What is the Manchester Senior Center Garden?

Blood Pressure – Drop In
Cathy Drouin, RN, BSN, Sr Ctr Nurse
Wed, Mar 04, 2015
Wed, Mar 11, 2015
Wed, Mar 18, 2015
Wed, Mar 25, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Manchester Seniors may also have their blood
pressure checked at the Community Y from 9:3010:30 a.m. in addition to housing sites currently
served. If you have any questions, please contact the
Health Department 860-647-3173 or go online at
*Foot Care–Appointment Only
Friday, Mar 6th, and Friday, Mar 20th, 2014
The cost of foot care is now $29 due to substantial
increases in insurance and supply costs as well as
maintaining a professional nursing staff. As always, if
anyone has a problem with the increase we will adjust
accordingly. This is a valuable service we offer, so
give the Health Department a call at 860-647-3173
and make that important appointment today! This
service is not billed to Medicare, Medicaid, or private
Day to Day Memory Enhancement Techniques for Senior Citizens
*** 8-10 Seats Remaining ***
Our brains are not computers! Need to remember a name or telephone number? Jason Mark Alster,
MSc, an award winning health researcher will discuss memory techniques for remembering names,
numbers, information, organization of materials, recipes and more. Sponsored by the Manchester
Health Department, this workshop is being held at the Manchester Senior Center from 9:30 – 11:00
a.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 17, an 24 with a snow date of March 30th. Registration is required and
there are only a few seats remaining. Call the Manchester Health Department at 860-647-3173.
Lead Safe Work Practices
On Wednesday March 11, 2015 the Manchester Health Department in conjunction with Bob Kennedy
from Safe Homes is presenting a Lead Safe Work Practices Program for Manchester residents and
landlords from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., in the Community Room at the Manchester Police Station located
at 239 East Middle Turnpike. Discussion will include information on where lead can be found, the
health effects of lead in children and adults, how to keep your family safe if lead is suspected, safe
methods to renovate homes and more. A light dinner will be provided. Please call the Manchester
Health Department to register at (860) 647-3173.
Do you Want to be a Millionaire?
On Thursday, March 12, 2015 the Manchester Health Department is hosting "Do you Want to be a
Millionaire?" a program focused on adult immunizations at the Senior Center from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Health profession students from the UConn Urban Service Track program will host an interactive
game on vaccines and their importance. Some questions that will be answered include: Can you get
sick from the flu shot? Do you really need to get vaccines? What vaccines are important for different
medical conditions and populations? ... and more! This is a fun way to learn more about vaccines and,
in the process, you will have a chance to win a small prize! The students will also be available to
answer any other questions you may have about vaccinations. Please call the Manchester Health
Department to register at (8600 647-3173.
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month
Colon cancer can be prevented if caught early. When found at its earliest, most
treatable stage, colon cancer has a 90 percent survival rate. To help reduce the
incidence of colon cancer the Manchester Health Department in Partnership
with Hartford Hospital are offering a free Fecal Immunochemical Tests (FIT).
These tests are available to individuals 50 years of age and older on Thursday,
March 19, 2015 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Manchester Senior Center.
A FIT is one of several tests used to detect potential colon cancer symptoms.
This painless and non-invasive test is conducted in the privacy and comfort of
the patient’s home. Free PSA screening is also being offered for men over
50. Early detection is critical since colon cancer often produces no symptoms
during early stages. The American Cancer Society recommends that everyone
get tested for colon cancer beginning at age 50. People should talk to their doctor about testing earlier
if they have a family history of colon cancer or have a personal history of chronic inflammatory bowel
disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
Save the Date *** Highway to Good Health- 2015 Senior Health Fair
The Manchester Health Department and Manchester Senior Center are sponsoring “Highway to
Good Health” Senior Health Fair 2015 on Thursday, April 16th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the
Manchester Senior Center. There will be over 40 vendors providing free and reduced health
screenings, demonstrations and display tables. Screenings available include: cholesterol, glucose,
blood pressure, oral cancer, hearing, osteoporosis, pulse oximetry, memory and depression. There will
be acupuncture, Tibetan bowl therapy, Reiki, and 5 minute chair massage demonstrations. October
Kitchen will provide free food samples. Seniors can learn about a wide range of topics, including the
“Yellow Dot”, “Are You OKAY?” and “File of Life” programs, sleep disorders, diabetes and also
view environmental modifications and products that support independent living. Drawings for door
prizes will be held throughout the event. Please call the Manchester Health Department at (860)
647-3173 with questions and to register for chair massages, oral cancer, osteoporosis, reiki, and
hearing screenings.
SMP Foundation Training - STOP HEALTH CARE FRAUD
North Central Area Agency on Aging
151 New Park Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Date: April 16, 2015
Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Advanced Registration Required!
Participants must complete a personal interview by 4/8/15 in order to attend this training.
Contact: Carol Walsh, SMP Volunteer Coordinator
Email: carol.walsh@ncaaact.org or
Phone: 860-724-6443 ext 271
The Senior Medicare Patrol Program trains volunteers to fight against fraud. The dedicated corps of
SMP volunteers makes a difference. This Foundation training will provide volunteers with a
foundation of knowledge about the SMP program, Medicare, and Medicare fraud and abuse. Please
visit www.smpresource.org and www.ncaaact.org.
Funded in part by the U. S. Administration on Aging
Join the Senior Medicare Patrol. Help stop Medicare fraud in its tracks.
Kitty’s March Missive: Since I’ve been here at the Senior Center, I’ve spent time with a number of people
who have lived in this community for decades. Many have expressed to me that they wish to remain in their
homes as long as they are able to, even if that means asking family members to assist and hiring staff to care
for them if/when they develop serious health issues. Below is some information for people to consider.
According to the AARP, between 2006 and 2030, the U.S. population of adults aged 65 and over will nearly
double from 37 million to 71.5 million. This demographic trend presents major challenges for meeting the
needs of the older population who overwhelmingly prefer to receive services and supports within their homes
or communities. The Village—a consumer-driven, person centered approach to aging in place—offers an
alternative to institutional care. In CT, more than 700,000 residents provide care to their loved ones with tasks
such as bathing, dressing, finances, transportation and medical care.
The Village concept aims to “support the medical, functional, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of older
adults”. Residents create Villages to help coordinate and deliver services and supports within their
communities. Villages reflect their communities through variations in design, capacity, and operation. Many
older adults join these Villages because of a desire to remain in their homes and not be dependent on family
members and friends. The Beacon Hill Village, established in Boston in 2001, is one of the most recognized
models of the Village concept. What started as a group of residents who wanted to receive services and
supports in their homes and communities has now evolved into a national movement. Currently, there are 50
operating Village organizations across the United States and one in Australia. In addition, hundreds of
communities worldwide are at various stages of creating a Village.
Danbury, CT has created an Aging in Place Committee “dedicated to creating a community where older
adults (65+) have the opportunity to live safely, independently, and with dignity in the home of their
choice.” The Committee is comprised of a number of community providers/agencies supporting this goal.
Sources: AARP Public Policy Institute Fact Sheet, www.danburyseniors.org
AARP Afternoon Income Tax Services
At the Manchester Senior Center, 549 East Middle Turnpike - This site opens February 2nd and is 1st
come, 1st served. Available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday – Sign up begins @ 1:00
pm in the cafeteria for service between 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Knowledgeable AARP Volunteers certified by
the IRS are offering tax counseling and tax preparation services. Special focus is on age 60+ and
older. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER of the Senior Center to attend. Ends Tuesday, April
14, 2015.
AARP Drivers Safety Program
The following is the Winter/Spring schedule for classes at the Manchester Senior Center: March 26th, April
23rd, May 28th and June 25th. AARP does not accept walk-ins the day of the class. SAVE at least 5% on your
Auto Insurance. The class is limited to 25 participants. $15.00 for AARP members or $20.00 non-AARP
members. Payments made by Check only. Please put your AARP Membership number in the memo; lower
left hand of your check. AARP handles these funds directly. You must pre-register in person at the Senior
Center up to the day before the scheduled class. If you have any questions about the information outlined,
you are encouraged to contact a volunteer in your area or contact 1-800-569-1658 or drive@aarp.org.
Advisory Committee Meeting
YOUR Advisory Committee will be meeting this month on the second Friday of the month, Friday, March
13th at 9:00 a.m. in the Library to discuss issues of concern to members! This is your chance to see the
committee in action and to let them know that you support them 100%. All Senior Center and New Members
are encouraged to attend.
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club group of members meet on Friday mornings from 8:30a.m. – 10:00a.m. at
Guido’s Restaurant, located at 242 Broad Street in Manchester, 860-432-5999. As this is a drop in
program, we are not always made aware of any changes in meeting locations. New members are
always welcome.
Book Group
The Book Group will meet on Tuesday, March 17th at 10:30 in the Library. “My Beloved World” by
Sonia Sotomayor. The first Hispanic and third woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court,
Sonia Sotomayor has become an instant American icon. Now, with a candor and intimacy never
undertaken by a sitting Justice, she recounts her life from a Bronx housing project to the federal
bench, a journey that offers an inspiring testament to her own extraordinary determination and the
power of believing in oneself.
Cell Phone Recycling
You may drop off any make or model, old/gently used cell phone at the front desk of the Senior
Center. Please provide us with the wall/car charger so we may pass them along to others for use in
an emergency. Please remove your password, deactivate the phone, erase all personal
information/contact lists. Do Not provide earpieces. When dialed, charged cell phones will connect to
Computer Room – Drop-In HOURS – Time Change for Tax Prep*
Open computer lab will be open half a day, Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 12:45pm only due to Tax preparation
with AARP through April 15th. Thank you for your cooperation. *Hours are subject to change.
Computer Training – Drop-in Program
Karen Freund (pronounced “Froy-nd”) from our own Information Systems will be available in the
Computer Lab to answer questions and tutor regarding Microsoft Products, Facebook, Twitter and
other computer/media questions. Wednesday, March 18th, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.
Golf League – MENS
Men’s Golf League Meeting will be held, Tuesday, March 17th at 5:00 p.m. in the Library with Liz Tracy.
Play begins in April and continues until mid-September. Registration fees cover the costs of greens fees and
the end of the season banquet. The program offers scheduled starting times on Monday mornings with tee
times beginning at approximately 7:30 a.m. at a discounted rate. The Senior Center and Manchester Country
Club work collaboratively to offer a Senior Men’s Golf Program. The program is open to Senior Center
members ages 55 and up. All fees are due upon registration. Contact Recreation Supervisor, Liz Tracy at
860-647-3167 for more information. The golf league always welcomes new members.
Golf League – LADIES
Ladies Golf League Meeting will be held, Tuesday, March 17th at 11:00 a.m. in the Library with Liz
Tracy. The Senior Ladies Golf League would like to invite old and new members to join them at the
Manchester Country Club’s Waterview Café for lunch at noon. Luncheon dates on Monday are February
2nd, March 2nd and April 6th. The program is open to Senior Center members ages 55 and up. All fees are due
upon registration. Contact Recreation Supervisor, Liz Tracy at 860-647-3167 for more information. The golf
league always welcomes new members.
Greenhouse - *3/4/15
M, W and F, 9-11 a.m., projected to open *Wednesday, March 4th. Open to all members who love
growing and cultivating flowers and vegetables. No experience is necessary. Our trained horticulturist
takes the time to work with all participants in making their greenhouse experience a pleasurable one.
The greenhouse will open late February with the sowing of seeds and planting of hanging baskets. In
the months that follow, the seniors assist in watering, pruning and daily tending of plants. In May,
these beautiful plants go on sale. If you haven’t registered already please register for this fun-filled,
social, educational and relaxing program.
Manchester Senior Center Garden 2015
The information in this sheet is for current and future gardeners using the
Manchester Senior Center gardens.
What is the Manchester Senior Center Garden?
It is an area behind the Senior Center with 49 garden plots.
Plots are approximately 23’ x 10’
Who is eligible for a plot?
2014-2015 Members of the
Manchester Senior Center.
What is the cost of a plot?
There is no cost.
How can I get a plot?
Submit your name, address and phone number by MARCH 20th to Liz Tracy at
the Recreation Department or by phone 860-647-3167 or by email
ltracy@manchesterct.gov. In March a drawing will be held to assign vacant plots.
Persons having a plot will be allowed to keep their plots. If plots become available
after the March drawing, other drawings will be held.
Hiking Schedule * WINTER / SPRING *
Thursday Afternoons - Times: A) 1-3pm – Local areas; B) 1230-330pm – More distant or limited
parking areas/Carpooling. **Note: ALL carpooling will be from the corner of Main Street and Forest
Street beginning in January 2015. On-trail Guide: Jim Oliphant / jimodomo@cox.net 860-841-3814
Recreation Supervisor: Liz Tracy / ltracy@manchesterct.gov P:860-647-3084 Please register at the
Senior Center Front Office.
03/05 Luce Conservation Ares, Tolland – B
03/19 Howard and Porter Reservoir (Ferguson
Rd), Manchester – A
04/02 Blackledge Falls, Glastonbury – B
04/16 Earle Park, Glastonbury – B
04/30 McCann Family Farm, Somers – B
05/14 Case Mountain (Birch Mountain
Rd/Shenipsit Trail pkg lot), Manchester – A
05/28 Rock Spring Preserve, Scotland - B
Trails Go Digital
Rob Topliff Jr, Manchester Recreation Supervisor is pleased to announce that the Manchester Parks
and Recreation Department’s online and mobile app for Manchester Town Trails was featured in a
national magazine, Parks and Rec Business. This feature story is available on their website
http://parksandrecbusiness.com/ under “Features: Trails Go Digital” and has appeared in their
February print edition. The trail guide can be viewed on our website at
www.mytowntrails.com/manchesterct. Happy trails!
Rebuilding Together 2015!!
Rebuilding Together is a volunteer organization dedicated to rehabilitating the homes of low-income
homeowners, particularly the elderly, disabled and veterans. There is NO COST to the homeowner
for these repairs or home modifications. This year’s Rebuilding Together Volunteer event will take
place on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Homeowner applications are currently available by contacting
Scott Garman at 860-647-3139 or Liz Tracy at 860-647-3167 for more information.
Manchester Municipal Retirees
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 12th, at 2:00 p.m. in the Library. Please bring a
friend. We would like to hear from you and exchange your ideas with us. The purpose of our monthly
group meetings is to have a voice in our town and to protect our benefits, pensions, retirement and
health concerns. If you have any questions please contact Jean Lobaugh at 860-644-2301.
Newcomers Meeting
The Newcomer’s meeting, open to those 60+ and Members will be held on Wednesday, March 11th
at 11:00 a.m. in the Bingo Room. New members will receive introductions to our programs and tour
our facility. You must REGISTER with the front office by calling (860) 647-3211 ahead of time so
we may properly prepare for your visit. If you would like to have lunch with us, please register for
lunch on Monday, March 9th or Tuesday, March 10th by 12:00 Noon. We look forward to your
Do you enjoy working on Puzzles?
We have received numerous donations of many puzzles stored in the back of the Library coat room.
Feel FREE to pass the winter hours by borrowing a few puzzles and keep the brain active! You do not
need to sign them out. Pick a few up and take them home. We hope you find some enjoyment in
working on these puzzles.
Red Hat Society
The Royal Scarlet Gadabouts of Manchester, Ct – Annual Spring Gala!
An afternoon of Fun and Entertainment on Friday, March 6th at 12:00 Noon at Adams Mill
Restaurant, 165 Adams Street, Manchester. We’re adding a little Sparkle to our Day with a
Hot Buffet, a Caesar Salad Station, Rolls, Dessert, coffee and tea. There will also be lots of
game prizes, musical entertainment and plenty of giveaways!
We look forward to a fun afternoon with all of you!
Senior Circle Program
This small family-like group meets at the Senior Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00-1:00 p.m. Under
the friendly and enthusiastic leadership of our Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, Nina Stramaglia,
members enjoy a variety of activities; including crafts, gentle exercise, reminiscing, current events and just
plain old FUN! This is not a drop-in program. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Eileen Faust at
860-647-3211 for more information.
Sponsored by the Town of Manchester – Operated through the Human Services Department. VITA serves the
elderly and other citizens with incomes under $53,000. You do not have to be a Senior Center Member to
schedule an appointment.
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, please call 860-647-3092 (speak or leave a message for Lisa or Mary).
VITA Site Tax Preparation BEGINS Saturday, January 31, 2015 and ENDS on Saturday, April 11, 2015.
Site hours at the Manchester Senior Center, 549 East Middle Turnpike are:
THURSDAY Evening - 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and SATURDAYS – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wii Game Drop-in
Please make a note that the Wii Games on Monday in the Library will now be conducted in the
Auditorium from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The Wii Bowling League on Thursdays stays the same in the
Library from 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
Lunch Entertainment
March 26, 2015
Our program will begin in the cafeteria at 11:45 a.m. with the previously, much enjoyed entertainment
by Dan Gardella and Mike Moriarty. Join us for their upbeat Irish concert that is sure to get your
hands clapping and feet tapping, as you sing along with Mike Moriarty (banjo, bass, vocals) and Dan
Gardella (award winning fiddler). They will once again entertain you with traditional Irish songs and
fiddle tunes from the Emerald Isle and beyond.
Don’t miss out on this great entertainment while you enjoy your lunch!
Remember to sign up for lunch no later than Wed, March 25th by 12:15 p.m.
Manchester Parks and Recreation Department presents
Adult Evening Fitness Classes at the Senior Center – Geared to those 55+
Registration is on-going
Body Sculpting: Weight bearing exercise program for adults but geared toward those 55+. Includes
warm up, aerobic fitness, core strengthening, flexibility, joint mobility, balance and coordination.
Thursdays, 3/26 – 6/04, no class 4/16
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Instructor: Chlake Raineau
Location: Senior Center
Fee: $5.00 for residents 55 and older
$10.00 for non-residents 55 and older
$50.00 for residents under 55
$62.00 for non-residents under 55
Yogalates: Using traditional exercises and poses from both Pilates and Yoga, this class will include
strength, flexibility and balance of yoga with a focus on building strength in the body’s core. The
result will be a full body workout.
Tuesdays, 3/24 – 5/26
7:30 – 8:30 pm
Instructor: Colleen Zimmer
Location: Senior Center
Fee: $5.00 for residents 55 and older
$10.00 for non-residents 55 and older
$50.00 for residents under 55
$62.00 for non-residents under 55
Thursdays, 3/26 – 6/4, no class 4/16
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Instructor: Chlake Raineau
Location: Senior Center
Fee: $5.00 for residents 55 and older
$10.00 for non-residents 55 and older
$50.00 for residents under 55
$62.00 for non-residents under 55