Student Name: Abigail Hetrick SEU Course: Learning Processes Topic: Exploration and Colonization Grade Level: Subject: Date: 12/11/13 8th Social Studies Objectives Students will be able to identify reasons for the exploration and colonization of North America and the colonies. Students should be able to understand the political, economic, religious, and social reasons for establishing the 13 colonies. This lesson should be taught in two class periods. TEKS 113.20.b.2.A-B §113.20. Social Studies, Grade 8 b. (2) History. The student understands the causes of exploration and colonization eras. The student is expected to: (A) Identify reasons for European exploration and colonization of North America; and (B) Compare political, economic, religious, and social reasons for the establishment of the 13 English colonies. Purpose The purpose of this lesson is to get students to understand and comprehend the 13 colonies importance. Furthermore it will prepare the students for the next lesson over the American Revolution. Materials For the students Textbooks Pen and note binder For the teacher PowerPoint YouTube videos Procedures/Activities Introduction/Anticipatory Set/Engagement and Exploration: (< 5 min) (5 min) As a warm-up students will respond to teachers questions in a class like discussion and debate. Example question: Name European countries. What might be some reasons for exploration? Teacher will help discussion along but it should be students who talk back and forth with each other. Model: (30 min) Teacher will lead the class lecture using a PowerPoint presentation. It will begin by talking about European counties that participated in the first wave of exploration of North America. A review on how the Americas were found and reasons for the establishment of the 13 colonies. The lecture will incorporate the Page 1 of 2 Semester: Student Name: Abigail Hetrick SEU Course: Learning Processes Date: 12/11/13 chapter material in the student’s textbooks. The teacher will also show videos. Check for Understanding/Explanation: (10 min) In a class discussion similar to the warm-up students will be able to talk and voice their opinions over the lecture about exploration and colonization. Teacher will again help discussion but it should be the students who talk back and forth. The teacher can informally check for understanding by observing the students and their discussion, the involvement of the students individually, and the level of knowledge students is showing. Guided Practice/Exploration: Students will be in groups depending on size of class to discuss in detail one of the reasons for the colonization of the 13 colonies. (Political, Economic, Religious, and Social) Students will be given the rest of the class period and 20 minutes of the next class period to work in their groups. Then each group will present what they found to the class. Everyone must talk. Groups get 5 min to talk Check for Understanding/Explanation: Informally the teacher will again be able to use observation to asses the level of comprehension in the students. When the group presentations are over and the students are working on their independent practice questions, which will be at the end of class the teacher will be able to once again go over any significant points and reteach anything the teacher thinks is necessary. Independent Practice/Elaboration: Students will answer the questions in their textbook covering what they learned in class. This will be turned in and graded. Students will have the rest of class and if not completed it will be for homework. Re-teaching: After the independent practice the teacher will go over the main points discussed and add anything that was not said but important. Closure/Evaluation: The group presentations will be a completion grade for each individual depending on their participation in the group. The questions in the book will be handed in and graded for a number grade. Planned Modifications and Differentiation: Teacher will allow students to share books if they forgot to bring it. If need be teacher will lead the ‘check understanding’ discussion. Assessment of Student Learning: Student’s independent practice textbook questions will act as the exit ticket for this twoday lesson plan. The questions will be graded and I can see if they comprehend the information from the questions turned in. Resources: , , Page 2 of 2 Semester: