Flood Forecasting – India


Request for expression of interest for selection # 1172405

This Request for Expression of Interest is for a Firm Selection. Please log in as a valid Firm User if you wish to express interest in this selection.

Selection Information

Assignment Title

Development of Flood Forecasting for the Ganges and the Brahmaputra Basins using satellite based precipitation, ensemble weather forecasts, and remotely-sensed river widths and height

Publication Date


Expression of Interest Deadline

18-Feb-2015 at 11:59:59 PM (EST)

Language of Notice


Selection Notice

Assignment Country

 IN - India

Funding Sources

The World Bank intends to finance the assignment/services under Trust Funds:


 TF018731 - Preparation for Flood Forecasting Services in the Region


The consultant will be a firm.

Assignment Description

The terms of reference for the assignment outline a technical study involving new technologies, in particular, use of various remote sensing satellites including altimetry data, science, model and analytics to support the Ganges and Brahmaputra Basin scale flood planning efforts for a year period. The focus of the project is to evaluate and enhance preparation of India Hydrology Phase

III project of the government though analytical work combined with assimilation of various meteorological and hydrological datasets.

2. Objectives

The high-level objectives of the project are:

Use of Satellite Based Technologies for Basin/Sub-basin Flood Forecasting such as

Satellite based precipitation ensemble weather forecast

Satellite based altimetry (compute water height in river)

Remotely sensed river widths and height during flood

These will be achieved by:

Implement long-lead time, public-access flood forecasting systems for the Ganges and

Brahmaputra basins spanning India, Bangladesh and Nepal utilizing new satellite precipitation estimates and ensemble weather forecasts from multiple centers

Combine ensemble discharge forecasts with DFO remotely-sensed river discharge estimates to produce optimal river discharge estimates at select locations along the river course.

Transform forecast flood discharges into inundation extent maps, using analysis of past microwave and optical sensor imagery of actual inundation extent

Validate Radar Altimetry Satellite Data for Operational Flood Forecast

3. Study Area

The project will encompass the entire Ganga and Brahmaputra River basins and sub-basins in

South Asia including all tributaries. The frequent occurrence of floods, combined with large and rapidly growing populations, ongoing cross-border tensions, and high levels of poverty make

South Asia highly susceptible to humanitarian disasters.

The 2007 Brahmaputra floods affecting India and Bangladesh, the 2008 avulsion of the Kosi

River in India were disasters on a massive scale devastating local residents and communities.

The challenges of mitigating such disasters are exacerbated by limited meteorological measurements, limited trans boundary hydro-meteorological data sharing and limited flood forecasting capabilities. Despite past flood-related disasters, the high risk of additional severe disasters, and the recent advances in forecasting technologies, only limited improvements in flood forecasting have been made in the region. Many national meteorological and hydrological agencies in South Asian countries provide at best a 1-3 day forecast of stream flow and potential flooding, often with no warning at the upstream border.

Studies undertaken using ensemble weather forecasts have begun to address technological gaps in meeting specific, regional flood vulnerability problems (i.e. data sharing, and forecast lead time) such as for Bangladesh. Flood prediction partnerships are suggested as a means to bridge the gaps at the region and basin scale to provide long lead time weather prediction resulting much-enhanced flood prediction capability.


The lead organization for the project will meet the following criteria

Minimum ten years of experience in providing ensembles weather forecasts services for flood forecasting, with particular emphasis on a track record of successfully delivering major analytical projects that involves assimilation of various satellite datasets to develop Basin and sub-basin level flood forecasting methods, processes, tools, and models.

Track record of exceptional research relating remote sensing, GIS, GPS and technical partnerships on global flood observatory such as DFO, medium range weather forecast institutions as well as demonstrable capacities using satellite altimetry.

Experienced in technical assignments in developing countries; preferably including South Asia.

Experience in the Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basins essentially covering the monsoon flood season including local-scale rainfall events, terrain conditions and trans boundary impacts is

highly desirable.

Ability to team up quickly with a highly qualified professional ranging from atmospheric science, hydrologists, hydro dynamic experts, water experts, meteorologist, Remote Sensing expert, GIS expert with relevant experience and qualifications either from the lead organization or through sub-contracting arrangements.

Selection Procedure

Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Banks

Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition).

If you wish to be considered for the proposed assignment, you are invited to submit an

Expression of Interest online by February 18, 2015. Expression of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through World Bank Group eConsult2: https://wbgeconsult2.worldbank.org/wbgec/index.html

To obtain further information, please write to Mr. Satya Priya, email: spriya1@worldbank.org

Qualification Criteria

 1.

Provide information showing that they are qualified in the field of the assignment. *

 2.

Provide information on the technical and managerial capabilities of the firm. *

 3.

Provide information on their core business and years in business. *

 4.

Provide information on the qualifications of key staff. *

* - Mandatory
