Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Title: Rock and Roll Timescale: 02/09/15 – 23/10/15 8wks Rationale: As Historians we will be investigating the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be suggesting causes and consequences of some of the main events and changes in history. We will be describing different accounts of historical events, explaining some of the ways the accounts may differ. By the end of the study, children will be able to identify key features of the Stone age, bronze age and Iron age and be able to compare and contrast these, in order to make an informed choice about which era they would prefer to live in. They will investigate hunter-gatherers, early farmers, clothing, diet, housing and tools. Key skills developed will include understanding of chronology, looking at similarities and differences between ages, interpreting sources of information and looking at different versions of past events. Furthermore we will be investigating regions of the British Isles and relate this to our study of the Stone Age to Iron Age. The Big Questions: Who on Earth? As part of our topic we will be investigating who were the first people in Britain. What are Historians and archaeologists? The children will discover the important role of Historians and archaeologists. How different are we? Blue Class we compare the life of a Stone Age child to their own childhood. Hook: The children will watch the film ‘The Croods’, which is based on the prehistoric way of life. They will discuss what happened during the film, who the characters were and how it relates to facts we already know about the Stone Age. They main focus will be on the clothes, food, home and tools. Take-Away Task: This half term the children will Study a region of the United Kingdom. They will compare and contrast their chosen region, in order to present information on changes over the years. This will include a detailed map, work opportunities and other areas their chosen region connects too. Class activities will include comparing changes to the coastlines and land of Britain and Europe. We will look at where the first humans lived and use atlases to find the continents. Then we will compare with old images to see how the land has changed over time due to the Ice Ages. Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Educational Visits/Global/Cultural Link: This half term the children will benefit from learning about past events and how we discover fats. The children will have a visit from an archaeologist who will explain in detail about primary and secondary sources. Along with detailed facts about the Stone Age. Main Subjects Covered: History linked with Art, Geography and Literacy RE Topic for the Half Term: Jesus: What Christians believe about him? Science Topic for the Half Term: Living things & food chains. PSHE/SMSC Link: Settling in & making friends. Link to the Value: Respecting others and their opinions. Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Numeracy Literacy WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 01/09/15 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 05/10/15 Problem solving WEEK 7 12/10/15 Number: times Number: times Measure: area & Measure: area & Fractions: recognise Fractions: recognise tables. tables. perimeter, including perimeter, including & write. & write. rectangle. rectangle. Assessment week Week 8 19/10/15 Consolidation Basic skills: name, Non-fiction: Non-fiction: Poetry: Songs and Poetry: Songs and Fiction: fantasy Fiction: fantasy Speaking and address, DOB, Postcards & Letters. Postcards & Letters. repetitive poems. repetitive poems. Stories linked to Stories linked to listening: real-life. real-life. months of the year, days of the week. Postcard from their Letter to new Head summer adventure Teacher. Summer adventure story. story writing. Children to show Write a fantasy their presentations story linked to Stone on UK regions. Age topic. Assessment Week. Guided Reading SPAG Word types: Word types: Word types: Word types: Clauses & phrases: Clauses & phrases: Clauses & phrases: Nouns & adjectives Verbs & Adverbs Articles & Y4 pronouns & Clauses Noun Phrases Mixed sentence determiners possessive pronouns practice Clauses & phrases Y3 phrase Word Level Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: Year 3: To spell words that To spell words that To use the first two To use the first two To write from To write from Consolidation. are often misspelt are often misspelt or three letters of a or three letters of a memory simple memory simple word to check its word to check its sentences, dictated sentences, dictated spelling in the spelling in the by the teacher, that by the teacher, that dictionary dictionary include words and include words and punctuation taught punctuation taught so far. so far. Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Year 4: Year 4: To spell words that To spell words that are often misspelt are often misspelt Year 4: Year 4: Year 4: Year 4: Year 4: To use the first two To know the To write from To know the or three letters of a grammatical memory simple grammatical word to check its difference between sentences, dictated difference between spelling in the plural and possessive by the teacher, that plural and possessive dictionary. –s include words and –s Consolidation. punctuation taught so far. Phonics Prefixes Year 3 Suffix ed – single Suffix ed, double consonants. consonants. Suffix ing – single consonants. Suffix ing – double To use further Formation of nouns consonants. prefixes and suffixes using a range of and understand how prefixes (for to add them. example, super, anti, Consolidation. auto) Phonics Prefixes Suffix ed – single consonants. Year 4 Suffix ed, double consonants. Suffix ing – single consonants. Suffix ing – double To use further Formation of nouns consonants. prefixes and suffixes using a range of and understand how prefixes (for to add them. example, super, anti, auto) Science Living Things: Living Things: Living Things: Living Things: Identify and describe Function of different To recognise links How they can be basic structure of parts between plants, grouped. plants including Internet safety Living Things: Living Things: Food chains Living Things: Food chains animals & humans. trees. Computing Living Things: Life cycle. Internet safety Networks Networks Networks Networks Networks Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 3/4 Jesus: What Jesus: What Jesus: What Jesus: What Jesus: What Jesus: What Jesus: What Christians believe Christians believe Christians believe Christians believe Christians believe Christians believe Christians believe about him? about him? about him? about him? about him? about him? about him? RE History Geography Jesus: What Christians believe about him? Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron Stone age to Iron age: age: age: age: age: age: age: age: Study a region of Study a region of Study a region of Study a region of Study a region of Study a region of Study a region of UK: UK: UK: UK: UK: UK: UK: Investigate a map of Identify key regions. Study a region of UK: the UK Stone Age drawings Stone Age drawings Stone Age drawings Stone Age drawings Stone Age drawings Stone Age drawings Stone Age drawings Music See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN See planning by FN Language See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB See planning by NB Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Gym and Dance Settling in Settling in Making friends Making friends Keeping friends Keeping friends Saying sorry Art and Design Stone Age drawings Design and Technology PE PSHE/SMSC See planning by FN See planning by NB Gym and Dance Autumn 1 – MTP - Year 3/4