West Bergholt Cricket Club Festival Committee Meeting Monday 30th March 2015 Attendees: Wendy Twydell, Kevin Riley, Sandra McBride, Carole Cansdale Apologies: Tracey Southernwood, Michelle FitzGerald, Imelda Owers, Dan Wheeler Agenda: Minutes of last meeting WBCC Committee Members Update Marketing Material: o Treasure Hunt – Tom Bowdidge update o T-Shirts Fenn Wright – Update of list of names for boards Outstanding items required for the festival o Sweetie cart o Freezer Event Updates: o Treasure Hunt o Festival dates with itinerary Bouncy Castle Update Allocation of stalls Help required Raffle update Date of next meeting Minutes from last Meeting Minutes of the last meeting were discussed and action points updated and agreed. Event Updates Pre-Season Dinner – The pre-season dinner took place at Raj Palace on Friday 17th April. Unfortunately, there was a disappointing turn out at the event, nonetheless the food was lovely and a good time was had by all who attended. Thank you Wendy for organising this! Festival Weekend (Bouncy Castles) – We have hired bouncy castles for Friday and Saturday, which will be free of charge. This is because Sunday 5th July will now be a Bouncy Castle day. All stalls/BBQ will be available – all funds raised from the stalls/BBQ will go to the cricket club. Marketing Material for 2015 Car Treasure Hunt – Kevin has produced a poster advertising the Treasure Hunt. This poster also displays the Tom Bowdidge Foundation charity logo who we are supporting at this event. We need to promote this event as much as possible as it is the first of the cricket events this year. 1 Kevin has obtained a trophy to present to the winners. Other prizes (1st, 2nd & 3rd) to be discussed at the next meeting. Action: Jasmine and Jess will display posters around the village on Sunday 3rd May Action: Wendy to speak to the Queen’s Head about serving cream teas at the end of the Treasure Hunt. Action: Wendy to speak to Nicki Bowdidge to see if they can donate a prize for the Treasure Hunt Action: Michelle to add details of the event to the West Bergholt hub Action: Kevin to add details of the event to Streetlife T-Shirts – Kevin has removed the dates from the design of the T-Shirts to make them generic. He will find out about what sizes can be ordered. Orders for T-Shirts will be taken at the festival. Advertising Boards – Pete obtained another possible supplier for the advertising boards ‘Instant Imaging’ at Elmstead Market. Kevin will obtain prices. Action: Kevin to find out prices Fenn Wright Boards We are still in need of a few more addresses for the Fenn Wright Boards. Action: Committee members to email Wendy with details (name, address, postcode and where to put board) Action: Dan to provide names and addresses of cricket members Wendy has approached Fenn Wright to request permanent signs to say ‘Ice Creams Sold Here’ and ‘Ice Creams for Sale’ Outstanding Items Required for the Festival Sweetie Cart – We are not able to obtain a sweetie cart, so the FC have decided to sell the sweets ready bagged in ‘Lucky Dip’ bags and cellophane cones. Action: Sandra and Wendy to arrange to purchase sweets Freezer – Michelle has notified Pete of a lady who is willing to donate a chest freezer to the club. Action: Wendy to speak to Pete to arrange to collect freezer 2 Stall Allocation We discussed stall allocation and will need to decide which stalls can be situated next to each other at the next meeting. Kevin will draw up a blank rosta. Action: Kevin to draw up a blank rosta Stall Allocation BBQ Cakes/Jams Bottles (adult & Children’s) Sweets Face Painting Ice Creams Bar Raffle/Tombola Colouring Competition Bouncy Castle Quiz Night Unfortunately Tim West is unable to be quizmaster but Pete has managed to find someone else who can do it. Kevin has purchased the trophy to be presented to the winning team. The trophy also has the WBCC logo on this year. Well done Kevin! Pete will source quiz questions. These will be vetted by Carole, as she will not be attending the quiz night. Car Boot Please remember to take any donations for the car boot sale to Wendy’s. Action: Wendy to ask Chris Southernwood for boot sale money BBQ Food Imelda supplied some sample sausages and burgers from Perrin’s for the FC members to taste. Everyone liked the burgers but we were not so keen on the sausages. Action: Kevin to bring samples from a local butcher to next meeting Perrin’s – 50p sausage and 60p a burger. Last year we paid 30p a sausage and 75p a burger. Other Items Glasses – We haven’t had any luck with obtaining sturdier versions of glasses, so the FC have decided that Wendy and Sandra will obtain these when purchasing the sweets at Makro. Raffle & Tombola - Prizes are coming in, please keep them coming. 3 Wendy has obtained the licence to enable us to sell tickets in advance of the raffle. Neil Hunt’s wife has agreed to make a cake for a raffle prize and a Treasure Hunt prize. Costco Card – We discussed obtaining a discount card for purchasing sweets, etc. Sandra spoke to Imelda and there is a charge to obtain a card. Sandra’s sister has a Makro card which we can use. Cakes – We originally wanted cakes to be taken to Carole’s on Fri 4th July but will need to discuss this further as we need to think about storage. It might be better to stagger the delivery of the cakes. Action: Wendy to email cricket club members mid-June to remind them to bake cakes Agenda items for next meeting: Diagram of stalls Allocation of stalls Helpers Car Treasure Hunt prizes BBQ Food Delivery and storage of cakes Next Meeting Date The committee agreed to hold the next meeting at 7pm on Monday 1st June at the CRICKET PAVILION 4 Summary of Actions: No. Action Who Update Status From 23/2/15 Festival Committee Festival Committee Festival Committee Festival Committee 24 Supply addresses for Fenn Wright festival boards at next meeting 25 Look into sourcing raffle and tombola prizes 26 Cakes to be delivered to Carole after 4pm on Friday 3rd July 27 Bring empty wine bottles and 2L plastic bottles to next meeting 36 Buy ice creams/lollies from Sainsbury’s/Asda (£40) Michelle 44 Approach Steve at Queens Head for empty wine bottles Dan ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing Sandra & Michelle to buy ice lollies ongoing From 30th March 52 53 54 58 59 61 Pete to obtain Cricket Committee members approval to spend £150 on T Shirts for the ‘Crew’. Committee members to email Wendy with details (name, address, postcode and where to put board) by 1st May Dan to provide names and addresses of cricket members for boards Michelle to contact Nicky Bowdidge to arrange to meet with Wendy and discuss – stand at festival promoting charity/details to be added to flyers, etc./add to Parentmail at school. Dan to ask Steve is they can obtain plastic wine glasses wine – 6oz or 7oz and Pimm’s. Wendy to look into putting questions together and purchasing lollies for prizes. Pete/Wendy Wendy to discuss with Pete Festival Committee ongoing Dan Michelle/Wendy Done discharged Dan To be obtained from Makro discharged Wendy 62 Michelle to get some cricket related pictures from the internet. Michelle 63 Imelda to purchase pencils/crayons Imelda 64 Kevin to look into Blood Transfusion Service van Kevin 65 Imelda to look into obtaining a Costco Card Imelda ongoing We can probably source these ourselves discharged N/A Sandra’s sister has a Makro card we can use discharged 5 66 Michelle to approach Tim to open quiz night and to be quizmaster. Michelle Done but he cannot do discharged 67 Pete to confirm option of bouncy castle day Pete Done and arranged discharged 68 If you approach any other business please email all the FC members, so we don’t approach the same people. Festival Committee ongoing From 27th April 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Kevin to send exact price of T-Shirts to Wendy to discuss with Pete Email cricket members mid-June to remind them to bake cakes for festival Sandra and Wendy to arrange a date to go to Makro – beginning of June Jess and Jasmine to display posters around the village on Sun 3rdt May Obtain a quote for alternative boards, so a decision can be made who to go with – approach ‘Instant Imaging’ for prices Wendy to speak to the Queen’s Head about serving cream teas at the end of the Treasure Hunt. Wendy to speak to Nicki Bowdidge to see if they can donate a prize for the Treasure Hunt Kevin Wendy Wendy & Sandra Jess, Jas, Kevin Wendy Wendy 76 Michelle to add details of Treasure Hunt to West Bergholt hub Michelle 77 Kevin to add details of the Treasure Hunt to Streetlife Kevin 78 Wendy to speak to Pete to arrange to collect freezer Wendy 79 Kevin to draw up a blank rosta for the stall allocation Kevin 80 Wendy to ask Chris Southernwood for boot sale money Wendy 81 Kevin to bring sample sausages and burgers from a local butcher to next meeting Kevin 6