data needs for CACP calculator scope Category for where? info needed primary contact notes: 3 all commuter miles Bernadette James, facilities secretary *09.08.09 Msg left requesting info (# of x1274 permits and if commuter miles were secondary: Bernie Merrick x1231 asked for, instead need zipcode info to commuting determine distance) *09.09.09 talked to Bernie. He said to talk to Bernadette, his secretary, about getting all the data. Also mentioned that if we want to track commuter miles in the future that we need to talk to IT, as they set up the online registration form. also recommended we talk to them to get names and zipcodes for determining commuter miles. *09.14.09 found percent increase in students as 12% for undergrads and 8% for graduates. therefore, a 20% increase in students. assumed that there would then be a 20% increase in commuter miles. took totals from last year and multiplied by 1.2. this number is commuter calculation for each category. *09.15.09 survey numbers, which were how commuter totals were determined for 07, were assumed to be good for this year, except for student vehicle miles. all other commuter miles were entered same as 07. * sport bus miles is reported in "directly financed travel" section *see worksheet labeled "vehicle mile calculations". enrollment numbers from Walt showed a 20% in enrollment (8% grad and 12% undergrad), so miles were adjusted accordingly. * something needs to be set up that will be capture / calculate more accurate commuter miles. 2 purchased electricity all electricity usage Robert DuBray, Facilities Director *09.10.09 sent email to bob (see x2716 communications sheet) asking for a variety of info *09.14.09 totals found in report from Johnson Controls. Used because not enough turn around time for Bob to be able to compile. Plan to get break down of totals for each campus from Bob in near future. 1 other stationary: all purchased natural gas natural gas Robert DuBray, Facilities Director *09.10.09 sent email to bob (see x2716 communications sheet) asking for a variety of info *09.14.09 totals found in report from Johnson Controls. Used because not enough turn around time for Bob to be able to compile. Plan to get break down of totals for each campus from Bob in near future. * conversion between MCF and MMBTU is 1. * this amount is put in the "Other OnCampus Stationary Sources" section 0 institutional data all building square footage Robert DuBray, Facilities Director *09.10.09 sent email to bob (see x2716 communications sheet) asking for a variety of info *09.14.09 have totals from Johnson Controls report, but missing for Haber, Pelletreau (maybe added in 08), and Eden Hall (lodge, and Mueller house). Bob's out of office today, so call tomorrow. 1 direct transportation all fleet fuel Robert DuBray, Facilities Director *09.10.09 sent email to bob (see x2716 communications sheet) asking for a variety of info *09.14.09 received numbers 1 refrigerants & all refrigerants chemicals Robert DuBray, Facilities Director *09.10.09 sent email to bob (see x2716 communications sheet) asking for a variety of info *09.14.09 received numbers 3 commuting summer camp commuter miles Erica Ninos, Children's Program *09.10.09 met Erica. Requested list of Coordinator campers, what session they attended and x1653 their address. She said should be easy and would email within day or two. *Session A is 3 weeks and Session B is 3 weeks *assumptions: multiple names from same address drive together, duplicate name is a mistake and removed from list, used "[100-106] Woodland Rd." as Chatham Address. One round trip per day times number of days in session. 3 Directly Financed all air miles Outsourced Travel business office x1229 *09.10.09 called to request air miles. Jennifer Quimby, Staff Accountant Can separate between CAB, faculty, and x1134 staff. Anticipate data available tomorrow. 09.14.09 received air mile numbers from Jen Quimby. Student miles are for study abroad, which has its own column "Study Abroad Travel" 3 Directly Financed all sport buses *09.15.09 no change in sport division, so assumed same bus miles calculated for Outsourced Travel travel for 2007 (total found in 07 journal). "other", "bus travel". 0 institutional data all # students, faculty, staff Joe Stankovich, Dir of Institutional *09.10.09 sent email to Joe (see Research communications sheet) asking for x1292 institutional data *09.14.09 received info, budgets are from Jen Lundy * fte is calculated as full time student = 1 and part time student = 1/3 0 institutional data all budgets Jen Lundy, Assistant Vice President *09.14.09 received budget info from Jen. for Finance & Administration Given as school year / fiscal year x1145 operating budget. Assumed as calendar year budget. 3 solid waste all waste totals Joshua Wilson, Republic Services, *09.14.09 received totals from josh, but Sales Coordinator they were for jan 09 - august 09. sent 412-505-1026 Office email to try to get 08 totals and recycling amounts. In mean time, extrapolated a per month total for 09 and found an estimated year total. This was about 250 tons over the total entered for 07 data. as an average, using 450 tons until real data arrives. 3 offsets all composting, forest *when there is some time, Eden Hall will cover, green power be evaluated for acres of tree cover. This was done for Shadyside campus and that number is input in the "other" section, as the emission factors are correct (I ton offset per acre). *composting totals should be added in the future, but 'where' needs to be determined. Communications email sent to Bob DuBray: I had meant to introduce myself at yesterday's Climate Committee meeting. I am a graduate assistant helping Mary Whitney with the climate audit and other assorted projects this year. We need to collect data again for the audit and I believe that you may have a lot of the information that we need. I've put together a little questionnaire of info we need (below). If you could fill it in and send it back to me, that would be very helpful. Just let me know if you don't have some of the information, and please let me know if there is someone you suggest who would be better to ask. Feel free to give me a call to clarify anything. I can be reached at x1361 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30 - 3:30. Thanks in advance! Debbie. 1. Do you know square footage for research space? We have the total square footage as 723,000, but would like to separate out for labs, etc. 2. What is the building space square footage at Eden Hall? at Eastside? 2. Fleet: we need total amount of fuel purchased. It would also be helpful if we knew how much per vehicle type (hybrid, shuttles, grounds equipment, etc.) 3. How much and what type of refrigerants were used for the Shadyside, Eastside, and Eden Hall campuses? 4. Electricity: We need the total kWh for Shadyside campus and Eden Hall. We have some electricity data for Eastside, but are lacking total kWh for Oct, Nov, and Dec. Do you have this information? 5. Natural Gas: We need the total mmbtu for Shadyside campus and Eden Hall. We have some natural gas data for Eastside, but are lacking total kWh for Oct, Nov, and Dec. Do you have this information? email sent to Joe Stankovich: I am the graduate assistant working with Mary Whitney on this year's climate audit. She mentioned to contact you for the institutional data that we need for the report. I would appreciate it if you could fill in the needed information in the questionnaire below at your earliest convenience. Thank you so much! Debbie Steinberg. 2008 Operating Budget: 2008 Energy Budget: Number of Full Time Students (we'll use just the Fall 2008 numbers): Number of Part-Time Students (we'll use just the Fall 2008 numbers): Number of Faculty in 2008: Number of Staff in 2008: Vehicle Mile calculations 07 commuter miles 2,730,393 07 camp miles - 119,400 07 sport bus miles - 11,188 2,599,805 20% enrollment increase x 1.20 3,119,766 08 summer camp miles + 07 student vehicle miles 08 student vehicle miles 435,204 3,554,970 08 total student vehicle commuter miles