The Seasons Explained

TEKS 8.7A model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night, and revolves around the Sun causing
changes in seasons
TEKS 8.7B demonstrate and predict the sequence of events in the lunar cycle
Rotating Revolving Quizzing
1. Select and circle one of the following seasons.
2. Illustrate the season you have chosen in the box below by showing the
position of the Earth and Sun.
3. In the lined box, explain why this season is occurring.
4. Classify each of the terms listed below based on whether it belongs with
the rotation or revolution of Earth.
24 hours 365 days
5. What is City R experiencing?
TEKS 8.7A model and illustrate how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night, and revolves around the
Sun causing changes in seasons
The Seasons Explained
 Model and illustrate how the tilted of the Earth on its axis as it rotates and
revolves around the Sun causes changes in the season and the length of a day.
The earth revolves around the sun in a shape that is not quite a circle. Because the
orbit is not perfectly round, the earth is closer to the sun at certain times during its
orbit. But this is NOT THE REASON WE HAVE SEASONS!! It is because Earth is
tilted on its axis and the amount of direct radiation varies.
It is the tilt of the earth’s axis that also causes day and night to be unequal in
length. In the summer, San Antonio experiences more hours of daylight than
darkness and the longest day on June 21. In the winter, when the earth’s axis is
tilted away from the sun, San Antonio experiences more hours of darkness than
daylight, and the shortest day on December 21.
On September 21 and March 21, day and night are of equal length throughout the
world. Can you explain why?
1. Label the following on the diagram:
North Pole
South Pole
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
an “L” to mark the point in Earth’s orbit
where the Northern hemisphere would
experience the longest hours of daylight
an “S” to mark the point in Earth’s orbit
where the Northern hemisphere would
have the shortest hours of daylight hours.
2. What happens in the Southern hemisphere when the Northern hemisphere is
having summer? ________________________________________________
3. Notice that the earth is closer to the sun in December. Why is it cooler?
4. When it is winter in the Northern hemisphere, what would the amount of
daylight be like at the North Pole? ___________________________________
147,000,000 km
152,000,000 km
diagram is not to scale