Taking the Layered Look Looking at Standards Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) [RI.4.7] With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others [W.4.6]. Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using halves and fourths of an inch. whole numbers, halves, or quarters. [3-MD4] Math ELA Describe the interdependence of plants and animals; by identifying characteristics and body structures of organisms (SC4.5) Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real-world and mathematical problems. [4MD3] Art Science Technology Produce two- and threedimensional works of art with a variety of traditional and digital processes, materials, subject matter, and techniques. Use technology tools to organize, interpret, and display data. APPLICATIONS FOR IPAD Snapseed Photo Editor by Aviary Repix Cam Wow Photo Shop Educreations Pics Art My Brushes Example Looking by Analogy Observing Closely Applying Digital Processes Lesson Progression Look closely at crickets with loupes and Proscopes Write Analogies (Kerry Ruef - Looking by Analogy) Draw pictures Take photographs Use digital tools to create artwork with the pictures and poems. Looking by Analogy Cricket Snippets Questions to Ask When Observing What does it look like? What does it remind me of? Why is it like that? If it looks like ___, how does it function? If it reminds me of ___, might it function in the same way? Observe Using Loupes When looking at the cricket, write all the words and phrases you can think of associated with crickets. Use your imagination to think of many and unusual words - Have fun! Underline your favorite words. Share and Collaborate Choose your favorite analogy or phrase to share As you hear the ideas of classmates, write down a few more ideas Cricket Snippet Little brown cricket, what a funny sight Singing noisily through the dark night Serrated wings, screeching the melodious tunes Sounding akin to harmonious flutes Small hexagonal eyes like dark amber Spindly legs dance, jump, and fairly clamber Loupe Drawing • Look at the specimen • Draw what you see • Look again…. and look often Use List • Develop your list into a poem. • As you write, keep the loupe nearby • Look at the cricket often • Help your reader know the cricket • When you are finished, draw your cricket (use loupe and look often). http://www.rhymezone.com Use Technology • Using one of the iPad apps, create a synthesis of the lesson. References Reuf, K. (2003). The private eye: Looking/thinking by analogy. Lyle, WA: The Private Eye Project.