Tema: MYSTERIES & INEXPLICABLE PHENOMENA Uke: 34 - 40 Lærestoff: New Flight 3, Chapter 2, texts A, B, C, D + workbook exercises + various worksheets New Flight website The Open Door (Youtube video) The Landlady (text + video clip) Kompetansemål fra KL-06: - Gjøre rede for trekk ved historie i Storbritannia og USA Forstå hovedinnhold og detaljer i selvvalgte tekster Kunne lese og drøfte ulike typer engelskspråklige litterære tekster fra engelskspråklige land Velge og bruke ulike lese- og skrivestrategier tilpasset formål. Skrive ulike typer tekster med struktur og sammenheng Kommentere eget arbeid med å lære engelsk Goals: Knowledge of famous ghosts of the Tower of London Jack the Ripper – serial killer Knowledge of various inexplicable phenomena Short story genre Vocabulary associated with mysteries and inexplicable phenomena Able to participate in discussions of text contents and main theme Able to use the passive voice (grammar) Ways of working: class discussion reading aloud pair and group work conversations listening practice computer work presentations taking notes Evaluation: 3-hour theme-based writing Individual conversation on a text Written and oral classwork Listening test Vocabulary: phenomenon / phenomena ghost / spectre / spirit / apparition / illusion imagination inexplicable execution visual imprint serial killer hoax mistreated forensic science commit murder evidence investigation victim cemetary / graveyard haunt macabre treacherous ghastly delusion paranormal supernatural