CURRICULUM TOOL – GENETICS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: New York State Core Curriculum: WAYS YOU WILL BE ASSESSED: Living Environment NYS Regents – January 2014 Introduction to Genetics 2.1a Genes are inherited, but their expression can be modified by interactions with the environment. 2.1b Every organism requires a set of coded instructions for specifying its traits. For offspring to resemble their parents, there must be a reliable way to transfer information from one generation to the next. Heredity is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another. 2.1c Hereditary information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of each cell. An inherited trait of an individual can be determined by one or by many genes, and a single gene can influence more than one trait. A human cell contains many thousands of different genes in its nucleus. Protein Synthesis 2.1f In all organisms, the coded instructions for specifying the characteristics of the organism are carried in DNA, a large molecule formed from subunits arranged in a sequence with bases of four kinds (represented by A, G, C, and T). Heredity is both encoded in genes (as a string of molecular “bases”) and replicated by means of a template. 2.1g Cells store and use coded information. The genetic information stored in DNA is used to direct the synthesis of the thousands of proteins that each cell requires. 2.1i The work of the cell is carried out by the many different types of molecules it assembles, mostly proteins. Protein molecules are long, usually folded chains made from 20 different kinds of amino acids in a specific sequence. This sequence influences the shape of the protein, which determines the function. 2.1j Offspring resemble their parents because they have similar proteins. Mutations 2.1h Genes are segments of DNA molecules. Any alteration of the DNA sequence is a mutation. Usually, an altered gene will be passed on to every cell that develops from it. 2.2d Inserting, deleting, or substituting DNA segments can alter genes. An altered gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it. High School of Language and Innovation – 2014 (draft) Living Environment NYS Regents – January 2014 Living Environment NYS Regents – August 2013 *YOU MUST COMPLETE 3 FROM EACH ROW* CURRICULUM TOOL – GENETICS HOW TO LEARN THE CURRICULUM: If you find a resource helpful, color in the circle. If you do not find a resource helpful, put an X through the circle If you find a resource somewhat helpful, color in part of the circle Standards 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1c Readings ⃝ Holt The Living Environment English and Spanish (cheetah book) – P. 272-284 ⃝ Miller and Levine Biology English and Spanish (parrot book), P. 308 – 316, 321, 342 - 348 ⃝ Holt The Living Environment English and Spanish (cheetah book) – P. 293-310 2.1f, 2.1g, 2.1i, 2.1j 2.1h, 2.2d ⃝ Miller and Levine Biology English and Spanish (parrot book), P. 350 – 353, 362 - 371 ⃝ Holt The Living Environment English and Spanish (cheetah book) – P. 319-323 ⃝ Miller and Levine Biology English and Spanish (parrot book), P. 372 - 376 Videos & PowerPoint Slides Online Videos and Websites: ⃝ BrainPOP on Genetics*** (Science Cellular Life and Genetics Genetics) ⃝ What are genes? ⃝ Study Jams: Heredity ⃝ What is heredity? ⃝ What is a trait? ⃝ Education Portal on Properties of Alleles (Courses Science Courses Biology 101 17. Genetics: Principles of Heredity) PowerPoints (on HSLI website): ⃝ Punnett Square PPT ⃝ Intro to DNA PPT Online Videos and Websites: ⃝ What is a Protein? ⃝ BrainPOP on RNA (Science Cellular Life and Genetics RNA) (Courses Science Courses Biology 101 8. The Transcription and Translation Process PowerPoints (on HSLI website): ⃝ Transcription and Translation PPT Online Videos and Websites: ⃝ BrainPOP on Genetic Mutations (Science Cellular Life and Genetics Genetic Mutations) ⃝ Education Portal on Genetic Mutations (Courses Science Courses Biology 101 9: Genetic Mutations) PowerPoints (on HSLI website): ⃝ Mutations PPT High School of Language and Innovation – 2014 (draft) Practice In Practice Binder: ⃝ Punnett Square Worksheet ⃝ Gene Expression Stations/Games: ⃝ Vocabulary Station ⃝ Traits & Traditions Game Online: ⃝ Label the Diagram of a Cell & DNA ⃝ DNA, Genes, and Chromosomes Quiz ⃝ Punnett Square Quiz In Practice Binder: ⃝ Understanding DNA Structure*** ⃝ Genetic Code Worksheet ⃝ What is the Role of DNA & RNA in Protein Synthesis? (Virtual Lab) Stations/Games: ⃝ Vocabulary Station ⃝ DNA Model Station ⃝ Build Your Own DNA Model Station Online: ⃝ DNA, RNA Quiz ⃝ Types of Proteins ⃝ Transcribe and translate a gene In Practice Binder: ⃝ How do Mutations Affect Protein Function? ⃝ Mutations Worksheet: Cancer and Sickle Cell Anemia ⃝ DNA & Proteins Short Answer*** Stations/Games: ⃝ Vocabulary Station CURRICULUM TOOL – GENETICS High School of Language and Innovation – 2014 (draft)