarfs, CHAMPION was shown to have 77% greater root
mass than FloradwarfTM and 130% greater root mass than TifeagleTM.
Q: What about rhizomes?
A: According to a study at Texas A&M University, rhizome production of
FloradwarfTM, TifeagleTM and CHAMPION was NOT
statistically different when compared to Tifdwarf. However, the results of this
same study have been circulated in marketing materials which omit the rhizome
count of Tifdwarf, giving the false impression that there were statistically
significant differences found.
Q: Can CHAMPION be overseeded?
A: Most courses with CHAMPION greens overseed every year with excellent
results. Not only can you produce an incredible
overseeded surface, but transition with CHAMPION is superior to other grasses
because of early Spring greenup and the ability to tolerate close mowing. But like
many aspects of ultradwarf management, the establishment procedures are
diffferent, so the breeders of CHAMPION commissioned an all-inclusive 3-state
study to document the best procedures. This information is made available to
superintendents who manage CHAMPION.
Q: I've been told that I should plant using certified grass. Is CHAMPION certified?
A: The production and quality control of CHAMPION is vastly superior to any
other grass in the world.
To have allowed CHAMPION to be produced as certified stock would have
required taking our foundation stock and allowing it to be planted in other fields
and then relying on the quarterly inspection of each state's agriculture inspectors
for quality control. History has shown that this is insufficient quality control.
It was therefore decided that CHAMPION production would come from the
original FOUNDATION field under the direct control of the breeder. Every course
which receives CHAMPION gets material directly from the original foundation
stock which was propagated from one single plant. All CHAMPION plant material
is shipped utilizing refrigeration and labeled with PLANT PATENT #9888.
Q: Has CHAMPION been thoroughly researched ?
A: No ultradwarf bernudagrass has been more thoroughly researched or tested
than CHAMPION. Our testing of CHAMPION began
in the early 1990s. Independent scientific studies were conducted on CHAMPION
beginning in the mid 1990s to document its characteristics and performance.
Additionally, over 30 university and private research studies have been
conducted to evaluate CHAMPION. CHAMPION has been consistently rated in the
top group of cultivars in quality ratings at University test sites.
Q: I’ve been hearing a lot about ultradwarfs having many problems, what’s the
A: Yes, there have been numerous instances of dramatic problems with
“ultradwarfs” – winterkill, disease problems, poor transition from overseeding,
even loss of turf - but these were not CHAMPION! Because of the aggressive
growth habit of CHAMPION, it has consistently performed well even in adverse
situations. To be fair, many of the problems that have occurred with other
ultradwarfs were related to mismanagement of the grasses. This is where
CHAMPION is different than any other grass in that we the breeders have spent
over twelve years working through the agronomic issues in managing our grass.
Because of our holistic approach to the production, planting, and follow-up
support of CHAMPION we can give the superintendent one voice to listen to
whether it is for determining the best management practices or dealing with a
specific problem.