Green Team News

Here's the latest Green Team news:
The Green Team held elections this month.
Congratulations to Anmol in 8D and Shawmiya in 6F, our elected President and Vice President
for the 2013-2014 school year. Also congratulations to our elected recording secretary,
Sudipta in 7J.
Our school continues to maintain its “GOLD” status. Staff and students are working together
again this year to help keep Mountain Ash in good standings with Ontario Eco-Schools.
Green Team members meet on Wednesdays during the lunch hour in the library.
Some of the club’s activities include; weekly litter-less lunches, spring and fall community clean
ups, encouraging energy reduction by asking staff and students to turn off all lights and
computer monitors when not in use, and continuing to educate and encourage proper recycling
at home and at school.
Recycling is Happening at Mountain Ash
Not sure what to do with those toner and ink cartridges from your home and office printers?
Mountain Ash’s Green Club would be happy to recycle them for you. Please bring in your empty
laser and inkjet tone cartridges from home, collect them from friends and family and turn your
TRASH into CASH for our Mountain Ash Green Club. With the proceeds from our collections we
hope to enhance the “green” spaces around the outside of the school. You can also deposit
your used batteries in the library and Mrs. Kyro will make sure they get to the recycling depot in
Bolton. The collection boxes are located in the LIBRARY. Thanks in advance for your support of
this program.
Litterless Lunches
The Mountain Ash Green Club is trying to make students more aware of the litter that they
generate during the lunch hour by sponsoring LITTERLESS LUNCH DAYS.
Each month will we sponsor two litterless lunch days at Mountain Ash. Please encourage your
child to bring reusable containers on those days and help their class earn Spirit Stars.
Our Green Team has their own
wear them with pride as we
Mountain Ash. If your son or
team and are interested in buying
in the library to purchase one.
student designed T-shirt. We
participate in Eco-Activities at
daughter are part of the Green
one, they are only $12. See Mrs. Kyro