The House On Mango Street End of Novel Project

The House On Mango Street End of Novel Project
Date Assigned: Thursday, December 18th
Due Date: Tuesday, January 20th
Project A – Worth a total of 50 Points
Instructions: You MUST select ONE project from the below options. The ONE project you choose
can be chosen from any of the three categories below.
Category 1
3-D Model: How do you think Mango Street looks and why? Is it a clean neighborhood or trashy? How
many trees to you think line the street (remember the vignette Four Skinny Trees)? You are going to
develop a miniature model of Mango Street. Re-read the text closely to develop an idea of what Mango
Street looks like and what kinds of things would you find in the neighborhood. Be sure to include places
and things that are mentioned in the text
Neighborhood Map: Re-read the text, looking closely for clues about where the characters live and
where the nearby stores are. Create a map of Esperanza’s neighborhood based on those clues. Be sure
to provide a clear legend and brief footnotes about where you found your information.
Category 2
Research a Community Organizations: Research the organizations in your community, Charlotte, or
North Carolina that are devoted to helping Latinos or other immigrants. Create a brochure that could be
used here in our school. Makes sure that it is truthful, well thought out and well-designed. Include a
power point presentation (3 slide minimum, 5 maximum).
Power Point:
 3 slide min, 5 max
 Organization name and contact information
 Background information
 Service that they provide
 Why you chose this organization
 Graphic images
 How successful they have been
Start Your Own: Create a brochure highlighting a community organization that you develop on your
own. What do you think you could do or what initiative could you start that will help the Latinos and
other immigrants in your own community/city/state? Be sure to include the following:
 Organization Name
 Slogan
 Logo
 About The Organization section
 About the Founder section
 Graphic Organizer to show to pros & cons of starting this organization
 Plans on how to advertise/market in order to bring awareness and raise money
Category 3
Become a Film Director: Choose a few vignettes to transform into a script and videotape them. Make
sure that it is developed as a movie and ready to be shown to the class. Consider narration versus
dialogue, props & scenery, costumes, lighting, and sound effects/music. Be sure to include an opener
and remember to add your credits to the end of your video. Upload video on Youtube and set to private.
Music sets the mood: Create a playlist of songs that have themes which are similar to the incidents and
concerns Esperanza shares in the novella. Explain each selection and provide a cover for the collection.
Submit this assignment as a CD with cover.
Project B – Worth a total of 50 points
Instructions: You MUST select TWO writing activities from the below options.
Newsletter: You can’t have a community/neighborhood without the Neighborhood Newsletter, how
else would the citizens of Mango Street know what’s going on? Using details from the text develop a
newsletter or newspaper for the community on Mango Street.
 Be Sure to include the following:
o Title
o Noteworthy events to mention for the residents
o Gossip column
o Advice column
o Classified/Help Wanted/Homes For Rent section
o Police blotter
o Obituaries
o Daily News
Employment: Imagine one of the characters is applying for a job, they have to provide for their families
right? Well, you are responsible for creating their professional resume or social media profile page
through fakebook. In order to complete this assignment, you must identify character traits and
behaviors through characterization of your chosen character.
Professional Resume
Fakebook Profile Page
First and Last name
Home address, phone number and
Employment Objective
Education History
Work History
First and Last Name
Contact information
Complete About me
Create pictures
Add Post and comments
Create friends
Interview: Conduct an imaginary interview with one of the characters. Write 10 questions you would
like to ask that character in order to better understand their point of view. Next, gain insight into the
character by answering the questions in persona (as if you were that character) using details from the
story to support your reason
Personal Narrative: Use Cisneros’ writing as a mentor text to inspire you to write your own vignettes
about your neighborhood. Describe your interesting neighbors, eye-opening experiences, and personal
concerns about your vignettes just as Esperanza does.
You must include at least 10 vignettes
Each vignette must be at least one page long
You must have a cover page
You must include an about the author page
It must be designed as a book, not just paper stapled together