TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN Title: Metallothionein and its relation to zinc (II) ions Where: Zemedelska 1, Brno, Czech Republic ( Date: 15th - 17th June 2015 (8 h/day) Content: Laboratory expertise in multi-instrumental analysis of metallothionein and zinc (II) ions. Requirements: Post docs and PhD students. The participants will be divided into groups of 3 or 4 persons Practical sub-courses: 1. Determination of metallothionein using electrochemistry. Hynek 2. Electrophoresis and immunodetection. Krizkova 3. Analysis of metallothionein expression at nucleic acids level. Masarik / Gumulec 4. Immunohistochemistry. Kominkova / Michalek 5. Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization. Merlos Rodrigo Maximum participants: 9 or 12 1 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304 TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN Day 15th June 10:00 Summer School Opening prof. RNDr. Ladislav Havel, CSc. - Rector of Mendel University in Brno Invited lectures 10:20 Zinc signals and the control of immune cell functions Hajo Haase (Aachen University, Germany) 11:00 Metallothionein and neuroinflammation Juan Hidalgo (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) Lunch Plenary lectures 13:00 Metallothionein as cancer biomarker Jaromír Gumulec 13:30 Metallothionein as zinc protein Michal Masarik 14:00 Metallothionein and oxidative stress Branislav Ruttkay-Nedecky The overview of the presentations will be published in Journal of Metallomics and Nanotechnologies 14:30 – 15:00 Coffee Beak 15:00-17:00 LABORATORY OF METALLOMICS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES LABTOUR 17:30 GUIDED BRNO BUS TOUR - Vlastimil Sochor 2 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304 TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN 16th and 17th June List of experiments Electrochemical detection of MT (David Hynek) 1) Preparation of sample 2) MT determination 3) MT determination coupled with Adsorptive transfer technique 4) Automated determination 5) Evaluation and data processing Metal chelate affinity chromatography (Vladimir Pekarik) 1) Bacterial transformation 2) Induction of protein expression 3) Protein isolation – protein fractionation (acetone precipitation) 4) Test affinity of MT for different metals – NTA (nitrilotriacetic) agarose Cd, Ni, Cu, Fe, Zn, empty. Comparison with PrP control Elution –EDTA 5) Detection: electrochemistry, Western-Blot, chemical staining with Fl-AsHor Re-AsH (depending on Pavel ability to synthetize the compounds). Capillary electrophoresis (Marketa Vaculovicova) 1) in vitro MT labelling by fluorescent dye 2) CE-LIF analysis of fluorescent MT 3) CE-UV analysis of MT clones 4) Data analysis 3 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304 TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN ELISA I (Sona Krizkova) 1) Samples and standards preparation 2) Incubation 3) Well surface blocking 4) Washing 5) Application of primary antibody ELISA II (Petr Michalek) 1) Incubation with secondary antibody 2) Application of chromogenic substrate 3) Absorbance measurement and data analysis Spectrophotometry + chip CE (Sona Krizkova) 1) ApoMT interaction with Zn 2) Incubation and spectrophotometric detection 3) Chip electrophoresis All experiments will be performed according to the protocols (Nature Protocols format) 4 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304 TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN Schedule: 10:00 Summer School Opening 10:20-12:00 INVITED LECTURES 12:00-13:00 LUNCH 13:00-14:30 PLENARY LECTURES 15:00-17:00 LABTOUR 17:30 GUIDED BRNO BUS TOUR 15th June 5 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304 TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN 9:00-11:00 11:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 Elisa I (Krizkova) Metal chelate affinity Electrochemistry of MT chromatography (Pekarik) (Hynek) Electrochemistry of MT Metal chelate affinity CE (Vaculovicova) (Hynek) chromatography (Pekarik) LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Elisa II (Michalek) Elisa I (Krizkova) Metal chelate affinity 16th June 14:00-16:00 16:00-18:00 9:00-11:00 11:00-13:00 17th June 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 chromatography (Pekarik) Spectro + chip CE Electrochemistry of MT Metal chelate affinity (Krizkova) (Hynek) chromatography (Pekarik) Dinner Party Stopkova Plzeňská Pivnice Metal chelate affinity Elisa II (Michalek) Elisa I (Krizkova) CE (Vaculovicova) Spectro + chip CE chromatography (Pekarik) Metal chelate affinity chromatography (Pekarik) (Krizkova) LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH CE (Vaculovicova) Spectro + chip CE Elisa II (Michalek) 16:30 (Krizkova) Summer School Closing 6 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304 TRAINING SCHOOL ON METALLOTHIONEIN Accommodation: it is possible to accommodate participant on very near situated dormitory or in the hotels nearby. Avanti Hotel Střední 61, Brno 4 Hotel Bobycentrum Brno, Sportovní 559/2A, Brno 3 Bird's Nest, Tišnovská 94, Brno, 3 Villa JKC, Lieberzeitova 20, Brno, 3 Point Pension-Restaurant, Vranovská 58, Brno 3 7 The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) TD1304