7 MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives Timeline/Pacing K.ME H.1 Remember the association of healthy expression of emotions, mental health, and healthy behavior. K.ME H.1.1 Recognize feelings and ways of expressing them. Resources Assessments EQ: How can I express myself in the right way? 1Using a Tree Map, describe or illustrate feelings of being happy, sad, mad, tired, and afraid. LT-I can tell how I feel using my body, my face, and my words. LT-I can point out comfortable and not so comfortable feelings. Vocabulary: facial expressions, body language, happy, glad, sad, afraid, angry, mad, tried, uncomfortable Verbs: express, recognize, identify 2. Which of the following would make you happy? a. A new toy b. Someone taking my toy c. Eating broccoli K.ME H.1.2 Recall stressors and stress responses. LT-I can tell what problems in my life causes feelings that are not comfortable. 1. Role-play how you would deal with feelings that not so comfortable. LT-I can list ways I can deal with my feelings that are not comfortable. 2. Which of the following adults would be good to help me with of LT-I can tell which feelings? adults can help me a. Stranger with my feelings. b. Friend c. Vocabulary: comfortable feelings, Parent/Grandparent uncomfortable feelings, stressor(s), Verbs: recall, demonstrate, identify K.ME H.1.3 Illustrate personal responsibility for actions and possessions. LT-I can tell classroom, school, and home rules. LT-I can list ways I can help at home and school. 1. Construct an illustration of 3 important rules you follow in your school. 2. In what ways would you help Vocabulary: rules, around the house? personal responsibility, actions, a. clean my room possessions, positive b. spill my cereal and negative on the table consequences. c. leave my clothes on my bedroom Verbs: identify, floor practice, illustrate, list PERSONAL AND CONSUMER HEALTH K.PC Apply measures H.1 for cleanliness and disease prevention. K.PC Use steps of correct H.1.1 hand washing at appropriate times throughout the day. EQ: How can I keep my body and teeth healthy? LT-I can understand when and how to wash my hands throughout the day. Vocabulary: appropriate times, prevent diseases Verbs: identify, demonstrate K.PC Illustrate proper tooth H.1.2 brushing techniques. LT-I can tell why my teeth and gums are important. LT-I can show the correct way to brush my teeth. 1. Role-play the steps for good hand washing. 2. Which of the following is a good time to wash your hands? a. When I am reading a book. b. After I blow my nose. c. When I am writing 1. Role-play the steps for correctly brushing and flossing your teeth. 2. How can I keep my gums and teeth healthy? Vocabulary: a. Eat candy and techniques, healthy, gums, floss suckers everyday. b. Brush and floss Verbs: illustrate, list, everyday demonstrate c. Drink lots of sugary drinks. K.PC Explain rationale for H.1.3 not sharing hygiene products (combs, brushes, toothbrushes). LT-I can tell why keeping my skin, hair, and teeth clean are important. LT-I can list ways to keep germs from spreading no matter where I am. Verbs: explain, list 2. Which of the following is a way to keep germs from spreading? a. Wipe your nose with your sleeve. b. Not sharing your toothbrush c. Not covering your mouth your sneeze. EQ: Why is important to stay safe? What strategies can I use to help me stay safe? 1. Using a Flow Map, write or draw the safety steps for crossing the street. Vocabulary: rationale, hygiene, germs K.PC Understand H.2 necessary steps to prevent and respond to unintentional injury. K.PC Recognize the H.2.1 meanings of traffic signs and signals. 1. Using ThinkPair-Share, discuss with a partner how and why you can take care of your skin, hair, and teeth. LT-I can tell what traffic signs and signals mean. LT-I can point out different traffic signs and signals. LT-I can practice safety rules. Vocabulary: traffic signs, signals Verbs: recognize, identify, describe, demonstrate, practice 2. Which of the following traffic signs is used for crossing the street? (Find clip art for answer choices) K.PC Explain the H.2.2 benefits of wearing seat belts and bicycle helmets. LT-I can tell why wearing seat belts and bicycle helmets are important. 1. Using a circle map, describe or draw reasons Vocabulary: protective for wearing a seat belt. equipment, benefits Verbs: explain 2. According to circle map, which of the following is a reason for wearing a seat belt? a. Risk of getting hurt from the air bag b. My mom tells me to. c. My teacher tells me to. K.PC Illustrate how to get H.2.3 help in an emergency. LT-I can show and tell when events are emergencies or not emergencies (for example: could use a Two Column Notes). 1. Role-play a 911 call and giving the correct name, address, and emergency information. LT-I can practice calling 911 and correctly giving my name, address, and the emergency. 2. Using Two Column Notes, which of the following would fit in the correct Vocabulary: column? (answer emergency, situations, choices will be non-emergency based on which column you choose Verbs: identify, to leave blank. describe, illustrate. Should label the Two Column Notes: Emergency vs. Non Emergency) K.PC Identify appropriate H.2.4 responses to warning signs, sounds, and labels. LT-I can tell what different warning signs, sounds, and labels mean. 1. Draw and label an illustration of different places that warning signs are found to keep me LT-I can show what to safe. do in response to warning signs, sounds, and labels. 2. Household cleaners, paint cans, LT-I can practice safely and medicines all drills correctly. have what in alike? Vocabulary: warning signs, sounds, labels, responses Verbs: identify, demonstrate, practice a. Warning labels b. Warning signs c. Warning sounds INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION AND RELATIONSHIPS Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives Timeline/Pacing K.IC Understand R.1 healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationships. K.IC Explain reasons for R.1.1 sharing. Resources EQ: Why is it important to treat people like you would like to be treated? LT-I can tell what it means to share and why it is important. LT-I can list ways to share and give examples of how I share with others. Vocabulary: sharing, importance, examples, cooperate Verbs: Explain, list Assessments 1.(Debate) Orally tell why it is good to share with a friend and Orally tell why you would not share with a friend. 2. Tell ways you can share with your classmates. Make a class list of sharing ideas. K.IC Compare people in R.1.2 terms of what they have in common and how they are unique. LT-I can tell how my classmates and I are alike and different. (suggest using a Double Bubble Map or Venn Diagram). LT-I can point out and tell what makes my classmates and I special. Vocabulary: unique, common, similar Verbs: compare, explain, identify, describe K.IC Summarize protective R.1.3 behaviors to use when approached by strangers. 1. Using a DoubleBubble Map, tell how you and another classmate are alike and different. 2. Ask other students in your class, what makes them special? (interview) Report to your teacher what you found out about your classmates. LT-I can tell if someone I don't know comes up to me. 1. In a reflective journal, write what you would do if a stranger came up to Vocabulary: protective you. behaviors, approached, stranger, confronted, scenarios Verbs: summarize, recall, demonstrate 2. Someone you don’t know comes up and tells you that you are to go home with them today. What would you do? a. I would go with them. b. I would say “No” and tell someone. c. I would get in their car. K.IC Recognize bullying, R.1.4 teasing, and aggressive behaviors and how to respond. LT-I can point out the actions of a bully. LT-I can tell the difference between bullying and teasing. LT-I can show different ways to deal with bullies. Vocabulary: bullying, teasing, aggressive behavior, respond Verbs: recognize, identify, explain, demonstrate NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 1. Draw an illustration of how you would feel if you where bullied. Write a sentence to tell about your picture. 2. From the list below circle the one that shows different ways of bullying. a. sharing, asking someone to play, being nice to visitors b. Hitting someone, leaving someone out of a game, calling someone an ugly name c. Asking someone to join them at lunch, helping someone pick up toys, listening to your parents Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives Timeline/Pacing K.NPA.1 Understand MyPlate as a tool for selecting nutritious foods. K.NP Classify foods by A.1.1 groups in MyPlate. Resources Assessments EQ: Why is it important for me to eat good meals and to exercise? 1. Using the pictures given, sort the food items into the right food groups. LT-I can tell the food (have a variety of groups on MyPlate. pictures of different LT-I can sort different food items and a MyPlate example of foods in the correct food groups for places on MyPlate. sorting) LT-I can tell the difference between whole foods and mixed foods. 2. I love pinto beans, choose the correct food group that pinto beans would fit in? LT-I can tell why exercise and what I eat a. Grain Group is good for my weight. b. Fruit Group c. Protein Group Vocabulary: whole foods, combination foods, mixed foods, MyPlate, vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, protein, oils, fats & sweets, activity, exercise Verbs: classify, tell, explain, differentiate K.NP Recall foods and A.1.2 beverages beneficial to teeth and bones. LT-I can tell why foods that I eat and drinks that I drink are good for my bones and teeth. 1. List which foods and drinks that would be good for your teeth and bones. (To differentiateVocabulary: beverages, have pictures and beneficial, mineral-rich lower groups can sort pictures) Verbs: recall, explain, identify 2. Identify the foods below that are good for your teeth and bones? a. pizza, ice cream, chips b. hamburger, French fries, cookies c. string cheese, yogurt, broccoli K.NP Recall activities for A.1.3 fitness and recreation during out-of-school hours. LT-I can tell different ways I get exercise after school. -I can list reasons why exercise is good for me. 1. Survey your classmates about the activities they Vocabulary: recreation, do after school. (may out-of-school hours, need to set up benefits the survey Verbs: recall, list, with generate, rehearse, predetermine engage d activities based on the sport season. For example, T-ball, baseball, soccer in the spring) 2. How long should you spend after school exercising? a. 10 minutes b. 60 minutes c. 5 minutes K.NPA.2 Create strategies to consume a variety of nutrientdense foods and beverages and to consume less nutrientdense foods in moderation. K.NP Recognize nutrientA.2.1 dense foods in a list of foods that are culturally diverse. EQ: Why is important to eat healthy foods? 1. Using a Flow Map, sort the following pictures of LT-I can tell what different food into nutrient-dense foods the correct headings are in my diet. on the map. (use LT-I can sort pictures of nutrient-dense and nutrient-dense and not not nutrient-dense foods) nutrient-dense foods. LT-I can give examples of foods that are notnutrient dense and where I can find them. 2. I go to a Mexican restaurant and order salsa, corn torilla chips, beans, and Vocabulary: nutrientrice. Am I eating dense, nutrients, nutrient dense foods energy, calories, fat, sugar. processed foods, or not? a. True Verbs-recognize, b. False identify, explain, sort Tell why you choose true or false. K.NP Summarize the A.2.2 importance of a healthy breakfast and lunch. LT-I can tell which meal is the largest and smallest of the day and why. LT-I can sort breakfast and lunch foods to fit on MyPlate. LT-I can sort breakfast and lunch foods to show which are nutrient-dense foods. Vocabulary: nutrientdense, combination, MyPlate, importance Verbs: summarize, explain, suggest, consume ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND OTHER DRUGS 1. Using MyPlate and a variety of food choices, build your own healthy breakfast and then a healthy lunch. In a reflection journal, tell why each is a healthy meal. 2. Why is it important to eat a healthy breakfast? a. It should be the smallest meal of the day. b. It helps to keep me awake. c. It helps to think better before lunch. K.ATOD. Understand 1 how to use household products and medicines safely. K.AT Explain what is likely OD.1. to 1 happen if harmful household products are ingested or inhaled. EQ: How do I use 1. Show using a household products and Venn Diagram medicines safely? how smelling or drinking LT-I can tell why it is household not good to smell or eat products affects or drink certain your body. products in my house. 2. If someone LT-I can lists ways to drinks an stay safe around certain unknown liquid products in my house. and then Vocabulary: household products, ingested, inhaled, topical, harm, consumption, prevent K.AT Classify things found OD.1. around 2 the house as medicinal drugs or other (e.g. candy). LT-I can tell the difference between medicine and food. LT-I can list ways on what to do if I find something that looks like medicine or candy in my home. Vocabulary: medicinal drugs, food products Verbs: classify, distinguish, list becomes sick what should you do? a. Tell an adult b. Tell an friend c. Call Poison Control 1. Sketch an advertisement to tell your classmates about the importance of not eating all candy-like items around the house. 2. What would you do if you found a small candy-like object on the floor in your house? a. Eat it b. Give it to your sister to eat c. Give it to an adult K.AT Identify adults and OD.1. professionals who 3 can be trusted to provide safety information about household products and medicines. T-I can list adults who I 1. Using a circle map, trust to give me facts draw or write the about the safety of people who are most household products and responsible for giving medicines. Vocabulary: trust, safety, household products Verbs: identify, list you medicine at school or at home. 2. Which of the following adults are responsible for medicines at school? a. Mom b. Nurse c. Principal K.AT Use appropriate OD.1. strategies to 4 access help when needed in emergencies involving household products and medicines. LT-I can list ways to 1. Role-play an handle emergencies emergency phone call that include household to Poison Control or products and medicines. 911 and make to sure LT-I can practice calling Poison Control or 911 to give the correct information including when it is needed. your name, address, Vocabulary: and your emergency. appropriate, strategies, emergencies, household 2. During an products, Poison emergency, what Control, poisons Verbs: demonstrate, call should you do first? a. Find an adult to help call Poison Control or 911 b. Call 911 or Poison Control on your own c. Tell a friend to call 911 or Poison Control Grade One MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives Timeline/Pacing 1.MEH.1 1.ME Use effective 1st quarter Understand H.1.1 communication to the express and cope with relationships emotions. among healthy expression of emotions, mental health, and healthy behavior. Resources EQ How do emotions and problems affect my everyday life? Textbook Ch. 10 LT I can talk about my feelings. Vocab. emotions, feelings, comfortable, uncomfortable, conflict resolution Verbs understand use Assessments A friend says something kind to you. Identify which emotion you would feel. sad happy angry 1.ME Use methods of H.1.2 positive coping with disappointment and failure. LT I can find ways to deal with disappointment and failure. Vocab. Disappointment, failure Verbs Understand use 1.ME Classify stressors as H.1.3 causing positive or negative stress. PERSONAL AND CONSUMER HEALTH LT I can tell things List stressors and that stress me. categorize them as positive or negative. (Students could Vocab. positive, negative, record on a circle map stressors, stress, with pictures or coping strategies words for each, positive stressors and negative stressors) Verbs understand classify 1.PCH. Apply measures 1 for cleanliness and disease prevention. 1.PC Recognize that germs H.1.1 produce illness and can be spread from one person to another. 3rd quarter EQ How can you stay healthy? Textbook Ch.8 LT I can tell what makes me sick. Vocab. germs, illness, cause and effect Verbs apply recognize 1.PC Use measures for H.1.2 preventing the spread of germs. LT I can tell when Summarize the and how to wash my correct way to wash hands. your hands (could be done on a flow map) and list important Vocab. germs, prevent times for hand washing. Verbs apply Identify which of the use following is a good way to prevent the spread of germs. Coughing into your hands Washing your hands Sneezing on someone 1.PCH. Understand 2 wellness, disease prevention, and recognition of symptoms. 1.PC Illustrate symptoms of 3rd quarter H.2.1 sickness and measures for getting well. EQ How does understanding our sicknesses help us to get well? Textbook Ch.3, 8 LT I can tell the signs of being sick. LT I can tell where to go when I an sick. Vocab. sickness, symptoms Verbs understand illustrate 1.PC Summarize the H.2.2 transition between primary and permanent teeth and steps for seeking help for dental problems. LT I can tell about losing my baby teeth and growing new teeth. Summarize the process of losing primary teeth and growing permanent teeth. LT I can tell when to go to the dentist. Vocab. primary teeth, permanent teeth, dental Verbs understand summarize Identify when you may have to go to the dentist. a loose tooth a broken arm a cavity 1.PCH. Understand 3 necessary steps to prevent and respond to unintentional injury. 1.PC Identify safety hazards 4th quarter H.3.1 in the home and injury prevention strategies. EQ Why is it important to understand how to stay safe? Textbook Ch. 6 LT I can tell how to stay safe at home. Vocab. hazards, injury, prevention Verbs understand identify 1.PC Identify items that can H.3.2 cause burns and strategies to prevent fire and burn injury. LT I can tell what can cause a burn. LT I can tell how to stay safe in a fire. Vocab. burn, prevent, injury Verbs understand identify List ways that you can be burned and identify what you can do to stay safe. 1.PC Execute the Stop, H.3.3 Drop, and Roll response. LT I can Stop, Drop, Explain how to Stop, and Roll. Drop, and Roll. (Could be done of Vocab. flow map with stop, drop, roll pictures or words.) Verbs understand execute 1.PC Execute an emergency H.3.4 phone call. LT I can call 9-1-1 if someone needs help. Vocab. emergency, safety Verbs understand execute Choose what you should do if your clothes catch on fire. run hide Stop, Drop, and Roll 1.ICR.1 Understand healthy 1.IC Explain the importance 1st quarter R.1.1 of demonstrating and effective respect for the personal interpersonal space and boundaries communication of others. and relationships. Q Why is it important to treat people the way you want to be treated? LT I can show respect for the personal space of others. Vocab. respect, personal space, boundaries Verbs understand explain 1.IC Explain the value of R.1.2 having a diversity of students in the classroom. LT I can tell why it is important that people have different abilities. Vocab. value, diversity Verbs understand explain Explain why it is important to show respect for other people. 1.IC Contrast tattling with R.1.3 reporting aggression, bullying, and violent behavior. LT I can tell what a bully does. LT I can tell what to do if I get bullied. Vocab. tattling, aggression, bullying, violent Verbs understand contrast Decide which of the following is an example of tattling. You tell the teacher someone has hit you. You tell the teacher someone is not doing their work. *You tell the teacher someone is calling you names. 1.IC Contrast appropriate R.1.4 and inappropriate touch. LT I can tell about appropriate and inappropriate touch. (The school nurse or guidance counselor can help with this.) Vocab. appropriate choice, inappropriate choice Verbs understand contrast 1.IC Illustrate how to seek R.1.5 adult assistance for inappropriate touch. LT I can talk to an adult about inappropriate touch. (The school nurse or guidance counselor can help with this.) Vocab. assistance, inappropriate touch Verbs understand illustrate NUTRITN AND PHYSICAL ACITIVTY 1.NPA. Understand 1 MyPlate as a tool for selecting nutritious foods. 1.NP Select a variety of A.1.1 foods based on MyPlate. 2nd quarter EQ How does making healthy choices affect my life? Textbook Ch. 4 LT I can choose foods from each food groups. Vocab. MyPlate, nutricious, variety Verbs understand select Construct an example of a MyPlate lunch that you would like to eat. 1.NP Contrast more A.1.2 nutrient-dense foods from those that are less nutrient-dense. LT I can tell if foods are good for me or not Choose which of the good for me. following is a nutrientdense food. Vocab. Chips Nutrient-dense, empty Apple calorie, calorie-dense Cookie foods Verbs understand contrast 1.NPA. Create strategies 2 to consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages and to consume less nutrient-dense foods in moderation. 1.N Classify the sources of 2nd quarter PA. a variety 2.1 of foods. EQ Why is it important to choose healthy foods? Textbook Ch. 4 LT I can tell where our foods come from (farms, orchards, ranches). Vocab. sources, variety Verbs create classify Tell where our foods come from. (farm, garden, orchard, ranch). List foods that we get from each place. (Could be done on a tree map with pictures or words.) 1.NPA. Remember fitness 3 concepts to enhance quality of life. 1.N Select healthy PA. alternatives to 2.2 foods and beverages that are high in sugar. LT I can choose foods and drinks that are low in sugar. 1.N Recognize the benefits 2nd quarter PA. of 3.1 physical activity. EQ Why is it important to exercise? Identify which food is low in sugar? pie doughnut pretzels Vocab. healthy, alternatives, beverages Identify which drink is low in sugar? Verbs water create juice select soda pop Textbook Ch. 5 LT I can tell why exercising is good for me. Vocab. physical activity, benefits Verbs remember recognize 1.N Recall fitness and PA. recreation 3.2 activities that can be used during out-of-school hours. LT I can tell some fun family fitness activities? Vocab. fitness, recreation, quality of life Verbs remember recall Create a list of fitness activities that you enjoy doing with your family. Choose which of the following activities you would recommend as a good fitness activity to do at home. watch TV play on the computer go for a walk with your family ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND OTHER DRU 1.ATO Understand how D.1 to use household products and medicines safely. 1.A Recognize the harmful 4th quarter TO effects of medicine D.1. when used incorrectly. 1 EQ Why is it important to be safe with medicine and cleaners? Textbook Ch. 7, 9 LT I can tell what happens if medicine is taken the wrong way. Vocab. harmful, medicine Verbs understand recognize Use your own words to explain what could happen if you take medicine incorrectly. 1.A TO D.1. 2 Recognize how to behave safely with medicines and household cleaners. LT I can tell how to be safe with medicines and cleaners. Vocab. medicines, household cleaners Verbs understand recognize 1.A Classify products as TO harmful or D.1. safe. 3 LT I can name things Identify which of the that are not safe to following is unsafe touch or eat. to swallow. milk Vocab. bathroom household products, cleaner harmful, safe medicine given to you by a parent Verbs understand classify 1.A TO D.1. 4 Summarize strategies for reporting harmful substances. LT I can tell an adult about things that may be harmful to me. Vocab. harmful substances Verbs understand summarize Grade TwoTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH Essential Standard 2.MEH. Understand the 1 relationship among healthy expression of emotions, mental health, and healthy behavior. Clarifying Objectives 2.M Identify appropriate EH. standards for behavior. 1.1 Timeline/Pacing 1st Quarter Resources Assessments EQ: Why is it 1) Which of the important for me to following is an express myself in a appropriate positive way? behavior to show respect? LT: I can show a) listening to positive character what other traits in different people have to situations. say b) calling a Voc.: standards, classmate a behavior, character name traits, respect, c) interrupting a trustworthiness friend when they are talking Verb: identify 2) Role play how you would show positive character traits in different situations. 2.M Summarize behaviors 1st Quarter EH. that help to avoid risks. 1.2 LT: I can show ways to not participate in bad situations. Voc.: summarize, role-play Verb: explain 1) Which of the following would not be an appropriate way to avoid a bad situation? a) say no b) act before thinking of the consequences c) talk to an adult 2) Role play how you would not participate in dangerous situations 2.M Explain the influence 1st Quarter EH. of peers, the media, 1.3 and the family on feelings and emotions. LT: I can tell ways 1) Using a Tree my peers can Map, describe or influence my illustrate ways that feelings. my friends, my LT: I can list ways family and the the media media affect the influences me. way I feel. LT: I can describe 2) Which of the ways my family following examples influences the way I demonstrates a feel. positive influence Voc.: influence, on a TV peers, media commercial? Verb: explain a) child is eating junk food b) child is playing basketball with his friends c) child is picking on another child at school 2.M Explain the influence EH. of self-concept on 1.4 performance and vice versa. 1st Quarter LT: I can identify how feeling good about myself affects my actions. LT: I can tell how feeling bad about myself affects my actions. Voc.: influence, self-concept, insecurity, confidence, resilience, adversity Verb: explain, identify, practice 2.M Summarize the EH. potential negative 1.5 effects of stress on the body and mind. PERSONAL AND CONSUMER HEALTH 1st Quarter LT: I can list bad things that can happen to me because of stress. LT: I can tell ways to handle stress. Voc.: negative, effect, stress, stressor, cope Verb: summarize 1) Using ThinkPair-Share, discuss why it is important to handle my stress positively, include two negative effects stress can have on my body and mind. 2) Using a Circle Map, list ways that stress effects you in a bad way. 3) In what ways could you handle stress in a positive way? a) not eat good meals b) talk to a trusted adult c) yell at your mom and dad 2.PCH. Apply measures 1 for cleanliness and disease prevention. 2.P Recall the benefits of CH. good 1.1 dental health. 3rd Quarter EQ: Why is it important to take care of my teeth? LT: I can tell why it is important to take care of my teeth. LT: I can list ways to have healthy teeth and gums. Voc.: dental hygiene, dentist, fluoride, teeth, gums Verb: recall, predict, practice 2.P Execute the proper CH. techniques 1.2 for brushing teeth. 3rd Quarter LT: I can tell why it is important to brush my teeth. LT: I can show how to brush my teeth correctly. Voc.: techniques, plaque, tooth decay, gum disease Verb: execute, explain, demonstrate 1) Using ThinkPair-Share, discuss with a partner why it is important to take care of your teeth. 2) Which of the following is one way to take care of your teeth and gums? a) visit a dentist b) eat sweet foods c) brush your teeth only in the morning 1) What would most likely happen if you fail to brush your teeth? a) you will have fresh breath b) you could develop gum disease c) your teeth will be free of plaque 2) Using a flow map, list the steps to properly brush your teeth. 2.PCH. Understand 2 wellness, disease prevention, and recognition of symptoms. 2.P Summarize reasons CH. and 2.1 strategies for preventing contact with body fluids. 3rd Quarter EQ: How does the choices I make affect my health? LT: I can list reasons why I should not touch body fluids. LT: I can describe ways to prevent from touching body fluids. Voc.: prevent, transmission, communicable disease Verb: summarize, list, report 2.P Explain the dangers CH. associated 2.2 with excessive sun exposure (e.g., sun burn, damage to eyes, skin cancer) and methods for protecting oneself from these dangers. 3rd Quarter LT: I can explain why I should not get too much sun. LT: I can list ways to protect myself from the sun. Voc.: sun exposure, excessive, UVA/UVB Verb: explain, list IHIPS 2.ICR.1 Understand healthy 2.IC Classify behaviors as 1st Quarter R.1.1 helpful or and effective hurtful to friendships. interpersonal communication and relationships. EQ: Why is it important to treat others the way you want to be treated? LT: I can tell if an action will help or hurt my friends. LT: I can compare and contrast good and bad peer pressure. Voc.: behaviors, peer pressure Verb: classify, identify, list, explain 1) Using a double bubble map, compare and contrast good peer pressure and bad peer pressure. 2.IC Interpret the feelings R.1.2 of others and how to respond when angry or sad. 1st Quarter LT: I can how friends are feeling and how to help them. Voc.: “I” message, resolve, conflict, compassion, forgiveness Verb: interpret, list, explain, define 2.N Classify activities in PA. terms of 1.3 their appropriateness for a healthy lifestyle 2.NPA Create strategies .2 to consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages and to consume less nutrient-dense foods in moderation. 4th Quarter 2.N Summarize 4th Quarter PA. motivations for 2.1 eating food, including hunger vs. satiety. 2.N Explain the importance4th Quarter PA. of a 2.2 healthy breakfast and lunch. 2.NPA Remember nutrition 2.N Contrast a physically .3 and fitness concepts PA. active and 3.1 inactive lifestyle. to enhance quality of life. 2.N Plan family physical PA. activities 3.2 that are fun and contribute to fitness. LT: I can tell why teasing is wrong. Voc.: teasing, bullying Verb: explain, provide, report ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND OTHER DRUGS 1) Debate, orally, why it is important to eat a healthy breakfast. 4th Quarter 4th Quarter 1) Using healthy activities, create a healthy activity plan for your family. 2.ATO Understand how to D.1 use household products and medicines safely. 2nd Quarter 2.A TO D.1. 1 Classify uses of medicine or drugs as appropriate and inappropriate. 2.A TO D.1. 2 Summarize the health 2nd Quarter risks associated with inappropriate medicine and drug use. 2.A TO D.1. 3 Use goal-setting strategies to prevent the misuse of medicines or household products. 2nd Quarter