El Pomar Foundation Emerging Leadership Development (ELD

Milton E. Proby Cultural Heritage Room
Emerging Leaders Development (ELD) Program
Colorado Springs & Pueblo
The El Pomar Emerging Leaders Program began in 2001 to help develop the wealth of diverse leadership potential
within Southern Colorado. The program identifies and encourages current and emerging ethnic minority leaders to
embrace broad-based community involvement, civic engagement and service on boards and commissions.
The program is a collaborative effort among El Pomar Foundation, community leadership development programs in
Colorado Springs and Pueblo, and minority-focused community organizations. It offers community leadership
development training and outreach activities that extend into the broader community. El Pomar also provides
scholarships for selected individuals to take part in these leadership programs.
Program participants and graduates are involved in a variety of civic activities within their communities and are
leaders in the non-profit, governmental and corporate sectors.
Mission: Facilitate the process for developing diverse leadership potential with a strong commitment to broad
based community involvement, civic engagement, and service on nonprofit boards and commissions in Southern
Purpose/Structure: The “Advisory Council” serves as a resource to provide support, feedback, and advice to El
Pomar Foundation ELD Program activities and outreach. The advisory council structure is an ELD program
strategy that connects the “Spheres of Influence” through innovative partnerships and broad based community
involvement. The advisory councils build upon ELD best practices to convene, empower, and take action.
Participants/Partners: The ELD Advisory Council participants include El Pomar Foundation senior staff and
Fellows; the community leadership development program directors; Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native American
program participants.
Goals & Accomplishments:
1. ELD Program/Outreach Website (www.elpomar.org/emergingleaders): The ELD web page provides
online access to the program, and outreach activities/project information; links to community leadership
development programs, skills training applications and scholarship information.
2. Community Leadership Development Programs and Skills Training: ELD ethnic minority advisory
councils recruit and ensure enrollment and completion of Leadership Training and Workshops. El Pomar
Foundation offers scholarship opportunities for ELD Participants that are accepted to Pueblo and Colorado
Springs community and leadership development programs. Since 2001 176 ELD Participants have
graduated from community leadership programs, 127 were ELD scholarship recipients.
3. Colorado Springs and Pueblo ELD Participants Profile: ELD participants are eligible for the online
profile when they have completed a Community Leadership Development Program, board governance or
leadership skills training. The profile also includes their service on nonprofit boards, civic involvement,
areas of expertise and education/training accomplishments.
4. The Colorado Springs and Pueblo ELD/Multicultural Youth Leadership Development Initiative:
The ELD Advisory Councils have developed a broad-based community network to develop programmatic
activities to support middle and high school students’ long-term success in education, career development,
leadership and community service.
Multicultural Youth Leadership Initiative for Excellence-MYLIFE Project (Pueblo): ELD
participants and middle school counselors plan/facilitate seven (7) “life skills” sessions for (75+)
eighth grade students. The MYLIFE project is a partnership with both Pueblo School Districts
Superintendents and local University/College Presidents
Multicultural Youth Leadership Initiative- MYLI Summit (Colorado Springs): The MYLI
Summit is a Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) and life skills curriculum
for high school students designed by the ELD Advisory Councils and community
partners/sponsors. The partnership includes Pike Peak Area Superintendent’s Association,
Booz/Allen/Hamilton, Intellitec Colleges, Colorado College, Colorado Tech University and UCCS.
5. Colorado Springs ELD program CEO Roundtable Outreach: The partnership with the Center for
Nonprofit Excellence and CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates- for Children) developed a strategy
to convene the broader community executive leadership from all sectors. The outreach is having an
impact on the process to facilitate ethnic minorities’ opportunity to serve on governing boards and public
commissions. November 5, 2010
6. The Black Pastors Union (BPU): The Foundation‘s outreach to the BPU is designed to provide technical
assistance and facilitate collaborations/partnerships with the broader community. The BPU is a local
minority-led organization with a vision to develop a broad-based community network and have an impact
on the faith-based community leading the charge to address the quality-of-life issues across the fullspectrum of human needs.
7. Pikes Peak Community Development (PPCD) Initiative: The Foundation convenes, organizes and
assists an “Advisory Group” of civic-minded professionals that provide expertise, resources and strategies
to assist in identifying and addressing quality of life issues that impact the Southeast Region of El Paso
County. The action plan is to connect kids to post-secondary educational opportunities and will include a
comprehensive resource guide and series of “College Readiness and Success” events in 2010 for high
school students, parents/guardians and counselors/teachers.
Milton E. Proby Cultural Heritage Room
The Milton E. Proby (MEP) Cultural Heritage Room is dedicated to preserving and documenting the contributions
of African-American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino and Native American individuals from Southern Colorado. It is a
place to honor ethnic minority leaders whose lives have embodied the ideals of civic involvement and leadership.
Reverend Proby was one of the first civil rights leaders to have profound influence in the campaign for equality in
southern Colorado. He made significant contributions within this community and the Trustees of El Pomar
Foundation honor his legacy through the establishment of the Cultural Heritage Room.
In the years to come, the contributions of additional ethnic minority leaders will be memorialized here through the
leadership of the El Pomar Emerging Leaders Program.
Mission: To preserve and document the civic contributions of ethnic minorities in Southern Colorado
Goals: Advance cross-cultural understanding and inform the broader community about the ethnic experience in
Southern Colorado through exhibits, events and publication.
Reach out and seek consultation from ethnic minority community organizations/leadership to document and select
(deceased) civic leaders that have made contributions to Colorado Springs and Pueblo history and cultural heritage.
Objectives: Two-dimensional exhibit at Penrose House: Pueblo and Colorado Springs (deceased) civic leaders
display in the Milton E. Proby Cultural Heritage Room.
Milton E. Proby Cultural Heritage Room Selection Committee will include: El Pomar Senior Staff, Emerging
Leaders Advisory Council coordinators for Pueblo and Colorado Springs and Other members as appointed by the
Chairman/CEO William J. Hybl.
Selection Committee Roles and Responsibilities
1. Selection Committee: MEP Room Selection Committee members develop an action plan & timeline;
establish a timeline for selection of an ethnic minority civic leader to be displayed in the MEP Cultural
Heritage Room.
2. MEP Selection Committee develops a communication/outreach plan to identify and receive nomination
application (deceased) ethnic minority civic leaders.
3. Long-Term Strategic Planning Task Force: Milton E. Proby “Wall of Fame” purpose and timeline.
4. MEP Outreach Taskforce: Vic Tise, Rev. James McMearn, Marguerite Cantu and Una Ng; -Identify,
cultivate and recruit prospective “ethnic heritage” curators, historians, organizations to assist with the
identification and application of viable nominees.
5. MEP Room Format and display Taskforce chair: George Guerrero, Vice President , El Pomar
Foundation, gguerrero@elpomar.org – 719-577-7018
6. Media Relations: Josie Burke, Director of Communication, El Pomar Foundation
jburke@elpomar.org - 719-577- 5750
National Cultural Heritage Celebration Dates
Hispanic Heritage Month
Native American Indian Heritage Month
Puerto Rican History Week
Martin Luther King Celebration/Events
Black History Month
Chicano History Week
Native American Indian Pow Wow
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Cinco de Mayo
The Selection Committee
El Pomar Staff
Theo Gregory
George Guerrero
Virginia Woodfork
Aubrey Johnson
VP/ Director
VP/ Assistant Director
Program Associate/Fellow
Program Assistant
ELD Advisory Council Coordinators for Colorado Springs and Pueblo
Asian American Advisory Council (AAC)
Asian American Advisory Council (AAC)
Jay Patel - Co- Coordinator
Donna Frost – Co-Coordinator
Stella Hodgkins – Co-Coordinator
Barbara Painter – Co-Coordinator
Black Advisory Council (BAC)
Yolanda Fennick – Co-Coordinator
Black Advisory Council (BAC)
Fred Kidd – Co-Coordinator
James Proby – Co-Coordinator
Hispanic Advisory Council (HAC)
Ron Wiley – Co-Coordinator
Paul Martinez – Co-Coordinator
Latino Advisory Council (LAC)
John A. Vargas – Co-Coordinator
Melissa Reyes – Co-Coordinator
Native American Advisory Council (NAC)
Trisha Macias – Co-Coordinator
Debbie Howell – Co-Coordinator
Kateri Kerwin – Co-Coordinator
Fred Gauna- Committee Member
Native American Advisory Council (NAC)
Daneya Esgar – Co-Coordinator
Kerstien Zabukovic – Co-Coordinator
Members Appointed by El Pomar Chairman and CEO
Rev. James H. McMearn, Pastor
New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church
Gloria Gutierrez, Regional Director
Office of Senator Mark Udall
Elizabeth Jefferson, Administrative Asst.
New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church
Martha Poole, Community Civic Leader
Dr. Evie Dennis, AFE Chair