Chemistry First Semester Study Guide Circle which of the following

Chemistry First Semester Study Guide
1. Circle which of the following are pure substances: bread dough, vinegar (5% acetic acid), vitamin
C (ascorbic acid), sea water, air, gasoline, stainless steel, silver.
2. Which groups from the periodic table contain only metals? _____________________________________________
3. What is similar about elements in the same group? ______________________________________________________
4. Which elements are very unreactive? ______________________________________________________________________
5. What are the properties of metals? ________________________________________________________________________
6. What are some physical properties of water? ____________________________________________________________
7. Circle which of the following are physical properties: color, odor, melting point, boiling point,
malleability, hardness.
8. Describe the composition of a compound and describe how compounds are separated.
9. Compare/contrast properties of compounds to their component elements. ___________________________
10. What distinguishes a substance from a mixture? _________________________________________________________
11. If 4 g of element A combine with 10 g of element B, then 12 g of element A combine with _________ g
of element B.
12. In oxides of nitrogen, atoms combine in small whole-number ratios supporting the law of
13. According to the law of definite proportions, any two samples of a compound have __________________
14. The principles of atomic theory recognized today were conceived by _________________________________.
15. What does Dalton’s atomic theory state? __________________________________________________________________
16. How does the present atomic theory disagree with Dalton’s theory? ___________________________________
17. Experiments with cathode rays led to the discovery of the ______________________________________________.
18. Rutherford’s experiments led to the discovery of the ____________________________________________________.
19. What did Rutherford conclude about the structure of the atom? ________________________________________
20. A nuclear particle that has about the same mass as a proton, but with no electrical charge, is called
a(n) __________________________________________________.
21. Which part of an atom has a mass approximately equal to 1/2000 of the mass of a common
hydrogen atom? ____________________________________
22. Chlorine has atomic number 17 and mass number 35. it has __________ protons, ___________ electrons,
and _____________ neutrons.
23. According to the particle model of light, certain kinds of light cannot eject electrons from metals
because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________.
24. What phenomenon was the wave model of light unable to explain? ___________________________________
25. The Bohr model of the atom was an attempt to explain hydrogen’s ___________________________________.
26. According to Bohr’s theory, what would an excited atom do? ___________________________________________
27. How did Bohr’s model describe the location of the electrons? __________________________________________
28. How did the quantum theory describe the location of electrons? _______________________________________
29. What did de Broglie’s research suggest? ___________________________________________________________________
30. Which model of the atom explains the orbitals of electrons as waves? _________________________________
31. What is the significance of both the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Schrodinger wave
equation? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
32. An atom with atomic number 50 and mass number 125 has ___________ protons, ___________ electrons,
and _____________ neutrons.
33. Compare and contrast protons, neutrons, and electrons. ________________________________________________
34. What is necessary to calculate the atomic mass of an element? _________________________________________
35. Which scientist developed the quantum mechanical model of the atom? ______________________________
36. in the modern periodic table, elements are ordered according to ______________________________________.
37. Elements to the right side of the periodic table (p-block) have properties most associated with
38. Elements in which the d-sublevel is being filled have properties of ___________________________________.
39. The elements that border the zigzag line in the periodic table are ____________________________________.
40. Within the p-block, the elements at the top of the table compared with those at the bottom have
_______________________ radii, ______________________ ionization energies, and are ________________ metallic.
41. In nature, alkali metals occur as ________________________________________________.
42. The most reactive group of the nonmetals are the _______________________________________________________.
43. Compared to the alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals are __________________ reactive, _______________
dense, have __________________ melting points, and combine ________________ readily with nonmetals.
44. The element that has the greatest electronegativity is __________________________________________________.
45. In a row in the periodic table, as the atomic number increases the atomic radius generally _________.
46. Within a group, as the atomic number increases the atomic radius ____________________________________.
47. In the alkaline earth group, atoms with the smallest radii are the ________________ reactive, have the
________________________ volume, and have the ________________________ ionization energies.
48. Describe the force of attraction by group 1 metals for their valence electrons. _______________________
49. As with main group elements, ionization energies of d-block elements generally ____________________
across a period.
50. Which groups have lower electronegativity than d-block elements? __________________________________
51. To draw a Lewis structure, one must know the _________________________________________________________.
52. Compared with ionic compounds, molecular compounds have ______________________ boiling points,
are ________________ brittle, have _____________________ melting points, and are harder/softer.
53. Compared with nonmetals, the number of valence electrons in metals is generally _________________.
54. Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of the CI4 molecule. ____________________________________________
55. Use the VSEPR theory to predict the shape of H2S. _______________________________________________________
56. Use the VSEPR theory to predict the shape of CO2. _______________________________________________________
57. The strong forces of attraction between the positive and negative regions of molecules are called
58. The intermolecular attraction between a hydrogen atom bonded to a strongly electronegative
atom and the unshared pair of electrons on another strongly electronegative atom is called
59. The weak intermolecular forces resulting from instantaneous and induced dipoles are called
60. That the boiling point of water is higher than the boiling point of hydrogen sulfide is partially
explained by ____________________________________________________________________________________________.
61. Which of the following molecules is/are nonpolar? HCl, H2O, CO2, NH3
62. Why does ICl have a higher boiling point than bromine? ________________________________________________
63. What is the electron configuration of the calcium atom? ________________________________________________
64. What is the electron configuration of the iodide ion? ____________________________________________________
65. Write the balanced equation for the reaction between zinc hydroxide and acetic acid.
66. The reaction 2Mg + O2  2MgO is a _____________________________________________________________ reaction.
67. The reaction Mg + 2HCl  H2 + MgCl2 is a ______________________________________________________ reaction.
68. The reaction 2HgO  2Hg + O2 is a _____________________________________________________________ reaction.
69. The reaction Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI  PbI2 + 2KNO3 is a _____________________________________________ reaction.
70. Write the formulas for the products of the reaction between sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid.
71. Write the balanced equation when aluminum reacts with copper (II) sulfate.
72. Predict what happens when calcium metal is added to a solution of magnesium chloride.
73. Predict what happens when lead is added to nitric acid. _________________________________________________
74. Predict what happens when nickel is added to a solution of potassium chloride.
75. Magnesium bromide + chlorine yield ______________________________________________________________________
76. Which of the following reactions do not occur? 2HF + Cl2  F2 + 2HCl,
2Na + ZnF2  2NaF + Zn,
Fe + CuCl2  FeCl2 + Cu,
2HCl + Mg  MgCl2 + H2
77. What are the weakest attractions between molecules? __________________________________________________
78. According to the kinetic molecular theory, particles of matter are in motion in what states?
79. The equation 2C3H7OH + 9O2  6CO2 + 8H2O is an example of a ________________________________________
80. Compare and contrast the particles in liquids and gases. ________________________________________________
81. Describe the particles within a solid. ______________________________________________________________________
82. Contrast the intermolecular forces between particles in solids, liquids, and gases. ___________________
83. When solutions of barium carbonate and iron (III) sulfate are combined, what precipitate(s) form?
84. When solutions of NH4OH and K2SO4 are combined, what precipitate(s) form? _______________________
85. In the reaction 2K + Br2  2K+ + 2Br-, which species is reduced? _______________________________________
86. In the reaction F2 + Mg  2F- + Mg2+, which species is oxidized? _______________________________________
87. Which of the following are oxidation-reduction reactions? H2O + SO2  H2SO3,
N2 + O2  2NO,
H2 + Cl2  2HCl,
2NaBr + Cl2  2NaCl + Br2
88. What is the reducing agent in the reaction 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2? _______________________________
89. What is the oxidizing agent in the reaction CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + H2O? ___________________________________
90. In the unbalanced reaction H2O + Cl2 + SO2  HCl + H2SO4, which atom is reduced? _________________
91. In the unbalanced reaction HNO3 + HBr  NO + Br2 + H2O, which atom is oxidized? ________________
92. Balance the equation 226 Rn  222 Ra + __________________
93. Balance the equation 238 U + _______________  239 U.
94. Write the equation showing beta decay of neptunium-239. _____________________________________________
95. What form of nuclear radiation has the greatest penetrating power? __________________________________
96. List the forms of nuclear radiation from most to least massive. ________________________________________
97. What is the half-life of an isotope if 125 g of a 500 g sample of the isotope remains after 3.0 years?
98. What particle is emitted in alpha radiation? _____________________________________________________________
99. What is a beta particle? ____________________________________________________________________________________