What is Meningitis?

Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Department of Health Meningitis Information
What is Meningitis?
Meningitis or bacterial meningitis is inflammation of the areas that cover the brain and spinal cord. It is a severe infection and
can cause many complications. Bacterial meningitis is caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Listeria monocytogenes and Neisseria meningitidis.
Symptoms of this infection include:
High Fever
Severe Headache
Stiff Neck
Increased sensitivity to light
Infants and newborn may not have the classic signs and symptoms of meningitis. Instead they may have the following:
constant crying, irritability, poor feeding, increased tiredness, a bulge in the soft spot at the top of their head, and stiffness in
the baby's body and neck.
How is Meningitis diagnosed?
Diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is done by identification of symptoms and collecting a sample of spinal fluid or blood. The
sample is then grown to identify the type of bacteria that is causing the infection.
How do people get Meningitis?
Bacterial meningitis is spread by the exchange of throat and respiratory secretions and extended contact with an infected
individual. In addition, eating foods such as hot dogs, soft cheeses, and lunchmeats that are contaminated with Listeria
monocytogenes can spread this type of infection. It is also important to note that wild and domesticated animals are
carriers of Listeria monocytogenes.
People who have been in close contact with the infected person for long periods of time are at a higher risk for getting
meningitis. Possible complications of this infection are: brain damage, hearing loss, learning disabilities, organ failure, coma,
decreased blood pressure, shock, and death
Who is most likely to get Meningitis?
Individuals who are most likely to get meningitis are:
Individuals living in close living spaces
People exposed to active and passive tobacco smoke
Pregnant Women
Immunocompromised Individuals
Working with animals
Microbiologist who work with isolates of Neisseria meningitidis
What should I do if I think I have Meningitis?
Contact your health care provider immediately if you have any symptoms of meningitis. Bacterial meningitis can be treated
with antibiotics, but it is important to start the medication in the early stages of the illness. This type of infection is commonly
treated with vancomycin and ceftriaxone.
How can I prevent Meningitis?
The best way to prevent meningitis is to receive the recommended vaccinations. Currently, there are vaccines for three types
of bacteria that can cause meningitis: Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b
(Hib). Refer to the current recommendations for preventing Neisseria meningitidis.
The most effective way to protect you and your child against certain types of meningitis
is to complete the childhood vaccine schedule. The risk of meningitis increases by not
following the recommended vaccine schedule. Other factors that can increase your risk
of meningitis include:
 Age.
Viral meningitis occurs mostly in children younger than age 5.
Before the availability of effective vaccines, bacterial meningitis was most
commonly diagnosed in young children. Now, as a result of the protection offered
by current childhood vaccines, bacterial meningitis is more commonly diagnosed
among pre-teens and young adults.
 Community setting.
Infectious diseases tend to spread quickly wherever larger groups of people
gather together. As a result, college students living in dormitories, military
personnel and children in childcare facilities are at an increased risk.
 Pregnancy.
Pregnant women are at an increased risk of catching listeriosis. The bacteria that
cause listeriosis, listeria bacteria, can also cause meningitis. The unborn baby of a
pregnant woman with listeriosis is also at risk.
 Working with animals.
Dairy farmers, ranchers, and other people who work with domestic animals are at
an increased risk of contracting listeriosis. The bacteria that cause listeriosis,
listeria bacteria, can also cause meningitis.
 Weakened immune system.
There are certain diseases, medications and surgical procedures that may weaken
the immune system and increase risk of meningitis.
General Meningitis Questions
Q: What is meningitis?
A: Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal
cord. People sometimes refer to it as spinal meningitis. Meningitis is usually caused by
a viral or bacterial infection. Knowing whether meningitis is caused by a virus or
bacterium is important because the severity of illness and the treatment differ
depending on the cause. Viral meningitis is generally less severe and clears up without
specific treatment. But bacterial meningitis can be quite severe and may result in brain
damage, hearing loss, or learning disabilities. For bacterial meningitis, it is also
important to know which type of bacteria is causing the meningitis because antibiotics
can prevent some types from spreading and infecting other people. Before the 1990s,
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis. Hib
vaccine is now given to all children as part of their routine immunizations. This vaccine
has reduced the number of cases of Hib infection and the number of related meningitis
cases. Today, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis are the leading
causes of bacterial meningitis.
Q: What are the signs and symptoms of meningitis?
A: High fever, headache, and stiff neck are common symptoms of meningitis in anyone
over the age of 2 years. These symptoms can develop over several hours, or they may
take 1 to 2 days. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, discomfort looking
into bright lights, confusion, and sleepiness. In newborns and small infants, the classic
symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness may be absent or difficult to detect.
Infants with meningitis may appear slow or inactive, have vomiting, be irritable, or be
feeding poorly. As the disease progresses, patients of any age may have seizures.