Last Reviewed: Spring 2015 ARTICLE 1: NAME, PURPOSE AND AFFILIATION Section 1. The name of this organization shall be International Club Section 2. This organization seeks to promote international understanding and intercultural exchange between students on campus. It also aims to assist international students at Tufts University by facilitating a smooth transition into the American lifestyle through the coordination of social events. Section 3. International Club is affiliated with Tufts University’s International Center. ARTICLE 2: MEMBERSHIP Section 1. a. Any person present at a general interest or attendance meeting put on by International Club will be entitled to a vote in any election. Otherwise, such persons shall be considered nonvoting members. Only executive board members will have permanent voting rights during regular weekly board meetings. b. Membership in International Club is not contingent on a minimum-GPA. Section 2. Members are entitled to a vote during regular executive board meetings of International Club. Section 3. Individuals are elected to positions by their peers during open elections. The sitting executive board will then confirm the admission of any elected representative to their position on the board. Section 4. The position of web-master shall be considered an ex-officio role. Web masters will be selected by the board in a majority vote. Section 5. This organization does not discriminate based on race, religion, ethnicity, creed, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability. ARTICLE 3: OFFICERS Section 1. Officers shall be elected board members. None of the positions have an age limit except for the two Freshman Representative positions, which must be filled by a member of the freshman class. The positions are as follows: a. President: It shall be the responsibility of the President to coordinate and run meetings, set the meeting agenda, and serve as liaison to the International Center and TCU. b. Vice President: The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President in his or her absence. If the Secretary is absent, then the Vice President shall assume his or her duties as well. c. d. e. f. g. Last Reviewed: Spring 2015 Secretary: The Secretary will record the meeting Minutes every week and email or Facebook them to the club members. The Secretary may also be tasked with leading communication with off-campus organizations, groups, and businesses. Treasurer: It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to organize and oversee the annual budget. Advertising/PR Chair: The Advertising/PR Chair is charged with coordinating, managing, and executing all advertisement efforts by and public relations issues pertaining to International Club. Uphill Freshman Representative: The Uphill Freshman Representative will be a member of the freshman class who lives uphill. The Freshman Representatives are charged with understanding the needs of international freshman students and presenting them to the board. The board will take action or defer to the International Center if something can or must be done to improve the lives of freshman international students. Downhill Freshman Representative: The Downhill Freshman Representative will be a member of the freshman class who lives downhill. The Freshman Representatives are charged with understanding the needs of international freshman students and presenting them to the board. The board will take action or defer to the International Center if something can or must be done to improve the lives of freshman international students. Section 2. Officers must be full-time undergraduates at Tufts University. Section 3. Officers are each entitled to an equal vote when votes are called for at board meetings. ARTICLE 4: ELECTION AND IMPEACHMENT Section 1. At the beginning of each semester, officers will be elected to unfilled posts in a general interest meeting. Each attendant will be entitled to a single vote per election. The candidate with the most votes will be elected to the position in question. At the end of the second semester of each year, all positions on the executive board will be open for contest in another general interest meeting. Section 2. Elections will be done with the voters’ heads down and the candidates removed from the voting area. Standing officers of the executive board will count the votes, unless they themselves are candidates for the position in question, in which case they will be removed from the area with the other candidates. Voting will be performed by raising an arm in support of a candidate when that person’s name is read off. In the case of a tie, candidates will be permitted to speak again and another vote will be called. Section 3. All elected and ex-officio members of the executive board are subject to impeachment for failures to fulfill their duties to the club, more than two unexcused absences a semester, or constitutional violations. Impeachment may be suggested to the board by any voting or nonvoting member. If the motion is seconded by another Last Reviewed: Spring 2015 member of the board, a general vote will be called. A 2/3 majority will be required to successfully remove an officer from the board. ARTICLE 5: MEETINGS Section 1. Meetings shall occur once a week at a time and place convenient for all officers. Section 2. The President and Vice President will reserve the power to call an emergency meeting at any time. The Vice President must have Presidential consent to order an emergency meeting. Section 3. All officers of the executive board must attend meetings on a weekly basis. Exofficio members of the board shall be exempt from weekly attendance, and will only be required to attend if summoned. Officers will be permitted two unexcused absences from meetings a semester. Excused absences will be granted in cases of sickness, personal or family emergency, work, class and once a semester per member for academic reasons. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each meeting, and those members with more than two unexcused absences in a semester may be impeached. Section 4. Quorum is required for any voting during weekly meetings to occur. Quorum shall be set to a total of 6 present voting members. Section 5. Unless otherwise specified, all voting will be decided by a simple majority. Section 6. International Club will abide by Robert’s Rules of Order as its parliamentary procedure. ARTICLE 6: COMMITTEES Section 1. There are no committees in the International Club at the moment. They may be created at any time by a 2/3 majority vote by the executive board. The members of such committees will be appointed by a simple majority vote by the executive board. The members of the committee will set their own meeting times, and powers will be divided up amongst the committee members by the President, with a 2/3 majority ratification by the executive board. ARTICLE 7: AMENDMENTS AND BY-LAWS Section 1. Any officer may propose an amendment to the constitution. Section 2. The proposed amendment must be drafted by the proposing officer and submitted before the board for review during a weekly meeting. Section 3. The proposed amendment will be considered ratified if it passes with a 2/3 majority vote. Last Reviewed: Spring 2015 Section 4: The by-laws of the International Club will be as follows: a) English, as the language most likely to be spoken by all members, shall be used at all times during meetings. b) The constitution will be interpreted as the supreme law of the club. Section 5: The Tufts Community Union Judiciary (TCUJ) must approve any and all amendments made to the constitution. ARTICLE 8: ADHERENCE TO COLLEGE POLICIES Section 1. International Club shall adhere to all college and university rules, regulations, and policies. Section 2. International Club shall abide by all local, state, and federal laws.