There is a realm of possibility that is accessible to us on a daily basis

The African Knight
It's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than it is for
a camel to enter through the eye of the needle. The disciples then
gasped and enquired then who can be saved. What is impossible for
man is possible for God. Matt 19:24
The context of this passage relates to what it takes to enter the
kingdom of God. In those days as with some churches today
righteousness is associated with wealth and success. A young man
came to Jesus with a question and the answer he got went beyond
his perspective. Simply put the idea in this verse is that selfrighteousness cannot solve our need for salvation and no amount
of success or attainment can solve our depravity before God.
Yet, my focus in this article is on two words in the verse above impossible and possible. There are certain
things that prove to be impossible for man. In this case some things such as salvation are way beyond the
realm of logic, like a camel entering through the eye of a needle.
This is why we put our trust in God. It's not because it's a good idea. It's not because in our helplessness there
is nothing else to do; though it may seem a very valid reason. Our need for God goes beyond our own inability
to solve our problems. It surpasses our deepest desires to live a full life.
Our faith in God should be in His ability and capacity to achieve the impossible. What seems impossible for
man is possible for God. The whole idea of Christ dying on the cross is down to appreciating that there was no
man who had the ability or the capacity to save mankind. In fact mankind had no idea that salvation was
Sometimes, we do know that we need salvation and that we need an answer to our problems. But in the same
vein we also know that the situation as it stands is impossible. This leaves us in a helpless situation. For many
Zimbabweans this is the case with the current economic situation.
When we look around us as a people there seems to be no hope or end to our economic challenges. Our
reliance on big business, government is fading. Even our reliance on the justice system has failed, because two
Supreme Court rulings have erased the idea of job security. When the US dollar came into circulation we had
high hopes for the economy, but 5 or 6 years down the line we face chronic economic challenges.
So what are we to do?
I believe the answer lies in our perspective shifting. It's easy to be overwhelmed by life's challenges and
considering them as impossible as a camel entering through the eye of a needle. It was the case with the
disciples that they struggled to see themselves as saved simply because of a faulty belief system.
It is the same for us if we look at our situations and set our focus on our inability to solve a problem.
Importantly, what Jesus does for the disciples is to remind them that heaven is the realm of possibility. What is
impossible for man (even a rich and powerful man) is possible for God.
What seems unreal with certainty is a reality in heaven. This is why miracles are called miracles because what
seems naturally illogical is supernaturally logical. Let me simplify this, raising a dead man is not logical within
science or our natural minds. If we think about it, it's just not possible.
Yet, in the supernatural realm it is possible and logical because God is Life. So too many issues that we face in
life, If we engage with our natural perspective all we can see is that it's impossible; that there is no way out.
There is a realm of possibility that is accessible to us on a daily basis in every given situation we face.
Whenever we think that something is impossible our minds should instantly remind us that "For God it is
The question that may remain to be answered is how?