Working draft RULES FOR BRENDON COMMON UNDER SCC 2014 3rd Draft The 2nd draft was considered at the 2nd BCC Meeting on 15th July 2014 and is in blue, notes/points made at the meeting are in red, additional material added post 15th July is in black. Background The Commons Act 2006. Pt II Para 31 sets out the functions of a commons council at (1) at (3) the particular functions include (a) making rules relating to agricultural activities, the management of vegetation and the exercise of rights of common on the land for which the council is established and (b) making rules relating to the leasing or licensing of rights of common. In addition (4) explains that rules may have the effect of (a) limiting or imposing conditions on the exercise of rights of common or the exercise of rights to use the surplus of, the land for which the council is established. Guidance in the Explanatory notes to the Commons Act states at Para 169 and 170 169. A council might be given the function of making rules relating to the leasing and licensing of rights of common. This would permit the council to control the use of rights of common by persons other than the commoner entitled to the rights. For example, controls imposed where holders of common rights wish to lease out their rights to others on the common, or if they are active graziers, to take on more rights for significant periods of time. Any local rules made by a council would take precedence over any regulations made under paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to regulate the leasing or licensing of rights of common generally (see paragraph 70), but could apply to any arrangements made by the owner of the common to lease or licence any part of the surplus grazing to a third party, since the owner’s right to use the surplus grazing is not a right of common. 170. Subsection (4) enables a commons council to make rules which have the effect of) limiting or imposing conditions on the exercise of rights of common, or the exercise of the rights of an owner to use the surplus of a common, The intention is that all those exercising rights, whether through rights of common or to the surplus, should be subject to the same rules. For example, a commons council might enter into an agri-environmental agreement that might require a period where no grazing takes place on the common. In such case all those grazing animals on the common would be required to remove them for the specified period. These powers of making rules are seen in the Establishment Order under the section on Functions of the council at (d) making rules relating to_ (i) Agricultural activities, the management of vegetation and the [exercise of] rights of common on the commons; (ii) The leasing and licensing of rights of common. Further under Rules: further provision 1. Rules under article 5(a)(i) may in particular include provision— (a) limiting periods when animals may be turned out onto the Common; (b) limiting the number of animals which may be turned out onto the Common during a specified period (for example, by restricting each commoner with rights to graze animals from exercising more than a specified proportion of those rights during the specified period); (c) (d) restricting or prohibiting the turning out of entire animals; prohibiting the turning out of animals by anyone not having a legal right to do so; (e) about measures to be taken to control disease among animals on the Common, including temporary prohibition of the grazing of animals on the Common; (f) about the supplementary feeding of animals on the Common; (g) about standards of husbandry to be followed by persons keeping animals on the Common; and (h) requiring from any person to be entered in the register maintained in accordance with article 8, the information described in that article. For the procedure for making, amending and revoking rules; see Article 7 of the Establishment Order. The Council is required at least one month before applying to the Secretary of State for confirmation of the rules to :(a) publish notice of its intention to apply for confirmation together with— (i) details of the website on which publication is required under paragraph (ii), in one or more local newspapers circulating in the area of the Common; and (ii) a copy of the rules, on an appropriate website; (b) give notice in writing of its intention to apply for confirmation, together with a copy of the rules, to— (i) every commoner whose name and address appears in the register maintained in accordance with article 8; and (ii) the owner of the Common; and (c) give notice in writing of its intention to apply for confirmation to, and deposit a copy of the rules with— 4 (i) the proper officer of Devon County Council, (ii) the proper officer of North Devon District Council, (iii) the proper officer of the Exmoor National Park Authority, and (iv) the chairman of each parish council and parish meeting within the area of the Common. (4) The Council must provide to any person who so requests a copy of the rules, before or after confirmation, on payment of a reasonable charge. (5) If any written representations are served on the Council before it applies for confirmation of the rules, the Council must send a copy of the representations to the Secretary of State with the application for confirmation, and the Secretary of State must take account of any such representations in deciding whether to confirm the rules. (6) The Secretary of State may confirm, or refuse to confirm, any rules submitted under this article for confirmation, but reasons must be given to the Council if the Secretary of State refuses to confirm them. (7) When rules have been confirmed by the Secretary of State, they come into force either— (i) one month after the date of their confirmation; or (ii) upon such later date as the Secretary of State may determine. (8) When rules have been confirmed by the Secretary of State, the Council must, at least 14 days before the rules come into force— (a) publish notice of their confirmation, together with a copy of the rules and notification of the date on which they are to come into force, on an appropriate website; (b) give notice in writing of their confirmation and the date on which they are to come into force to, and deposit a copy of the rules with— (i) the proper officer of Devon County Council; (ii) the proper officer of North Devon District Council; (iii) the proper officer of the Exmoor National Park Authority; and (iv) the chairman of each parish council and parish meeting within the area of the Common; and (c) give notice in writing of their confirmation and the date on which they are to come into force, together with a copy of the rules, to— (i) such persons (if any) as it considers represent the interests of commoners not included in paragraph (ii); (ii) every commoner whose name and address appears in the register maintained in accordance with article 8; (iii) the owner of the Common; and (iv) the chief constable of Devon and Cornwall Police. Preamble should set out the ‘command structure of rules in relation to ES and ES IMA ‘Command structure’ The rules are prepared under article 5(d) (i) of the Establishment Order and these rules are the means whereby the Council carries out its functions. Prior to the Establishment Order the the Common was subject to the ‘rules’ set out in the Internal Management Agreement (IMA) being part of the ES Agreement. The rules are the underlying form of regulation but during the term of the ES agreement the IMA and any agreed amendment to that IMA take precedence over the rules. BRENDON COMMONERS' COUNCIL DRAFT RULES AS PREPARED UNDER SECTIONs 26, 31 & 34 of the Commons Act 2006 1. Rules Relating to Funding the Council. 1.1. The Council may raise money to meet its operating costs through Environment Stewardship funding or other support and through levies (fees) on the exercise of rights of common or annual subscriptions. Such fees may take the form of a flat or variable rate. For example, for commoners, a variable rate may be calculated according to the number of common rights, the extent to which they are exercised and types of right in common held. 1.2. Any such levy / fee agreed from time to time by the Council will be reviewed annually and published on the website and is payable immediately on demand or may be deducted from distributions of Environmental Stewardship or any other distribution made by the Council to commoners. Failure to pay any levy / fee may lead to suspension of rights held and suspension from the Council. 2. Rules relating to Commons Register 2.1. The Council will maintain a ‘live register’ relating to common rights however all persons having rights must ensure that the Commons Register (currently held at Devon County Hall) is correct in respect of their entry and must upon sale, transfer and /or receipt of units contact Devon County Council in accordance with Regulation 44 of the Act and the Secretary of the Council/ Keeper of the Register, in accordance with article 8 of the Establishment Order and incorporating the information set out in that article. 2.2. Any person entered in the live register will be required to provide the information required within 14 days (see article 8 of the Establishment Order) upon demand by the Secretary / Keeper of the Register. Any person entered on the Live register must notify the Secretary of the Council / Keeper of the register of any changes of information (see article 8(3)) without delay (no later than 14 days of any change) whether demanded or not. Insert timescale 2.3. In the event of a change of ownership or status requiring an apportion of rights the apportionment must be carried out by or agreed by the Secretary of the Council / Keeper of the Register any person making such changes will be required to pay reasonable cost of that apportionment or interpretation of rights etc carried out by the Secretary / Keeper of the Register. 2.4. Any person entered in the live register or member of the public may upon application to the Secretary of the Council;a). Make an appointment to inspect the register without charge (Article 8 (4)) and make copies or take extracts, or b) On payment of a reasonable charge, be provided by copies by the Council 3. Council entry into ES Agreement 3.1 The Council may as part of the exercise of its functions enter into Environmental Stewardship or other agri-environment agreement and will assume responsibility for delivering its terms and for receiving and distributing payments 3.2. No person shall graze in contravention of any agreement for the management of the common made between the council and Natural England (or any successor body) under the auspices of an Environmental Stewardship agreement or similar. No person shall breach the terms of an Internal Management Agreement or other deed made by the council for the regulation of an Environmental Stewardship agreement or similar. 3.3. The Council shall for the period that the Common is entered into an Environmental Stewardship Scheme and for any period thereafter as agreed with the Landowner(s) assume the landowners responsibilities in respect of management of the vegetation of the Common. 4. Rules relating to Limiting Periods when animals may be turned out on the common 4.1. The Council may from time to time regulate the periods that animals may be turned out on the Common and the types of animals that may be grazed. (for example equines limited to (delete- registered insert -recognised) Exmoor Ponies only see note below). This maybe in accordance with an Environmental Stewardship Agreement, Directive from Natural England or successor body or disease control measure, (see rule 8), or such other reason requiring Council action. Designated periods will be known as restricted or prohibited periods Because of the current difficulties with Exmoor pony registration it is suggested that the term recognised be placed instead of registered. 4.2. The Council may from time to time limit the number of animals which may be turned out upon the common during a specified period (for example, by restricting each commoner with rights during the specified period): This maybe in accordance with an Environmental Stewardship Agreement, Directive from Natural England or successor body or disease control measure or such other reason requiring Council action. 4.3 The Councils directions upon limiting stocking (unless part of an Environmental Stewardship Agreement or similar) shall be published as Notice of Limitation and will be published on the website. 5. Rules relating to Grazing / Livestock Husbandry Prohibition of grazing the common by those not having rights or being a rights holder having not registered those rights 5.1. No person shall let graze (de pasture) on the commons any animal in respect of which he does not have an entitlement or if entitlement is held for which he has not registered the intention to graze with the Council. Rules relating to assigning and letting of rights 5.2. No person having the right to license another person or arrange for any other person to graze animals on the commons shall enter into any such licence or arrangement without giving to the Secretary of the Council notice of the numbers of such animals involved in any such licence or arrangement and the duration of the agreement. Note that the IMA does allow this. Suggest time limits (See also Para 7 below) 5.3.. No person shall allow any animal to be grazed on the commons without taking all reasonable steps to make sure that from the date of that animal's introduction it is hefted or leared or flocked in accordance with the custom and practice of Brendon Common as approved from time to time by the Council. 5.4. This section requires revision due to changed statutory requirements. No person shall allow to be grazed on the commons any cattle or ponies exceeding the age of 12 months or sheep exceeding the age of 6 months which are not permanently marked in a form that is readily visible for the purpose of identifying their ownership. Sheep should have a permanent incised earmark readily discernible together with a paint mark. All animals grazing the common must be marked in accordance with the appropriate identification, registration requirements. (Delete-The Council may waive the requirement of such permanent marking on application of the person grazing prior to the commencement of such grazing where the duration of the grazing is to be a single period of less than 3 months. For the purpose of this Regulation the application either of paint or of an ear-tag to a sheep shall not be regarded as forms of permanent marking.-deletion ends) Every person so grazing an animal shall one month prior to first grazing any such animal send to the Secretary of the Council a diagram and a description of the mark adopted for this purpose (to include the colour and position of any paint marking). The Council may require a person to alter or vary any mark which it considers cannot adequately be distinguished from that employed by another person grazing animals on the commons, and thereafter such person shall ensure that all animals grazed by him are marked in accordance with such requirement. 5.5. No person shall graze on Brendon Common any animal which he knows or has reasonable cause to believe is suffering from any disease which is a notifiable disease for the purpose of the Animal Health Act 1981 or any re-enactment or amendment thereof and a person who grazes on the commons an animal which is or which appears to be in a healthy condition and who subsequently discovers or is informed that the animal is suffering from such a disease shall so soon as is reasonably practicable and in any case within 48 hours arrange for the removal of that animal from the commons and for that animal to be tested. If the results of such a test confirm that that animal is suffering from such a disease that person shall undertake an inspection to ensure that other stock belonging to him and similarly grazed is not affected by such a disease. Further, if any animal is discovered to be suffering from a notifiable disease the person by whom it was grazed shall within 48 hours of such discovery notify the Secretary of the Council thereof. 5.6. No person shall graze on the commons any animal which has ceased to be thrifty and the Council may by written notice require such person to remove from the commons a grazed animal which the Council considers to have ceased to be thrifty or which would suffer unduly if allowed to remain grazing. That person shall remove such an animal within forty-eight hours of receipt of such a notice in default of which the Council may take steps to remove it. Grazing and Prohibited periods 5.7. No person shall graze a prohibited animal on the commons or a designated unit thereof during a prohibited period. A prohibited period shall be a period designated by the Council in accordance with advice concerning animal health or other matter or because of any outbreak of infection or of notifiable disease or in response to such locally prevailing circumstances as cause the Council to consider that the commons should not be stocked during that period and may apply either to all the commons or to such unit or units thereof as the Council decides. A prohibited animal may be an animal of any description as the Council may decide. When the Council has determined that a prohibited period is necessary and the appropriate extent thereof the Secretary of the Council shall inform all active graziers whose grazing is affected by the prohibition notice of the prohibited period and the prohibited animal or animals together with the reason for the prohibition. 5.8 The Council may require active-graziers to prepare disease control plans (in accordance with the requirements of the AHLVA or similar body) and to provide copies of the approved plan to the Council Secretary. 5.9 The Council may upon giving reasonable notice require active-graziers to gather stock upon the common for the purposes of assessing stocking numbers and identification, disease control or for dipping or such other routine purpose. Prohibited Animals 5.10. No person shall graze on the commons: a) A bull over the age of six months or a shod horse or a shod pony. b) A stallion or other animal which the Council considers to be a danger to any person or animal. Only Recognised Exmoor Pony Stallion(s) may be permitted to graze the commons and the period of grazing may be restricted. This provision allows the use of stallions on the Common but it was suggested that this must be a registered/recognised Exmoor Stallion and that the placing of any stallion must be by prior approval of the Council c) A ram or ram lamb between the delete - 31st day of July insert – The second week in August Suggestion that Mid August be the date of start of ram free period and the 10th day of November in any year d) Any animal prohibited as part of an Environmental Stewardship Agreement or similar. Supplementary feeding of grazed animals 5.11. No person shall supplementary feed animals grazing the common, except where such supplementary feeding is allowed on welfare grounds or has been permitted as part of an Environmental Stewardship scheme and or authorised by the Council. Removal of fallen stock 5.12. Any person shall arrange without delay for the removal from the surface of the commons of the carcass of any commonable animal belonging to him of for which he is responsible provided that it is possible to obtain access to that carcass. If he is informed of such a death by the Secretary of or by a reeve appointed by the Council or by a member or the Secretary of the Council and is instructed to remove that carcass he shall arrange for its removal as soon as is reasonably practicable following his receipt of such an instruction. Actions of a Reeve in relation to grazing Suggested that in order to detain animals there has to be a pound and there are implications with regard to animal movements and disease control 5.13. (i) Any reeve appointed or other person duly authorised by the Council may remove from the commons and detain any animal grazed there in contravention of any of the foregoing regulations. (ii) During the detention of any animal so removed from the commons (to a location agreed by the AVHLA or similar body), the Council shall arrange for it to be properly fed, watered and, if appropriate, sheltered and to receive any treatment, veterinary or otherwise, as seems to the Council reasonably necessary for its well-being. (iii) As soon as is reasonably practicable after removal from the commons of an animal in accordance with this Regulation the Council shall arrange for notice of its detention to be given to the owner of that animal. Such notice shall inform the owner where the animal may be collected. Unmarked animals may be disposed of if the ownership is untraceable within 10 days or earlier if welfare/ animal health is an issue. (iv) Before an animal is returned to its owner the Council shall be entitled to charge and receive from the owner of the animal the cost of its detention, including the cost of its maintenance and of any treatment the animal has been given during its detention. (v) If within ten days of giving notice of its detention to the owner of an animal that animal is not collected by the owner the Council shall be at liberty to sell the animal or to dispose of it how the Council sees fit and deduct from the proceeds of sale (if sold) all its costs and expenses incidental thereto before remitting the balance to the owner; if disposed of the Council shall recover from the owner all costs relating to the detention of and disposal of the animal. (vi) Where an animal is detained the owner of which the Council is unable to ascertain it shall advertise that detention in a notice appearing in two consecutive weeks' editions of a local newspaper The Council shall continue to keep the animal safely and if at the end of seven days from the date on which the notice was published for a second time no enquiry from the owner in respect of that animal has been received by the Council it shall sell that animal and deduct from the proceeds of sale all its costs and expenses incidental thereto. The Council shall then retain the balance of the sale money for six months and if in this time it is not reclaimed by a person who satisfies the Council that he was the owner of the animal so sold the Council may include that balance within its income for that financial year. Disputes regarding grazing 5.14. The Arbitrator to be appointed in event of a dispute to determine an appeal by an owner or his tenant or other person against the number of animals he may graze as prescribed in a Limitation Notice issued by the Council under Regulation 4 above shall be appointed annually by the President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Unless both parties agree to submit written representations to him the Arbitrator shall arrange a hearing at which the appellant and a representative of the Council may address him orally and shall before he makes an award make an inspection of that part of the commons to which the dispute relates. The costs of, and incidental to, the arbitration and award shall be in the discretion of the Arbitrator who may direct by whom the costs or any part thereof are to be paid. 6. Protection of the Common 6.1. No person whether or not having a right registered under the Commons Registrations Act 1965 or right or privilege having a similar subject matter as rights of common (including rights of grazing deriving otherwise than from rights of common) shall do anything or cause or allow any act to be done which in the opinion of the Council shall cause the natural beauty of the commons to be damaged. 6.2. The Council may require the removal of stock from the commons or from a particular part of the common where stock are being grazed or fed in contravention of any Code of Guidance approved by the Council or in order to prevent or limit damage to the commons. 6.3. No person shall burn moorland or cut bracken unless authorised to do so by the Council (in accordance with an Environmental Stewardship agreement or similar). 7. Rules relating to transfers of Rights 7.1. No Commoner shall allow the use of his right or part of his right by any other person, unless he leases to that person on a full agricultural tenancy (FBT or AHA) the proportion of his holding bearing the same relation to his entire holding as the part of his right does to his whole right. 7.2. Any active grazier wishing to lease or licence another to use his grazing units may do so to another active grazier for a maximum period of 12 months provided that both they and the grazier renting the units serve written notice upon the Secretary of the Council before such an arrangement has commenced. 7.3. Any Active Grazier wishing to lease or licence his grazing rights to another for more than 12 months of wishing to do so for a period of time following the expiry of a permitted period of 12 months may in exceptional circumstances apply to the Council for permission to do so. 7.4. Any Active Grazier otherwise leasing his grazing units or authorising another to use them for a period of longer than 12 months unless prior permission has been obtained under sub-clause 3b hereof shall cease to become and be paid as an active grazier. 8. Rules relating to change of status on live register between Active Grazier and Non Active Grazier 8.1. Commoners may not change status between active and in active grazier while the Common is part of an Environmental Stewardship Agreement or similar save by the method set out in the Internal Management Agreement or similar accompanying that agreement. 8.2. If the Common is out of Agreement and the Council (whether the Council continues to assume the landowners powers regarding management of vegetation or not) commoners may only change status (unless by force majeure) by notice in writing given to the Secretary of the Council 1 month prior to the Council AGM, and upon confirmation by the Council that the proposed change is agreed. The Council may require a transition period of up to 18 months before the change if agreed can take effect. 9. Rules relating to boundaries 9.1 All boundaries to the common (including gates, flood gates or other boundary feature) must be maintained in a stockproof condition. The Council may require repair to stockproof condition by service of a written notice allowing up to 14 days in which to affect the repair. In the event of failure to repair within the notice period given, or in the case of inadequate repair or emergency the Council may carry out essential repair and recover the reasonable associated costs from the boundary owner. 9.2 Boundary gates to the common must not be tied back or ‘back grazing,’ (grazing the common in conjunction with adjoining inbye ground), carried out. 10. Use of the common and impact upon the agricultural activities, the management of vegetation and the exercise of rights of common on the Common. 10.1. No person may use the common otherwise than in accordance with the rights granted by the Deed of Declaration made by the owners under Section 193 of the Law of Property Act 1925 and the relevant byelaws and rights under the CROW Act 2006. In particular no person shall use the common in any way that adversely impacts the exercise of rights of common, the agricultural activities or management of the vegetation ; (for example to drive a vehicle on the common, to camp, to light a fire, to allow a dog to worry stock, to disturb grazing animals etc) 11. Penalty for breach of rules 11.1. Any person who contravenes any of the foregoing Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale and in the case of a continuing offence to a further fine not exceeding £40 for each day during which the offence continues after conviction thereof. 12.. Interpretation Acts application 12.1. The Interpretation Acts 1889 to 1978 shall apply to these Regulations as they apply to any Act of Parliament and where the context so admits Section 2 of the Act (the Interpretation Section) shall apply to these Regulations and in the event of conflict the latter shall prevail. 13. Charges for copies of rules 13.1. The Council will provide any person who so requests a copy of the rules, on payment of a reasonable charge. The charge to be set by the Council, from time to time, and published on the Council Website. Additional Rules require drafting in relation to:Clearing the Common for dipping or other purposes Rules relating to Boundaries Dog worrying Note should be made of the Byelaws under Section 193 LPA1925