parental consent for initial rti evaluation

Magoffin County Schools
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Policies and Procedures
Revised 2011
All Students Receive High-Quality,
Appropriate Instructional Strategies
The mission of the Magoffin County School District, in partnership with parents
and community, is to accept the responsibility and challenge of educating all
students to be proficient lifelong learners.
In compliance with No Child Left Behind, and the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Improvement Act, Magoffin County School District is dedicated to
meeting the needs and services for all students to receive the best quality
education through programming for the individual student. The school system
adheres to a policy of non-discrimination in educational programs and activities
while striving to provide equal educational opportunity for all students as required
by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination
based on disability.
The school system embraces the Response to Intervention Framework model,
now part of educational law, as a system of service delivery that uses evidence
based interventions, monitoring and evaluation for on-going tracking of individual
students in making informed decisions about the student’s educational and
behavioral programming needs. This framework provides students who do not
respond to instruction with increasingly intensive levels of intervention. Each
school is dedicated to meeting the requirements of the Response to Intervention
Framework Model through the School Intervention Team’s oversight of
procedures and fidelity of implementation.
Definition of Response to Intervention: (RTI)
RTI is a tiered framework for service delivery that is systematic and data based
for identifying and resolving students’ academic or behavioral difficulties through
implementation of scientifically based instructional practices based on the
individual learner’s needs. This framework provides:
- High-quality instruction and intervention matched to the student’s needs
- Frequent assessment through progress monitoring to make decisions
about changes in instructional strategies and goals
- Child response data applied to educational decisions including special
education eligibility determination for students suspected of having
learning disabilities
Key Components of RTI:
- The use of teaching methods and interventions that have been proven to work
because they are research-based
- The tracking of progress of students receiving the interventions
- The use of the data derived from monitoring student progress to make
important educational decisions about students including providing more
intensive interventions when progress is not adequate and considering additional
resources of special education when a student does not respond to interventions
of increasing intensity
RTI integrates high-quality teaching and assessment methods in a systematic
way so that students who are not successful when presented with one set of
instructional methods can be given the chance to succeed with the use of other
The School Intervention Team (SIT)
The School Intervention Team is a function of the regular education program of
Magoffin County Schools. The primary purpose of the School Intervention
Team is to ensure all students are given opportunity to be successful in the
general education classroom by providing a structured support system for
teachers and parents when students are experiencing insufficient success in
The roles and responsibilities of the School Intervention Team are to improve
the quality of teaching and learning in the school by determining interventions
and student plans for struggling learners by:
• Overseeing the implementation of the universal screenings and review results
• Identifying the students needing interventions from the universal screenings,
teacher referrals and other data provided by teachers
• Design appropriate instructional interventions and assign responsibilities for
• Monitoring instructional fidelity and implementation of the interventions
through the collection of data
• Analyzing and interpreting the data
• Identifying possible reasons for non-responsiveness to intervention
e.g. (instruction, behavior, motivation, possible learning disabilities)
• Monitoring intervention effectiveness and student progress
• Identifying students that should be referred for special education eligibility
• Provide the process to be utilized to resolve issues, problems, or concerns
related to achievement of students identified by formative assessments,
teachers, parents, guardians and/or administrators throughout the year.
• Develop follow-up plans
Who could serve on the School Intervention Team (SIT)?
• Principal or assistant principal - chairperson
• General Education Teacher
• School Counselor
• RTI Team Leader
• Other specialists as needed such as Speech and language pathologist,
Special Education teacher, School Psychologist, ELL teacher
The School Intervention Team is led by the chairperson who organizes the
team’s agenda and supervises the roles of the team members. Records of each
student involved in the RTI process are kept with the RTI Team Leader who
keeps track of the data collection and determines the dates for student review of
progress. The School Intervention Team continues to meet for review of student
progress until RTI is either no longer needed by the student determined by
adequate progress or the student has been identified through evaluation as
eligible to receive special education services.
Universal screening and Referral to the School
Intervention Team
All students are given an academic screening measure in grade K-6.
Students at risk for academic failure are identified through the screening data.
Students considered at risk will move directly into Tier II and will be provided
extra support while continuing to receive general education instruction. Students
can also be referred to the Student Intervention Team based on teacher or
parent concerns from formative or summative data or other academic or
behavioral concerns.
TIER I ~ Primary Intervention
All students receive scientifically researched based
classroom instruction using validated practices. Tier I is
the core, research-based program for reading, written
expression, math, communication, and behavior concerns,
implemented with the teacher using multi-tiered
differentiated instruction. Using a universal screener,
student progress is monitored three times yearly by an
evaluation team developed by the school. The data then
collected and considered when the School Intervention
Team meets. If a student’s progress is adequate, the team
may consider continuing Tier I interventions. If there has
been no progress or limited progress, the School
Intervention Team considers the child for more intensive
Tier II interventions. The team may also consider the need
for other support staff and services such as screenings
and request assistance as appropriate.
TIER II ~ Secondary Interventions
Students in Tier II will begin receiving thirty minutes of
additional small group (1:5 or 1:6 ratio), instruction at least
twice a week based on interventions determined from the
data collection for eight weeks (at discretion of SIT). The
classroom teacher continues collecting data weekly. Every
two weeks the RTI Team Leader will conduct progress
monitor checks and reports the findings to the School
Intervention Team monthly. The School Intervention Team
reviews the student progress and determines an
appropriate plan for the child. The student may be moved
to Tier I for less intensive interventions, stay with Tier II, or
move to Tier III for more intensive and frequent
TIER III ~Tertiary Intervention
and Special Education
Students in Tier III will receive thirty minutes of additional
small group (1:3 ratio) instruction at least 3 times per week
for eight weeks (at discretion of SIT). Every week the RTI
Team Leader will conduct progress monitor checks and
report the findings to the School Intervention Team
monthly. The SIT will determine the need for a referral
after appropriate instructional interventions and strategies
have been implemented in the general educational setting
and the student continues to be at risk or,
in an atypical situation, a student displays evident
characteristics of a child with a disability and the District
RTI team reaches consensus that a referral is needed.
The assigned Special Education Teacher is involved in the
RTI meetings when considering a referral for special
education eligibility to help the team with assessment
determination/determination of eligibility planning.
Progress Monitoring
Progress monitoring is a scientifically based practice used to access students’
academic performance, continuously measure student performance growth, and
provide objective data to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and
The key components of progress monitoring are:
- Brief assessments conducted frequently – weekly or every two weeks
- Assessments occur throughout the intervention
- Results are evaluated to determine whether student response to intervention is
adequate or not
- Results are charted and analyzed to determine student progress regularly by
the School Intervention Team
Fidelity of implementation is the delivery of the scientific research-based
instruction in the way in which it is designed to be delivered. Fidelity also
addresses the integrity in which the screening and progress-monitoring
procedures are completed followed by appropriate decisions based on the data.
Best practices to help ensure fidelity include:
- Link interventions to improved outcomes
- Clearly define responsibilities for specific persons
- Create a data system for measuring operations, techniques and components
- Create a system for feedback and decision-making
Scientific, Research-Based Instruction
Application of research-based strategies that is rigorous, systematic and provides
objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to
educational activities must be utilized. These strategies could include
interventions that have been developed using:
- Systematic, empirical methods that draw on observation or experimentation
- Rigorous data analysis that is adequate to test the stated hypotheses and
justify the general conclusions drawn
- Measurements or observational methods that provide reliable and valid data
across evaluators
- Experimental or quasi-experimental designs implemented
- Experimental studies presented in sufficient detail and clarity to allow replication
- Research accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or approved by a panel of
independent experts through a comparably rigorous, objective, and scientific
Roles &
RTI Roles and Responsibilities
Schedule beginning of year faculty
meeting for RTI Program
presentation by RTI Coordinator
Oversee the RTI program at
respective schools
Assign school staff to support
implementation of RTI in classrooms
to the greatest extent possible
Chair all school intervention team
grade level meetings and parent
conferences (or designee when
And be responsible for fidelity of the
RTI process in the school
Track the RTI population and
percentages per grade level and
student achievement.
RTI Personnel
Monitor Tier II and III interventions
Assist teachers with planning Tier I,
II and III interventions; help with
determining appropriate student
interventions in team meetings and
support teachers in intervention
Train teachers on administering
universal screeners
Schedule and facilitate parent
conferences at key points
throughout the school year.
Monitor data to assist teachers and
administrators in identifying
students at risk.
Oversee and train school staff
assigned to support Tier II or Tier III
Special Education Teacher
Liaison between team and school
psychologist when a special education
referral is made by the SIT
(determining needed assessment
Participate in SIT student meetings as
requested and help with determining
appropriate interventions, data
analysis, assessment needs or referral
to special education.
Collaboration with teachers/RTI
Coordinator and RTI interventionists to
monitor student progress
Provide interventions specified by the
Classroom Teacher K-8
Assist in administering the universal
screener to all students in the
classroom 3 times yearly when
Carry out interventions with students
at all levels
Attend SIT meetings as needed
 Maintain student RTI folder of
intervention documentation and
samples of student work
RTI Personnel
Assist in administering the universal
screener to all students in the
classroom 3 times per year.
Administer, graph and track
benchmark and progress monitoring
Obtain parent permission for
individual screenings as needed
Disseminate student RTI files from
previous year to classroom teacher
for students currently involved in
RTI process
Maintain documentation log for all
students involved in the RTI process
Provide and/or assist in universal
screening of behavioral/emotional
School Counselor
Participate in SIT meetings when
Provide Tier II and II interventions
and documentation for
Behavior/Emotional issues when
School Psychologist
Collaborate with RTI Coordinators to
develop intervention plans as
Provide and/or assist in universal
screening for behavioral/emotional
Provide Tier II and III interventions
for Behavior/Emotional Issues when
Coordinate/collaborate with Special
Education Director, Curriculum
Directors and principals in the
implementation and development of
RTI program.
Provide process and framework for
schools for implementing RTI
Organize/provide training for all RTI
Speech Pathologist
Administer speech/language
screenings when needed
Provide articulation/language
Provide and document progress checks
on speech/language students
Collaborate with classroom teachers
with Tier I, II and III interventions as
Director of Special Education
Coordinate/Collaborate with reading
Specialist, Curriculum Directors and
Principals in development of RTI
Provide process and framework for all
RTI stakeholders
Collect, organize, and evaluate RTI
Magoffin County Schools may use RTI as the evaluation method to
determine learning disabilities in the area of literacy (as opposed to the
discrepancy model) once the state approves our implementation plan
and individual schools have their process through the tiered
interventions implemented.
Magoffin County Schools
Response to Intervention Team
Parent Conference Invitation
Dear _________________________:
[__] We are writing to inform you that ________________________ is having
some reading, math, writing, behavior/emotional, speech/language
difficulties. We would greatly appreciate your help in working with us and the
other members of the School Intervention Team to resolve these issues. You are
a vital member of this team and we value your input.
We will be having a meeting to discuss your child’s needs. It is our goal to
develop an educational plan to help your child achieve the necessary skills
for success in the ___ grade. We request your assistance in developing this
plan. If you are unable to attend, you will be notified of any decisions.
[__] At our last conference we met and developed a plan to address the needs of
your child. It is now time for us to meet to review your child’s progress. We need
to determine if this plan is working or if revisions are needed.
We would like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss these issues
and how we can help resolve them.
RTI Coordinator _________________________
Classroom Teacher ________________________
Magoffin County Schools
Parent Referral for Intervention (RTI)
Student Name: _____________________________________DOB:________________
School: ____________________________________ Teacher(s)___________________
Parent(s) __________________________ Phone: _________(home)_________(work)
Address: _______________________________________________________________
__________________________Phone: _________(home)__________(work)
Address: _______________________________________________________________
I am requesting that __________________________ be referred to the intervention team for review of
his/her academic and/or behavioral performance. The review is requested because: (include
behaviors observed at home, academic strengths/weaknesses noted during homework completion,
strategies attempted to correct the problem at home and in conjunction with the classroom
Has the classroom teacher indicated concerns about your child’s academic and/or behavioral
performance? Yes___ No___ If yes, please list:
What classroom instructional strategies do you think would help your child? ____________________
Has your child had any previous evaluations through any school system or private provider? ______
If yes, does the school have a copy of that evaluation? ______ Who/When did the evaluation?
Please describe any significant factors (developmental, medical or situational) you feel may impact
his/her educational progress:
Signature: _________________________________________________________
(Parent or Legal Guardian)
Date Received by School: _____________________________________________________
*The Intervention Team will review your child’s referral and make suggestions for appropriate
interventions. Every effort is made to meet the student’s needs in the least restrictive environment.
Magoffin County Public Schools
Magoffin County Schools
Student’s Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___
Name of Parent(s): ______________________________________ Date of birth: ___ / ___ / ___
School: _______________________________________________
What is RTI? Response to intervention integrates assessment and intervention within a
multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavior
problems. With RTI, Magoffin County schools will identify students at risk for poor
learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and
adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions depending on a student’s
responsiveness, and identify students with learning disabilities.
The evaluation will assess specific areas of your student’s educational needs.
I grant permission for Choose an conduct Evaluation procedures
for my child ________________________________.
Evaluation draws on information from a variety or sources in the area of concern, decisions made by a group
knowledgeable about the student, evaluation data, and placement options. Types of evaluation sources may
be; teacher recommendation(s)/observation(s), achievement test(s), student work samples, adaptive
behavior(s), cognitive assessment, medical report, and other (specify): ______________________________.
Initial Evaluation which will include ______________________________________
Signature of parent, surrogate parent, guardian or adult student
Signature of School Representative: _________________________________ Date: _________
If you have questions concerning the information in this document, you may contact the
school principal or RTI Team Leader at Choose an item.
Magoffin County Schools
Response to Intervention Team Minutes
Student __________________
__ Initial RTI meeting
Grade ____
Date _____________
___ Follow-up meeting
Area of Concern – Describe
__ Literacy ______________________________________________________
__ Math ________________________________________________________
__ Behavior _____________________________________________________
__ Other ________________________________________________________
Update of data from progress monitoring and or universal screenings
Tier II Interventions/progress
Tier III Interventions/progress
Intervention Personnel Recommendation
to Tier I
Move to Tier
Cont. Tier
Move to Tier
Cont. Tier
Move to
Team member signatures:
Chairperson__________________________RTI Member__________________
Parent ______________________________RTI Member__________________
Teacher_____________________________RTI Member___________________
RTI Member_________________________ RTI Member___________________
Magoffin County Schools
Social/Emotional Issues Worksheet
____is overly active
____will not remain in seat
____talks out of turn
____disrupts others when they are working
____constantly seeks attention
____overly aggressive with others (i.e., physical fights)
____belligerent toward teachers and others in authority
____defiant or stubborn
__can’t wait his/her turn
__acts without thinking of the consequences
____shy, timid
____has difficulty making friends
__sits alone in the cafeteria
__does not join in classroom group activities
____overly conforms to rules
____appears to daydream or be out of touch with the class
____has difficulty expressing feelings
____appears depressed
____rarely smiles
____appears frightened or worried
____cries easily
____does not trust others
____reports fears or phobias (such as fear of coming to school)
____lacks self confidence
____says “can’t do” even before attempting
____reacts poorly to disappointment
____is overly sensitive to disappointment
____depends on others
____clingy with adults
____pretends to be ill
____has poor grooming or personal hygiene
Magoffin County Schools
____been on runaway status
____been caught stealing at school
____left class without permission
____cursed school personnel
____threatened to harm school personnel or wished school personnel harm
____been suspended for fighting
____attempted suicide
____had tobacco violations at school
____had drug/alcohol at school
Other, Please Specify
____almost always
____always brings necessary supplies
____usually brings supplies
____does complete homework
____has difficulty getting started on assignments
____tends to give up easily
____usually completes about half of the assignment
____does not complete homework
____has difficulty getting started on assignments
____This student is involved with the court system.
____This student is in counseling.
____This student is on medication.
Magoffin County Schools
RTI Summary Report
Student’s Name: ____________________________ D.O.B._______________________
Person Referring from RTI ____________________ Date: _______________________
Problems/concerns noted on referral________________________________________
Targeted RTI Interventions in the areas of ____________________________________
RTI Data-Tier 1
Entry Data-Starting Level Date: __________according to _________________________
Ending Data-Ending Level _______________according to ________________________
Interventions used ________________________________________________________
RTI Data-Tier 2
Entry Data-Starting Level _______________ according to ________________________
Ending Data-Ending Level _______________according to ________________________
Interventions used ________________________________________________________
RTI Data-Tier 3
Entry Data-Starting Level ________________according to ________________________
Ending Data-Ending Level ________________according to _______________________
Interventions used ________________________________________________________
Narrative Summary of R.T.I.
It is with these considerations that Choose an item.__
RTI Committee___
makes the recommendation that _______________________be referred for Special
student’s name
Education evaluation.
Fidelity Statement: I certify the noted interventions were conducted as described.
Appropriate instruction was provided and there is evidence that underachievement
was not due to lack of appropriate scientifically-validated instruction.
Team Signatures:___________________________Title:________________________
Intervention Documentation Worksheet
Magoffin County Schools
Student Name:__________________________________
Total #
T P F % T P F % T P F % T P F % T P F % Minutes
T =Time (# of minutes)
P = Program
F = Focus
% = Results
L = Language
PA = Phonemic Awareness
P = Phonics
F = Fluency
V = Vocabulary
C = Comprehension
W = Writing
MA = Math Application
MC = Math Concepts
B/S = Behavior/Social Issues
S = Speech
(Create your own key. For example V = Voyager)
_A+___ = _A+ computer program
_SI___ = __Study Island_____________
_SRA_ = ______________________________
____ = _________________________________
____ = _________________________________
____ = _________________________________
Gardner Trail
Salyersville, KY 41465
Joe E. Hunley, Superintendent
Parent Information Letter
Response to Intervention (RTI) Process
Dear Parent,
Magoffin County Schools believe in providing every student with the opportunity to learn. Some
students’ learning styles and processes require different strategies and different materials to
accomplish this. Some students learn by hearing, some by reading, some by doing, and some by
observing. All of us learn differently and at different rates.
Magoffin Co. Schools will be screening all Kindergarten-6th grade students in reading and math.
This data will provide us with information to determine students’ educational needs.
In order to provide the most effective education for ALL children, we believe we must start with
providing an effective education for EACH child. Magoffin County Schools will be using a three
tier approach with varying levels of support beyond that used as the core curriculum. In the first
tier (Tier I) the classroom teacher will use different strategies and may use additional or different
materials so that your child is successful.
In Tier II we employ an intervention team approach where school staff meet to review a child’s
progress and to tailor an individual academic support plan that provides supplemental instruction
to your child in the area of need. The Tier II interventions are applied for 30 minutes, 2 times per
week, for a minimum of 8 weeks in order that we give your child additional instruction using
materials and strategies to allow your child to achieve the educational standards necessary for
educational success in the school. Many children respond well to Tiers I and II, and are
successful in meeting standards with the supplemental help.
In the event that your child needs additional help to meet the standards we utilize a third tier (Tier
III), which provides additional and more frequent help. At this tier it is necessary to provide
additional services above Tiers I and II. Tier III instruction is used for a minimum of 8 weeks
with at least 30 minutes of extra instruction 3 times a week above that received in the classroom.
We encourage you, as the person who best knows your child, to join us as a member of the
intervention team. We will inform you if your child needs interventions and the times and dates
of intervention meetings. We hope you will choose to attend. Should you have any questions or
concerns, please contact your child’s school.
Magoffin County Schools
School Intervention Team
Dear Parent or Guardian,
All students at North Magoffin Elementary were given a Literacy/Reading and Math
assessment at the beginning of this school year (Fall Benchmark). Students are
given the assessment again midyear (Winter Benchmark) and at the end of the school
year (Spring Benchmark).
According to your child’s scores on these assessments, we have determined your child
could benefit from additional support/assistance. We have begun services for your child
which will enable us to address any deficiencies they may have in Reading, Language,
Math, and/or Behavior.
Assistance will be provided in the classroom or in a small group setting. It will be given to
all students who need extra assistance. This extra help is referred to as interventions.
At home, we suggest you read with your child every day, review their sight word list
and/or spelling words provided by their teacher and work on basic Math facts. If you
have questions about this, please contact Choose an item., RTI Coordinator or school
counselor at 349-2847
In Magoffin County we are working together to assure that No Child is Left
RTI Coordinator
“At Risk” Identified by Universal Screener (RTI) Flow Chart
“At risk” students are identified by universal
screening and receive instruction/interventions
in the general education classroom
The RTI Team determines the appropriate
Intervention Plan or combination of plans.
If progress is
made and
goals are
met, the
returns to
Tier II Documentation Form: Student
Interventions (2 or more 30 minute sessions per
week, monitored every two weeks for 8 weeks)
unless shortened by RTI Team decision.
Progress is
made, but
goal is not
If interventions are not successful,
student is referred to RTI team for Tier
III interventions.
Progress is
made and goals
are met, the
student returns
to Tier II
Tier III Documentation Form: Student
Interventions (3 or more 30 minute sessions
per week, monitored every week for 8
weeks) unless shortened by RTI Team
If progress is
being made
but goal is not
If interventions are not
successful, consider referral to
special education.
Parent or Teacher Request for Assistance (RTI) Flow Chart
Request for Assistance completed by
Teacher or Parent Referral to RTI
Tier I Documentation Form:
Student/Intervention Strategies
(monitored for 8 weeks)
If progress is being
made but goal is not
met, interventions
Interventions are
student remains in
general education.
Meet with parent. Get permission to
administer Universal Screener. If student is
identified as “at risk”, complete Referral and
Data Sheet and return to RTI or counselor.
The RTI Team determines the
appropriate Intervention Plan
or combination of plans.
If progress is
made and goals
are met, the
student returns to
Tier I
Tier II Documentation Form: Student
Interventions (2 or more 30 minute sessions per
week, monitored every two weeks for 8 weeks)
unless shortened by RTI Team decision.
If determined
“not at risk”
continue Tier I
Progress is made,
but goal is not
met, interventions
If interventions are not successful, student is referred
to RTI team for Tier III interventions.
Progress is made
and goals are met,
the student returns
to Tier II
Tier III Documentation Form: Student Interventions (3 or
more 30 minute sessions per week, monitored every week
for 8 weeks) unless shortened by RTI Team decision.
If progress is
being made but
goal is not met,
If interventions are not
successful, consider referral
to special education.
Magoffin County Schools
Response to Intervention for Speech-Language Pathologists
Tier I
The teacher makes a referral to the RTI team for speech
SLP does a quick speech sound
inventory screening and gives feedback
to RTI team regarding child’s errors.
Within normal
limits or errors
Therapy not
needed at this
time, teacher
will refer again
if needed.
greater than
9th percentile
SLP re-screens
error sounds in
six weeks.
Unintelligible or
9th percentile or
Tier III – Obtain
consent for assessment
for special education
and follow guidelines
for special education.
Speech concerns are still evident.
Notify parents that Tier II
interventions will begin in the regular
education setting.
Articulation (Continued)
Tier II
Student will receive 5-7 minutes two times per week for a minimum of 4 weeks.
Data will be collected at regular intervals during this period.
Progress made.
Speech is within
normal limits
Student is
responding to
Errors still
Student is NOT
responding to
Errors still
Therapy not needed
at this time, teacher
will refer again if
More Tier II or
Tier III – which
would be best for
the child?
Tier III
Obtain consent for assessment for special education and proceed according to
guidelines for special education.
Magoffin County Schools
Response to Intervention for Speech-Language Pathologists
Tier I
Teacher makes referral to RTI team.
Tier II
SLP is notified of RTI meeting and decision to begin Tier II
interventions when language impairments are suspected.
SLP will perform formal language screening and make
recommendations regarding language intervention programs.
Monitor use of SLPprescribed Language
intervention for 8 weekscollect data.
continue Tier
II interventions
or dismiss to
general education
NO – refer to
Tier III and
Is the child
to the
for special