CFA Policy and Procedure Updated Spring 2015

California Football Academy Flag Football League was created to provide a fun sports
program for children in our community. The goal is for our children to learn and enjoy the
game of football in a family friendly environment, through passionate coaches and team
parents, managed by a caring team of CFA board members.
I. Code of Conduct Policy
Our CFA code of conduct policies were created to ensure that we meet the goal in which our
league was created. We want to make sure that our players learn to play together as a team,
learn good sportsmanship, and learn how to play football while having fun.
All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are required to sign a Code of Conduct form at the
start of each flag football season. These forms are turned into the league and they are
retained by the league office. The Head coach is responsible for the conduct of all his coaches,
players, team parents, and team spectators.
All coaches, players, and parents are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct as well as all
the rules of the game.
If any coach observes anything resembling unsportsmanlike conduct, he/she is responsible
for bringing it to the attention of the head referee. If the referee observed the violation it
will be addressed thru the penalty rules of the game. If the referee did not see the violation
or only caught part of it, and a coach observed the violation, then a referee’s time out will be
called or requested by the coaches. Both coaches are to advise their players on their team
of the violation and reiterate acceptable playing behavior.
A coach may remove his player from the game, but he is not to remove a player from the
opposing team.
In the event of an OUT OF CONTROL PLAYER* , the referees will immediately call a time out.
He will request that the Referee coordinator to come over and explain to him the violation
that occurred. The coaches are to tell all team members of the violation and again reiterate
the rules of the game. The referee may call a penalty on this play in accordance with the
rules. They may also place the offending player on notice for the remainder of the game.
If the player continues to violate the same rule, then the referee will remove the player from
the game, and the player must leave the playing field area immediately.
The referees are to advise the league official at the conclusion of the game of the player being
removed and the reason why. It will be up to the President of the League if he wants to
discuss the players removal from the game with the board members. The result of this
could be a game suspension or greater suspensions depending on the nature of the violation.
This policy is also in force for all coaches. A coach may not yell, intimidate, and/or ridicule the
referees during the game. If this happens then the referee coordinator will be called and
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the referee will discuss with him the incident that has occurred. The coach may be put on
notice for the remainder of the game, and if the incident happens again removed from the
game. The league President will immediately be notified of the coaches removal and he will
decide whether or not to discuss the incident with the board members. Possible
suspensions may result from this type of action.
*An Out of Control Player is defined as one who behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner,
disrespects his coaches and peers, whether on the same team or the opposing team. A
player who uses profanities, yells, or intentionally hurts another player, either verbally or
II. COACHES POLICY (Revised July 2014)
Each Team is allowed to have a maximum of three (3) coaches. Only one head coach and
two (2) assistant coaches are allowed on the team sidelines during any league games. The
head coach will confirm with CFA their 2 official assistant coaches by the 2 nd league scheduled
practice day.
A team may have as many helpers as they need. It is required that all adults, age 18 and up,
who are directly involved with the players, whether in the capacity as an official coach or
parent helpers, must register on our website under registration – Coaches / Volunteers/
All coaches are required to complete the on-line Coach Volunteer Registration on our website The Coaches Code of Conduct will be distributed during
the coach’s mandatory training and must be turn in to the league officials. The league will
also need to see your driver’s license for verification, which is required for a background
check. A photo copy of your driver’s license is recommended. Background checks are run
once a year.
All coaches and players must wear their league issued shirt or jersey. The shirts/ jerseys will
be given to a team coach the day of the first league game.
Player must wear their league
issued team jersey at every game. If a player is not wearing their jersey on a game day, they
must go to the league table prior to the start of the game to be cleared to play.
All official coaches will be given a coach’s shirt. CFA will not issue a shirt unless the coach
has registered on-line (or by paper registration if the coach has no access to a computer), up
to 3 shirts per team (1 per coach). If a coach is not wearing his league issued CFA coach’s shirt,
they must go to the league table for verification. They will be given a temporary i.d. lanyard
to be used during the game.
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The head coach is the only member of the coaching staff that is permitted to talk to the game
referees during the course of the game. If an assistant coach has something to be brought
up to the referee, he must go thru the head coach.
Coaches must stress to the players that they are not permitted to talk to the referees at all
during the game. They must go thru the Head Coach who is authorized to talk to the
If a head coach is unable to be present at a particular game, he must designate one of his
assistant coaches to act as head coach. Please make the referee aware that they are the
head coach substitution.
The head coach is required to hold a parent meeting at the start of the season. He will review
important league policy and procedure (as it pertains to the parents and players). He must
then obtain a signed acknowledgement from the parents and players that the coach has
reviewed the Parent and Players Code of Conduct with them. This one page document will
be signed by each parent and player, and turned in to the league.
The head coach is responsible for the overall conduct of his players, player’s parents and
friends on the sidelines. The referees can give the coaches a warning to control their
parents before assessing a misconduct penalty.
We know that one of the best parts of youth sports is being on teams with friends or with a
coach you are familiar with. In recognizing this need, we allow for friend requests or coach
There is a limit of 5 player requests per team/coach.
To clarify, it is the player that MUST request to be placed with a particular coach / team.
They are assigned to their requested coach/team on a first come basis by the date they
register. Player or coach may submit a friend/coach request once they have confirmed that
the player/coach is registered.
Head Coaches may make a request for players, but there must be written confirmation from
the player/parent that they are in agreement with the request.
If you are a head coach, your child is not counted toward that 5 player limit. However, if you
have more than one child on the same team, the second child will be included in the count.
Assistant coach’s children are part of the 5 player count.
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Requests will be taken by e-mail or on the on-line or paper application. If by e-mail, please
e-mail .
No friend/coach requests will be honored after the conclusion of the second assessment day/
final in-person registration.
IV. Assignment of Players to Teams (Revised July 2015)
Upon completion of the 2nd assessment day all of the assessment forms, registration forms,
and coach/buddy requests are turned over to the committee assigned to establish the teams
in each division.
The deadline for registration will be the Friday after the 2 nd assessment day.
The committee only has one week to complete the task of establishing the teams in each
division. The league does attempt to keep the player count even on all teams, hopefully not
exceeding ten (10) players. If we do not have enough coaches to meet the 10 player per
team standard, then each team will be assigned additional players, keeping the number of
players as even as possible. Some teams may have one additional player if the numbers do
not work out evenly with the number of teams.
All Coach/Buddy requests will be assigned to the appropriate coach and or team as
applicable. See coach/Buddy Policy.
If players have requested to play for a certain coach, every effort will be made to honor the
request, but there are no guarantees. Players may request a coach when they sign up or on
their assessment form.
All coach/buddy requests and player request will be assigned on a first come first served
basis. When the committee starts assignments of players to teams if a player on the
coach/buddy list or a player requested a coach and they have not paid the required fees they
will not be assigned to any team until that obligation has been completed or written
arrangements have been made with League Director.
Any player that signs up after the normal registration cut off date will have to wait until all
teams have had players assigned to them, then they will be assigned to a team with the
greatest need for a player. This task is accomplished by the league office.
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V. Team Practices:
Each team has a league organized scheduled practice every week prior to the start of their
scheduled game. These usually run 45 minutes to an hour (30 minutes for 4-6 year division).
The head coach may call for additional practices during the week. It is to be noted that
these practices are not mandatory for players to attend. Although by attending they will
become more proficient at the game.
No practice may be conducted without the official Head coach or official Assistant Coach(es)
conducting the practice. No Exceptions.
Players in the age groups 4-6 and 6-8 must be accompanied to the practice site by a parent,
relative or guardian. Players 9 and up may be dropped off but the parent must wait until the
player is with the team if they intend on leaving and returning to pick up their player.
The coach is responsible for the players during any practice and they are to remain at the
field until all the players have been picked up by their parents and/or guardians.
VI. 4 - 6 Year Old Division:
(Revised July 2014)
The 4 -6 year old division is the entry level of our flag football league. This is where the
coaches are to teach the kids the basic fundamentals of football, sportsmanship and team
All games will have one league official assigned to make sure that the rules of the game are
being enforced. The coaches are still in charge of the game and are responsible for calling
all game infractions. All penalties called should be explained to the players so that they
become familiar with the rules of flag football.
Beginning with the first game of the session all players on each team will be given the
opportunity to play the offensive and defensive positions.
In the past the Coach has acted as they Quarterback for the first couple of games. This will
no longer be the case. The kids will play the Quarterback position starting with the first
No scores will be kept and no official league standings will be kept.
to get into the competitive mode at this level.
We do not want them
There are no playoffs or championship games for this division of our league but they will still
have games on Playoff and Championship Sunday.
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At the conclusion of the session all 4-6 year old participants will receive a participation
trophy. Trophies will be given to the coach for distribution.
VII. Playoffs:
(Revised July 2014)
League playoffs are conducted at the end of the season prior to the Championship Day.
Only the top four teams in each division will advance to the playoffs. The No 1 team will
play the no. 4 team and the No 2 & 3 teams will play each other. The winner of these games
will advance to the Championship Day.
All teams not in playoffs will still play games on Playoff day.
Likewise, all teams not in the
Championship will play games on Championship Sunday. This includes our 4-6 year old
The following will be used to determine the seeding:
First = will be division standings.
Second = If a tie exists in the standings then we go to head to head competition.
Third = If we still have a tie after head to head then we will use the points differential. The
differential is calculated as follows: The difference between the teams points scored and
the points allowed. This will result in either a positive number or negative number.
The highest positive number will decide the tie breakers.
VIII. Medical Emergencies
For any injury or accident that requires more than basic first aid (cleaning a wound, bandage,
ice, etc.) coaches and parents should seek professional medical assistance through a call to
*All fields will have a first aid kit assigned to it. The referees will be in charge of ensuring it’s
presence. If supplies are used during the season, please ask for more when needed.
*Please notify the league if your child has a pre-existing medical condition (i.e. allergies,
medications, physical impairments, etc) at registration or by e-mail. The league will then
inform the coach of the condition.
IX. Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Drugs. (Revised July 2014)
Alcoholic beverages and drugs are not permitted on any property where CFA hold practices
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and games, or in conjunction with any sanctioned California Football Academy event.
No coach or volunteer shall participate in any football game or practice, while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs.
Smoking or the use of any tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, Electronic Cigarettes
and chewing tobacco) is not permitted in or around any youth sports practices or games.
If you are observed breaking these rules you will be asked to leave the playing field and go to
the parking lot, where you can have your tobacco products.
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COACH ___________________
We pledge to follow the CFA Player’s Code of Conduct:
I will remember that games are played for fun!
I will display good sportsmanship ahead of my own personal desire to win.
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship regardless of the score by acting in a positive manner
towards all players, officials, parents and coaches.
I will show respect to all game officials, coaches, players, and parents and never act in a manner
that would be disrespectful toward them.
I will shake hands with the other team at the conclusion of all games.
I will shake hands with the officials at the conclusion of all games.
Player’s Name and Signature:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
7. ______________________________
8. ______________________________
9. ______________________________
10. ______________________________
_____ / _____ / ______
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CFA Parent Code of Conduct
The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these "six pillars of character." The six
core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.
I therefore agree:
1. I will not force my child to participate in sports.
2. I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
3. I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the
safety of others.
4. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
5. I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing
respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and
spectators at every game, practice or other sporting event.
6. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach,
player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or
7. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and wellbeing of the
8. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or
9. I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless
of race, creed, color, sex or ability.
10. I will teach my child that doing one's best is more important than winning, so that my child will never
feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.
11. I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every
12. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participant for making a mistake or losing a
13. I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning. I will
also deemphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.
14. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may
have for my child to win.
15. I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront
coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
16. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will
refrain from their use at all sports events.
17. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of
the official coaches of the team.
18. I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to
disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:
Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or head of league organization
Written warning
Parental game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file by organizations involved
Game forfeit through the official or coach
Parental season suspension
I understand that if I or my child does not comply with these codes of conduct we will not be allowed to
participate in CFA (Diablo) Programs. (Refunds are not available)
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We acknowledge that our team coach, _________________________________________, coach
for the CFA ___________________________________ team, in age division ____________, has
reviewed the Parent Code of Conduct with our team.
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Date: _______/ ________/ __________
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CFA/Diablo Football Coach’s Code of Conduct
CFA/Diablo Football’s coaches code of conduct is to ensure that our coaches understand what the
expectations are in coaching a team in our program and representing the CFA/Diablo Football community.
As a coach, through your words and actions set the example for your players, parents and fans. You lead by example
and set the team and fans environment with your actions.
Know the rules of the game and teach the rules of the game to your players.
Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own actions, never condone unacceptable behavior.
Respect the decisions of the game officials on the field as being fair and called to the best ability of the officials.
Officials are being held accountable and their decisions are final.
Ensure each player is wearing the proper equipment and uniform for practice and game day.
Coaches must demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship to all their players.
Always be courteous and direct when dealing with league officials, referees and opposition coaches.
Refrain from using profane language while representing Diablo Football during practice and game day.
Demonstrate positive support for all players, coaches, spectators and referees, encourage team parents and spectators
to do the same.
Refrain from using alcohol products while representing CFA/Diablo Football during practices and game day.
Remember you are a youth flag football coach. The game is for and about the children, not the adults.
Your actions, character and conduct are a reflection of CFA/Diablo Football; you are expected to promote yourself
and the league in a positive manner.
Promote Fun!!
I also agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that
could include, but is not limited to the following:
Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or head of league organization
Game Forfeiture
Written warning
Game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file by organization involved
Coaching Season Suspension
I understand and accept that I am a representative of CFA/Diablo Football, that if I or my child does not comply with
these codes of conduct, we will not be allowed to participate in CFA/Diablo Football Youth Sports Program.
(Refunds are not available)
Coach’s Name (print)
Coach’s Signature
California Football Academy Representative
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CFA (Diablo Football and Cheer LLC) Play Up Waiver
Release of Liability
I, ______________________________________, hereby request that
CFA allow my child, _____________________________, to play in the CFA Co-ed
Flag Football League, ___________ age division, instead of _____________ age
division, which is appropriate for his/her age/size this _______________ 20___
season. I understand that my child will be playing
with older, larger, higher skilled and more mature children and therefore, is at a
greater risk of getting injured. I feel my child is capable of playing at this level and
fully accept the liability of this request, releasing Diablo Football and Cheer LLC,
California Football Academy, and Diablo Football/CFA Co-ed Flag Football
Parent/Guardian Signature
Date _________________
CFA (Diablo Football and Cheer LLC)
Date __________________
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Table of Content
I. Code of Conduct
II. Coaching
III. Friend / Coach Request
IV. Assignment of Players to Teams
V. Team Practices
VI. 4-6 Year Old Division
VII. Playoffs
VIII. Medical Emergencies
IX. Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco, and Drugs
Player Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct
Coach Code of Conduct
Play Up Waiver
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