West Bergholt Cricket Club Festival Committee Meeting Monday 19th January 2015 Attendees: Wendy Twydell, Kevin Riley, Sandra McBride Apologies: Michelle FitzGerald, Imelda Owers, Jane Fisher, Tom Agenda: Update on cricket activities and news The breakdown of last year’s events (What was good and what was not so good) Discuss in new members coming on board Calendar dates for 2015 Marketing materials for 2015 Sponsorship Confirmation of next meeting Carried forward to next meeting: Breakdown of Festival dates Cricket Activities and News Amanda and Tony have stepped down from being committee members which is a shame after all their hard work last year but have offered their services to help out where they can. Pete has received some positive feedback from the cricket members regarding the work the Festival Committee (FC) has done for the club. People are talking about the club and awareness has been raised. Formal club members meetings are held on the 1st Sunday of each month. The minutes from the Festival Committee will feed into these meetings. No attendance required by FC members. There have been some issues with dogs fouling the pitch (and an incident with fireworks) recently. Signs are being produced to ask dog owners not to allow their dogs to foul the pitch. Possibility of CCTV? Both the Indian meal Pre Season Dinner and the end of season Chinese was a great success, this will continued to be in 2015 Dates to be confirmed Financial Breakdown of Events Thanks to Drew Mcbride for taking on the accounts for the Festival Committee this year. Takings for last year totalled £4700.85 (incl. 6-a-side cricket), which left a profit of £2951.50. - Sat 28th June 14 – Quiz Night Sun 29th June 14 – Sunday Cricket Fri 4th July 14 – Quick Cricket Sat 5th July 14 – 6 a side Sat 5th July 14 – World Cup Eve Sun 6th July 14 – Cricket £1105.38 £182.78 £1400.23 £480.00 £1305.89 £226.57 1 Cost £774.12 Bar Takings £1187.87 Profit £413.75 Bottled beer went well, as did wine, lager and Pimm’s. It was agreed that prices need to be reviewed for this year. Action: FC to look into obtaining glasses for relevant drinks e.g. Pimm’s BBQ £573.39 £1071.00 £497.61 The FC decided to drop the pork burgers this year as they were not so popular. The committee also decided that there would be no extra cost for cheese or onions, therefore a set price for sausages and burgers. Larger buns required for both. Action: Wendy to obtain costing from Queens Head for sausages and burgers. Action: Imelda to find out how much the PTA pay for burgers and sausages from Coleman’s (with the view that the FC to seek similar discount – depending on costs). Cakes £0.00 £97.64 £97.64 Action: Wendy to propose to cricket members wives’ to also make some cakes. Desserts Ice Creams £26.85 £25.50 £25.00 £64.95 -£1.85 £39.45 The FC have decided not to go ahead with desserts this year but will continue with ice creams. Action: FC to look into making/obtaining an ice cream dispenser (tray with a strap – similar to cinema) – To be discussed. Quiz £6.00 £138.00 £132.00 The quiz night went very well although there are some improvements needed. Possibly two people to mark quizzes. Action: Pete to arrange quiz night FC to consider obtaining a toastmaster plus a microphone. Raffle £47.45 £615.98 £568.53 The raffles were all a huge success. Thank you to everyone involved. Possibility of tombola for this year on each day/night. Different coloured books Perhaps a main raffle on the Saturday night? Action: Wendy to look into the annual licence for selling tickets in advance Sweets £107.25 £295.84 £188.59 £233.02 £536.75 £303.73 Bouncy Castle £0.00 £149.95 £149.95 Bottles – lucky dip £0.00 £82.10 £82.10 Buy and sell smarter this year! Misc. (Inc. Bouncy Castle weekend/apple juice) 2 New Committee Members We need as much help as possible and would welcome new members to the committee. Carol helped out last year and is interested in joining the committee. Action: Wendy to approach Carol to join FC. Action: Pete to ask cricket members if they know of anyone who would be interested in joining the FC (possibly a member from the women’s team?) Action: Existing FC members to ask anyone they know if they would be interested in joining the committee or helping out at events. Please bring names to next committee meeting. Calendar Dates Pre-season dinner – Raj Palace – Friday 17th April 2015 (Yet to be confirmed by committee members) Kevin suggested approaching the restaurant and seeing if we can get a set meal for £10 per head and charge members £15 per head, making a small profit for the club Drinks to be paid for separately. Car Boot & Craft Stalls (Yet to be confirmed by committee members) Sunday 14th June 2015 It is suggested that the car boot is to take place in ‘overflow’ car park with craft stalls around the pavilion. Action: Pete to obtain committee members views on this suggestion, if interested follow next action point Action: Pete to obtain permission from landlord Cricket Festival: (Yet to be confirmed by committee members) Fri 3rd July 15 – Quick Cricket (+ raffle) Sat 4th July 15 – 6 a side - afternoon Sat 4th July 15 – Quiz Night + main raffle - evening Sun 5th July 15 – Cricket (no raffle) The committee discussed the loan of a bouncy castle for Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th July depending on cost. Action: Pete to ask Jo Smith about the loan of a bouncy castle Action: Cricket Committee members to decide what is to happen on the Sunday. Car Treasure Hunt Sunday 19th July 2015 (Yet to be confirmed by committee members) Kevin suggested that we arrange a car treasure hunt, starting at the cricket club and finishing at the Queens Head (with afternoon tea), which was agreed in principle by the FC. Action: Kevin to look into this End of Season Dinner – Chef Canton – Saturday 26th September(Yet to be confirmed by committee members) Action: Wendy to seek discount on a set menu as for pre-season dinner. 3 Awards Ceremony Friday 23rd October 2015 (Yet to be confirmed by committee members) Feedback about holding the event at the Queens Head was good, although a microphone would have been useful as it was noisy. This location is free. A suggestion was made that perhaps we could use Play Golf in Bakers Lane as a venue for the event. Action: Wendy to approach Play Golf for costs and availability Action: Pete to approach a few committee members to seek their views on Queens Head vs Play Golf Marketing Material The FC have decided to use the same format for marketing (if it’s not broke….). Action: Kevin to prepare raffle prize donation letter/A4 poster and A5 date leaflet We also discussed purchasing T-Shirts for the Committee members with the WBCC logo with the possibility of the Queens Head to sponsor. Action: Kevin to look into obtaining T-Shirts with witty slogan/image. Sponsorship We will look to Fenn Wright for further sponsorship this year. The Committee also discussed the possibility of obtaining sponsorship from the Queens Head and also Frankie and Bennys. To purchase this year: New BBQ New freezer – Jewsons (voucher system?) Action: Wendy to approach Fenn Wright to request sponsorship Action: Pete to approach Queens Head Action: Wendy to approach Frankie and Bennys Next Meeting Date The committee agreed to hold the next meeting on Monday 23rd February at Wendy’s. 4 Summary of Actions: 1 2 3 4 Look into obtaining glasses for relevant drinks e.g. Pimm’s Look into making/obtaining an ice cream dispenser (tray with a strap – similar to cinema) – To be discussed. Existing FC members to ask anyone they know if they would be interested in joining the committee or helping out at events. Please bring names to next committee meeting. Obtain costing from Queens Head for sausages and burgers (and sponsorship see Action No.21 ) Festival Committee Festival Committee Festival Committee Wendy 5 Propose to cricket members wives’ to make some cakes Wendy 6 Look into the annual licence for selling tickets in advance Wendy 7 Approach Carol to join FC Wendy 8 Seek discount on a set menu at Raj Palace and Chef Canton Wendy 9 Approach Play Golf for costs and availability Wendy 10 Approach Fenn Wright and Frankie & Bennys to request sponsorship Wendy 11 Breakdown of Festival dates to be added to agenda at next meeting Wendy 12 Arrange quiz night Pete 13 Ask cricket members if they know of anyone who would be interested in joining the FC (possibly women’s team?) Pete 14 Obtain committee members views on car boot and craft stalls suggestion Pete 15 Obtain permission from landlord regarding car boot Pete 16 Ask Jo Smith about the loan of a bouncy castle for 3rd and 4th July Pete 17 Cricket Committee members to decide what is to happen on the Sunday Pete 18 Approach a few committee members to seek their views on Queens Head vs Play Golf Pete 19 Approach Queens Head for sponsorship (or Wendy? See Action No. 4) Pete 20 Find out how much the PTA pay for burgers and sausages from Coleman’s (with the view that the FC to seek similar discount – depending on costs). Imelda 21 Look into car treasure hunt Kevin 22 Prepare raffle prize donation letter/A4 poster and A5 date leaflet Kevin 23 Look into obtaining T-Shirts with witty slogan/image. Kevin 5