Dublin City University CAREERS REPORT ON DESTINATIONS® COMMUNITY GRANT Project Manager: Head of Service: Denise McMorrow, Careers Advisor Muireann NiDhuigneain, DCU Careers INTRODUCTION The overall project aim of the DCU Destinations® Community Development Grant was to customise the Destinations website for DCU Careers Service. In DCU, the Destinations® product is one of the best careers websites available and is a vital resource to the delivery of our services. The project involved the inclusion of more relevant and up to date links and resources, where necessary. Considerable time was spent on updating the site with DCU resources and involved adding, rewriting and removing sections to replace University of Reading and University of Limerick content as appropriate. The project was made possible through the successful awarding of Destinations® funding. As DCU is a university which is constantly increasing its capacity and will double its student numbers in the coming years, this has put an increased emphasis on using careers web resources. As a result of completing this project we are better placed to ensure that larger numbers of students can be reached. The product is available on the DCU Careers website and provides flexible 24/7 access to comprehensive careers information. Using their novel user name and password, DCU students, staff and graduates can avail of the software at their discretion, at a time and place suitable to their needs. The work undertaken for this project involved a joint approach by DCU Information Support Systems (ISS) and the Careers Service to organise and schedule tasks and resources. A student intern was recruited by the Careers Service to report to the project manager and tasked with the customisation of the software and related duties. Students from the Multimedia programme and Marketing are also involved in providing technical input on the requirements for producing podcasts, increasing student traffic on the site and generally letting students know about its benefits. The Destinations® software has become an integral part of the careers education programmes which are embedded in many programmes across the curriculum. Students use Destinations® in completion of their portfolios. Both staff and students have commented on the positive impact of the software and we are now better placed to promote the resource since it has been updated and localised to DCU. PROJECT OUTCOMES As a result of receiving the Destinations® grant, the work carried out on the Destinations software involved hiring a student intern as well as working with an EResources Marketing Assistant and multimedia students to complete the following: Meeting with ISS personnel to plan, initiate and progress the customisation project. The format of the change requests were agreed and delivered on. Proof-reading of all content on Destinations® 2 and including four additional modules included in the Destinations 3 new releases. Identifying spelling and grammatical errors and writing corrections for insertion by DCU ISS. Identifying pages containing University of Reading content and rewriting it for the Irish context. Sourcing reference material to replace UK funding and company structures information within an Irish context. Identifying University of Limerick content and rewriting it with DCU content. Sourcing reference material and resources for listing in the Further Information and References sections. Identifying and listing navigation bugs for repair by DCU ISS. Reviewing and evaluating all podcasts on Destinations® and identify those needing to be replaced with more relevant podcasts. Listing topics and speakers required for new podcasts. Directing a multimedia student to record live podcasts tailored specifically to DCU. Meeting students of the Multimedia programme to plan the recording of podcasts. Meeting regularly with Denise McMorrow as project manager to report progress. Networked collaboratively with other career services through GCI to promote best practice to integrate Destinations® software more centrally. Received feedback from students on the impact of Destinations® software on student action and interaction and made the necessary adjustments. Promoting the usage of the Destinations® extensively through DCU publications and online through the development of Facebook/Twitter. Ensuring flexibility and a quality service through the provision of a 24/7 careers web site for use as desired by students and graduates as appropriate. Using their novel user name and password, DCU students and graduates can avail of the software at their discretion, at a time and place suitable to their needs. During 1:1 interventions with careers advisers, students and graduates can be directed to topics of specific interest on the Destinations® site On a group basis with students the resource can be availed of in order to critically evaluate options and career directions and assist them to develop a career management strategy and plan of action. Development and use for careers portfolios in the class room, where careers advisers are working with the academic staff to deliver developmental career management education which is both integrated into the curriculum and accredited within the assessment procedure. With students, graduates and staff attending the stand alone Careers Service Seminars and/or Workshop Series where Destinations® software is used to illustrate and support the topics presented. DCU Academic, Administrative staff and Employers can refer to the Destinations® software when making presentations in DCU. The resource can now be used with students and graduates, to illustrate an excellent resource to help students in their job search strategy and preparation for the world of work. CONCLUSION The outcome of the work is that Destinations® is now customised for DCU students, academics, alumni and employers. It has been tailored to the DCU audience to include relevant links and references to meet the careers needs of Irish and international students. A list of required podcasts has been drawn up and these will be recorded by the Multimedia students on 9th March 2011 which will be added to Destinations® Product. It is acknowledged that the Destinations® Software needs to be updated regularly and additions can now be made through our ISS team to reflect the extensive content and manage its input. Destinations® is heavily promoted in all the class work undertaken by Careers Advisers and during the one-to-one career consultations with students as well as through our communication channels with academics and administrative staff within DCU. An online publicity campaign is underway to encourage students and academics to use Destinations® to its full potential. Weekly emails via our Careers enewsletter encourage an increased number of users to benefit from Destinations®. As part of the on-going development of our resources Facebook and Twitter will also have links to the DCU Destinations® Product. The project undertaken has been very worthwhile and has ensured a collaborative approach between DCU Careers and other key stakeholders including students, academics, employers as well as third level educational providers. The opportunity for the on-going development of this resource exists and there is great excitement and energy to embrace it as a reliable, dynamic and up-to-date careers resource. In DCU Careers Service, we are very happy to be part of the Destinations® Community and look forward to its continued success. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS On behalf of DCU Careers Service, Denise McMorrow, Project Manager for DCU Destinations Community Development Grant would like to thank David Stanbury and the Destinations® team for making this project possible through funding. A very special thanks to Muireann NiDhuigneain, Head of DCU Careers who has supported this project. Thanks to Yvonne McLoughlin, Careers Advisor for her inputs and advice with this project. Declan Delamere the student Intern who delivered on many aspects of the project as well as DCU ISS and the Multimedia and Marketing students who have shown great commitment and diligence to the project. Finally, a word of appreciation to all members of DCU Careers Team, Student Support & Development, our employers and students who have made the time available to learn more about the Destinations® Software and use it as a reliable careers resource. Denise McMorrow, Careers Advisor, DCU Careers Service, Student Support & Development’ Glasnevin, Dublin 9 denise.mcmorrow@dcu.ie 31/01/2011