High Value & Low Environmental Impact Manufacturing Systems

AREA: High Value & Low Environmental Impact Manufacturing Systems
Prof Darek Ceglarek
Simulation of production systems
Early warning system for 6-sigma quality failures
Modelling and simulation of process capabilities
Self-resilient production systems
DESCRIPTION: PhD studies opportunities are available for motivated students in large
collaborative projects involving Factory-of-the-Future topics working with multiple
international industry-university partners on modelling and simulation of emerging
manufacturing processes in automotive industry; prediction of process capabilities in
aerospace industry; or development of early warning systems for product manufacturing
and service failures. Ph.D. Students will learn and develop data mining and process mining
techniques to capture key characteristics of closely-coupled manufacturing processes to
integrate manufacturing system design information with statistical analysis and variation
simulations. The results will lead to precisely model, configure, optimize and control
process variation and production throughput in multistage assembly processes.
Doctoral work can be tailored in the following areas: process control; optimization, data
mining/6-sigma, quality control and/or simulations of production systems, .
Candidates must have a degree in one of these fields: mechanical engineering, industrial
engineering, operations research, management science, or computer science/engineering.
Candidates must be self-motivated, possess excellent communication skills, an ability to
work in teams and adhere to all project deadlines. The candidate is expected to develop
analytical and computational skills and submit results of work for publications in academic
literature. An original contribution to knowledge in the field is expected.
Candidates with some knowledge/experience on any of these subjects are encouraged to
apply: optimization, data mining/6-sigma, statistics, numerical programming, programming
languages (C++, java, etc), experience in software (such as MATLAB, etc.), simulations
(Delmia, DES, VSA). Some familiarity with Java, C++, MATLAB and Visual Basic and any
knowledge of simulation modelling can be very helpful