Greek and Latin Stems 6th Grade ELA Week 1: Stem: Ad Definition of Stem: Near/toward Associated Word: Advocate Dia Through/across Diatribe Equi Equal Equilateral Tri Three Tripod Hexa Six Hexagon Definition of Word: Support/speak up for someone A bitterly critical speech/to cut through someone with your words A triangle with three equal sides A three-legged stool/table/stand A shape with six angles Joe had to advocate, or speak up for, his friend who was being bullied. The newspaper article seemed more like a diatribe, a bitterly critical argument, against nuclear power than an investigation or calm discussion of the issues. A triangle with three equal sides is called an equilateral triangle. My friend uses a tripod, or a stand with three legs, to make sure his pictures are in focus. Her swimming pool with its six sides and six angles looked like a hexagon. Week 2: Stem: Definition of Stem: Associated Word: Definition of Word: Gon Lat Angle Side Paragon Latitude Ex Oct Outside Eight Exuberant Octet Deci Ten Decade Example Lines running from side to side on a map Uncontrollably joyous A group of eight people/things A period of ten years The student body president is usually a paragon of what it means to be an excellent student because he/she follows the three Rs and makes good grades. The equator is a well-known line of latitude on world maps. Clara was so excited about meeting her favorite actor that she was exuberant. My dad sings in an octet with seven other people. At my big sister’s 20th birthday party, we celebrated her being alive for two decades. Week 3: Stem: Definition of Stem: Associated Word: Definition of Word: Circum Around Circumspect Inter Scrib Quad Inside Write Four Interior Circumscribe Quadrangle Uni One Universal Cautious/looking around before doing something The inside of an object To draw a line around A shape with four anglesq One rule/idea/thing that applies to all Since he was certain his little brothers were up to something, George was circumspect when he entered the room by looking in every corner and under the couch before sitting down. Interior paint is made for the inside of your house because it cannot handle things like rain and sun damage. Football and soccer fields have a line circumscribed to show where the boundaries are. Squares and rectangles are both quadrangles. Needing to have a license to drive a car is a universal law in the United States. Week 4: Stem: Meter Definition of Stem: Measure Associated Word: Metric Sym With Symmetry Peri Around Perimeter Ob Poly Against Many Obstinate Polygon Definition of Word: A system of measurement When two sides are equal with each other The boundary around a shape Stubborn A shape with many angles America is the only country in the world that does not use the metric system to measure things. That flower has perfect symmetry; both sides are the same shape and size. The camp counselors had to patrol the perimeter of the camp to look for the missing camper. My two-year-old brother can be really obstinate when mom forces him to eat something he does not like; no matter what she does, he will not eat it. Polygons, with their many angles, are way more interesting than circles. Week 5: Stem: Sub Definition of Stem: Below Associated Word: Subtle Trans Hyper Across Above Translucent Hyperbole Fore Before Foreshadow Post After Postmortem Definition of Word: Difficult to detect/delicate Lets light through An over exaggeration for effect A hint at events that will happen later A discussion after an event Her smile was so subtle it was hard to tell that she was joking. Our dining room curtains are translucent so that the room does not get too dark when they are shut. When I said that the chili was so hot it set my mouth on fire, I didn’t mean it really set my mouth on fire. I was using a hyperbole. The dark clouds on the horizon foreshadowed a major storm later in the day. After the play, my class stayed and had a postmortem with the actors and director where we each were given the chance to ask one question. Week 6: Stem: Pro Retro Definition of Stem: Forward Backwards Associated Word: Provoke Retrospection Hypo Under Hypocrite Re Back/again Redundant Se Apart/away Seclusion Definition of Word: To stir up anger To look back at past events Someone who doesn’t practice what he preaches Repeating words or ideas Separation from other people Sometimes I do things that I know will get on my big sister’s nerves just to provoke her. The television special that reflected on all of the best parts the actor had played was a nice retrospection of his career. Charles, the head of the anti-bullying club, was being a hypocrite when he bullied the new kid in gym class. It is redundant to say “freeze, do not move.” The hermit who lived by himself in a cabin in the middle of the woods loved living in seclusion. Week 7: Stem: Extra Co Definition of Stem: Excessive With/together Associated Word: Extraneous Coerce Anti Contra Against Against Antagonist Contradict Bi Two Bilateral Definition of Word: Extra/unneeded To use threats or force to get someone to do something. The bad guy in a story To go against what someone says Two-sided My purse always has extraneous stuff in it like an extra hairbrush, old receipts, and expired coupons. Darla coerced Mary into giving the answers to her math homework by threatening to tell Mary’s crush that she liked him. Voldemort is the antagonist in the Harry Potter books. When my dad said that I could have a friend over for dinner, he contradicted what my mom had said about not inviting anyone over today. Japan and the United States reached a bilateral agreement when both sides decided to end illegal whaling. Week 8: Stem: Penta Mono Definition of Stem: Five One Associated Word: Pentagram Monologue Inter Between/among Interrelated Para Epi Beside On/beside/among Paradigm Epicenter Definition of Word: A shape with five points A long speech by one person When two things share a connection between them An example or model The central point of something Because it has five angles and five sides, the government building, the Pentagon, can be considered a pentagram. I was so nervous in drama class when I had to recite the five minute monologue by myself in front of the entire class. Sports Illustrated and ESPN Magazine are interrelated because both magazines are about sports. Because so many kids who want to become famous athletes look up to Michael Jordan, he has become a paradigm for young athletes. Unlike the guest bedroom that hardly anyone uses, the kitchen is the epicenter of activity in our house. Week 9: Stem: Foli Mitt Manu Definition of Stem: Leaf To send Hand Associated Word: Foliage Intermittent Manufacture Mal Gen Bad Birth/origin Malicious Genetic Definition of Word: A group of leaves Occurring at intervals To make something on a large scale Evil Having to do with genes In the Fall, when the leaves turn gold and red, many tourists will drive to the mountains to see the colorful foliage. The boat sounded intermittent blasts from its horn that occurred about once every five minutes. The Champion Paper Mill in Canton used to manufacture a variety of colored copy paper. Ghost stories about malicious spirits that try to harm people always give me nightmares. Eye color is genetic, that is, your parents’ genes determine what color eyes you will have. Week 10: Stem: Geo Definition of Stem: Earth Associated Word: Geography Ped Astr Aqua Mot Foot Star Water Move Pedestrian Astronomical Aquatic Motive Definition of Word: Study of the earth’s landforms One who travels on foot Extremely large Having to do with water The reason behind someone’s actions Geography, the study of the earth’s landforms, is one strand of social studies that we will learn this year. Instead of riding a bike or a car, Joe decided to be a pedestrian today. My mom says that we can’t afford to buy clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch because their prices are astronomical. Because they live in the water, whales are considered aquatic mammals. Discovering someone’s motives can be tricky because most people do not even know why they do what they do. Week 11: Stem: Cap Definition of Stem: Head Associated Word: Caption Mater Mother Maternity Pater Father Patronize Bene Ject Good Throw Benevolent Interject Definition of Word: A title/explanation of an article, illustration, or poster Having to do with motherhood To act like a patron, protect or support Kindhearted/generous To interrupt a conversation between people/to throw in a comment I think the caption on this picture is wrong. It says that the picture is a type of dog, but it looks like a giraffe to me. In the hospital, babies are born on the maternity ward. The “Buy Local” stickers I see all over Asheville are asking people to patronize locally owned stores. Joe didn’t give a large amount of money to the Eblen Foundation in order to get his name in the newspaper; he did it for more benevolent reasons. My annoying little sister always tries to interject or interrupt when mom and I are talking. Week 12: Stem: Flam Prim Definition of Stem: Fire First Associated Word: Flammable Primordial Volv/volut Turn Convoluted Cor Heart Discord Reg Rule Regulate Definition of Word: Can catch on fire Formed long ago/primitive Twisted together/confusing To have an argument/disagree To apply a rule Lighter fluid should not be kept in the house because it is highly flammable. The layer of rock at the bottom of the canyon revealed primordial fossils. I had a hard time putting together the bookcase because the fifteen page instruction booklet was convoluted. Penny agrees with whatever anyone says because she wants to avoid discord. When the hallways became too crowded during class change, the teachers had to regulate them by only allowing half the class to leave at a time. Week 13: Stem: Dict Cred Sci Alter In Definition of Stem: To say Believe To know Other Not Associated Word: Diction Incredulous Omniscient Altercation Indict Definition of Word: How one talks Does not believe easily One who knows all A noisy argument To accuse someone My father always tells me to use proper diction when I am talking to someone in authority. Unlike her cousin who believed that fairies lived in her backyard, the little girl was incredulous. An omniscient narrator in a story can see the thoughts and feelings of all characters, not just the protagonist. The noise from the two birds’ altercation over a worm outside my window woke me up this morning. The government indicted the spy when they suspected he was giving government secrets to China. Week 14: Stem: Pre Definition of Stem: Before Associated Word: Predecessor Path Feeling Apathy Sol Arch Alone Chief/first Solitary Archrival Brev Short Brevity Definition of Word: Person who was in a job/position before you To have no feelings for something To be alone Biggest enemy/competition Briefness/conciseness When Maria became captain of the soccer team, she was given a stack of play books from her predecessor, Alice, who was the captain the year before. Unlike the excitement Anthony felt when he watched Iron Man 3, he felt nothing but apathy for the new One Direction movie. I wanted to have some alone time, so I took a solitary walk in the woods. Duke is UNC’s archrival. Since it takes my friend thirty minutes to explain the movie she just saw, clearly brevity is not her strength. Week 15: Stem: Chrono Definition of Stem: Time Associated Word: Synchronize Loqu Talk Eloquent Definition of Word: Happening at the same time To speak well Nym Tude Ize Name State of Make Pseudonym Solitude Synthesize A fake name The state of being alone To bring different things together to make something new My dad and I synchronized our watches so that we would meet up at the same time. People who speak well are often called eloquent. I heard that JK Rowling just wrote a book under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith. Unlike my sister who enjoys having people around her all the time, my brother prefers to have solitude. Tony had to synthesize information from a dozen different sources to write his research paper about sea horses. Week 16: Stem: Rat Definition of Stem: Think Associated Word: Rationalize Par Val Gress Equal Worth Step Disparate Equivalent Digress Im Not Impede Definition of Word: To make something make sense Different Equal value To move away from the main point when writing or speaking To get in the way My mom asked me to rationalize my behavior when I lied to her about failing my math test. The United States and Italy are disparate countries; they have many differences. The sign says that if you buy one pair of shoes you can get an equivalent pair for free. I was following the speech until the speaker digressed to another topic, and then I became a little lost. The dust storm impeded the caravan’s progress through the desert. Week 17: Stem: Pot Tempo Definition of Stem: Power Time Associated Word: Omnipotent Extemporaneous Vers Turn Aversion Tain Fid Hold Faith/trust Retain Fidelity Definition of Word: All-powerful To do something without planning Having a strong dislike of To keep possession of Faithfulness/loyalty The super hero villain claimed to be omnipotent but was no match for Spiderman’s powers. Since I forgot to plan for my presentation today, I had to give an extemporaneous speech. I think pickles are gross. I have an aversion to them. The lady at the store made me leave my book bag at the door however she let me retain my purse since it had my wallet in it. The king insisted that all of his knights take an oath to prove their fidelity to the kingdom. Week 18: Stem: Ity Definition of Stem: Condition/quality Associated Word: Proximity Ist Expert Pacifist Ion Result/process Jubilation Ous Ic Full of Like/similar Perilous Eccentric Definition of Word: Closeness/being near something Someone who refuses to fight A celebration that is a result of joy Full of danger Different from most in personality/behavior The jet in front of Enka Middle School is in proximity to the school because it is so close to the building. People who refuse to fight in wars are called pacifists. When the teacher announced that there would be no homework this week, the class erupted in jubilation. Walking through the woods at night without a flashlight can be a perilous journey. Because of her unusual costumes and stage sets, many people consider Lady Gaga to be a bit eccentric. Week 19: Stem: Less Ly Definition of Stem: Without Like Associated Word: Restless Erratically Some Same as Meddlesome Ment Process/result Attainment Ship Status/skill Internship Definition of Word: Without rest To move in an unpredictable way Acting the same as a nosy person The result of achieving a goal To work as an intern/to learn a job by training in that environment I am always restless the night before my birthday and I usually don’t get much sleep. The bee flew erratically around the room making it hard to catch. My meddlesome neighbor often eavesdrops on our family cookouts and watches when we come and go. The athlete’s gold medal was his attainment for years of hard work and sacrifice. Many careers require that you complete an internship so that you have experience in the field before you begin. Week 20: Stem: Spec Definition of Stem: Look/see Associated Word: Perspective Viv Min Tact Life Small Touch/feel Vivacious Miniscule Tactile Tort Twist Contort Definition of Word: An outlook or way of seeing Lively/active/full of life Very small Relating to the sense of touch To bend out of shape My father always told me that before I judged anyone I should try to see things from that person’s perspective. The vivacious puppy ran around and around the room, rolled in the middle of the floor and then jumped on Perry’s lap. The ant was so miniscule that I could hardly see it. Babies love tactile toys that have many different kinds of textures and fabrics for them to touch. Jerry had to contort himself to squeeze through the hole in the fence. Week 21: Stem: Fort Rect Definition of Stem: Strong Straight Associated Word: Fortitude Rectify Sta Ify Stand To make Stagnant Fortify Graph Write Biography Definition of Word: Courage/strength To make something right Motionless/unchanging To make something strong The written story of someone’s life My cousin said that boot camp for the Marines really tested his fortitude. Since I had hurt my friend’s feelings by laughing at her new hairstyle, I tried to rectify it by bringing her an ice cream cone and apologizing. Unlike the rushing stream by my house, my Grandmother’s pond it quite stagnant. People often nail plywood over their windows before a hurricane to fortify their house. I enjoyed Joe White’s biography on Abraham Lincoln; I learned so many new and interesting things about his life.